What do you count as 'binging'?



  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    A binge to me is when you have no control over it and consume an inhumane amount of calories in a short space of time. Isn't the medical definition like 3,000 in 2 hours or something? Kind of what other people said.

    It confuses me how people consider a whole pizza a binge? Are your pizzas much bigger than mine or something, because I used to eat a whole pizza and consider it fine. I know a lot of people who eat whole pizzas... s:

    I could put away a medium pizza like it was nobody's business. Papa John's spinach alfredo deep dish pizza ... yeah. Whole thing. Gone. But that was in Beforeland :/
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    A binge to me is when you have no control over it and consume an inhumane amount of calories in a short space of time. Isn't the medical definition like 3,000 in 2 hours or something? Kind of what other people said.

    It confuses me how people consider a whole pizza a binge? Are your pizzas much bigger than mine or something, because I used to eat a whole pizza and consider it fine. I know a lot of people who eat whole pizzas... s:

    Considering a 12" cheese pizza (no other toppings) is 1600-2000 calories, nobody -- except possibly a teenage boy with a supercharged metabolism, and even then it's a bad idea -- should be putting away an entire pie in one sitting.
  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    A binge to me is when you have no control over it and consume an inhumane amount of calories in a short space of time. Isn't the medical definition like 3,000 in 2 hours or something? Kind of what other people said.

    It confuses me how people consider a whole pizza a binge? Are your pizzas much bigger than mine or something, because I used to eat a whole pizza and consider it fine. I know a lot of people who eat whole pizzas... s:

    Considering a 12" cheese pizza (no other toppings) is 1600-2000 calories, nobody -- except possibly a teenage boy with a supercharged metabolism, and even then it's a bad idea -- should be putting away an entire pie in one sitting.

    Oh wow. I had no idea 12'' was like, the normal size?! I've only ever had those small frozen pizzas that are like the size of your hand haha.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Eating so much of my own birthday cake that I feel like I'm about to literally burst at the seams, then find I've put on 2lb overnight? Luckily, I now have no inclination to eat cakes, biscuits, pizza or anything else junk food like in a very long time, lol.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    to me binging is eating until you puke so violently that your ribs hurt for the next 3 or 4 days.

    the last time this happened to me i was horrified by my actions and vowed never to do that again, and i have not nor will i ever.

    live & learn.
  • driventotheend
    To me a binge is when no matter what or how much I eat, I am never satisfied. I can be full yet keep going back for more food - something salty, then something sweet, something crunchy, then something cold, etc. etc. The time that usually triggers a binge for me is when my husband is out and the kids are in bed, and I am all alone. I think it's a combination of feeling bored and lonely and also feeling free and unaccountable to anyone, no having to be a role model for the kids, no embarrassment of having a husband watch me go to town on a bag of chips.

    I'm actually really proud of myself because my husband went out with a friend last Friday and I was on my 3rd day into MFP, and instead of eating the whole kitchen, I made myself a healthy snack of greek yogurt with oat bran cereal on top, watched a couple of TV shows, and went to bed. Progress!
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    The 4 crescent rolls I just inhaled for no reason.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    Its when I pick up most of the bag of chips (cookies, candy, etc) and can't stop myself from eating.

    Its also eating when I'm not hungry at all.

    Or when I go to a party and can't pull myself away from the chip bowl.

    I've been really good about not doing this lately, thank goodness.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    For me it's not when I consume the entire Ben & Jerry's container.
    It's when I eat it from the container before it has a chance to melt.

    If I do it in increments over a few hours, sure. But if you've lost control of what you're eating, and you don't remember tasting it or letting the flavor hit your tongue and give yourself all the time to enjoy what you're eating.. then it's a binge.
    All stress/emotional eating, no enjoyment.
  • gilmangirl
    gilmangirl Posts: 18 Member
    I always thought of it as eating more than you really need to. Eating because you're bored, upset, or whatever even though you're not hungry. Then again, every once in awhile it's okay to have a small treat. A small bag of M&Ms or chips, a reasonable slice of pie or dessert after a healthy dinner. A cookie in between meals, nothing too extreme or very often. Of course, the only time I see binging exceptable and don't feel guilty are holiday dinners!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    when i eat more than i am supposed to, usually not recording foods on mfp due to the binge-regret.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    a whole day of eating goodies. if i go over 200-300 cals i dont feel i binged so much as just need to make up for it.

    a binge to me is going over by 1000 cals or more.
  • crmhaske
    crmhaske Posts: 66 Member
    Eating an entire cheesecake.

    Binge eating is any episode of uncontrollable eating typically followed by shame and guilt. Aside from the common emotional related binges, binge eating can also result from eating too little or turning down temptation a lot in one day. Physiologically speaking, we only have the resources to abstain from what we want a certain amount. The more you say no, the more likely you are to say yes the next time. You are at the most danger of giving in to temptation not at the birthday party where you were surrounded by food, but once you get home after an entire day of silently saying no to yourself.