Anyone need to lose 100+ lbs?! Add me!

New to this app. Just hoping to connect with people for motivation and support :) I'm 5'10 and hoping to lose 100+lbs, yikes! I have a 3 month old son and I'm hoping to lose these pounds by his 1st birthday (my personal goal). Add me!


  • delboy757
    delboy757 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes, for sure got to loose 100lb + lol
  • delboy757
    delboy757 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm at my heaviest weight. Not good
  • Martha_goals
    Martha_goals Posts: 8 Member
    I'm going to add you! We got this
  • Lkav88
    Lkav88 Posts: 50 Member
    My heaviest weight was 235 and my goal weight is 135, I still have 67lb to go so feel free to add me if you want :smile:
  • Burkhart67
    Burkhart67 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes I have to lose more than 100 pounds, I am also new here, and looking for support. Welcome to the group
  • Martha_goals
    Martha_goals Posts: 8 Member
    I'll add you ladies!
  • StrzyKa
    StrzyKa Posts: 6 Member
    ME! I have 103 to lose. I was down 10, then today up 1 which I don't feel like I deserved at all! Very frustrated & angry today.
  • StrzyKa
    StrzyKa Posts: 6 Member
    Oh.... I'm also tall... 5'11" and 52 years old.
  • StrzyKa
    StrzyKa Posts: 6 Member
    Ummmm how do I add someone?
  • TheHairyDadder
    TheHairyDadder Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah I definitely need to lose 100 lb /50 kg!
  • Jepharr
    Jepharr Posts: 12 Member
    110 pounds here. Add me too!
  • AnaA78
    AnaA78 Posts: 85 Member
    Click on the photo of the person you want to request.
  • amanda102815
    amanda102815 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm trying to loose 43 more pounds. I have lost 80 but put back on 24! I was so close to my goal! Then stress and life hit me hard! Need some motivation!
  • T3ach2L3arn
    T3ach2L3arn Posts: 2 Member
    I am looking to lose 110 lbs. I am restarting my journey after successfully losing 90 lbs and gaining 110 lbs back.
  • hlk545
    hlk545 Posts: 46 Member
    5ft 9 looking to lose 100lbs. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • cojo2cam2
    cojo2cam2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone I decided it is about time I really get serious to lose weight, I was so ashame of myself that I avoid mirrors, after I finally got off of my pity pot and seeing a surgeon that told me I could not have a necessary surgery because of me weight, I said to myself now is the time or I will not live to see another day.
  • cojo2cam2
    cojo2cam2 Posts: 2 Member
    I do not know how to add people, so if someone wants to add me please do.
  • tsmkatd
    tsmkatd Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 90lbs down from 260 between 2010-2011, maintained 2011-2012, starting gaining and losing 30lbs in 2013 recycling the weight while entertaining an eating disorder (just going to extremes with anything I tried then ending up binge eating and repeating a cycle of shame and guilt). I went on a vegan diet last january for health and moral reasons, lost 23lbs in 2 months, then got pregnant and gained all the way to 286lbs!!!!!! 3wks post partum I was 266, and ended up gaining 10lbs WHILE BREASTFEEDING of all things! I finally have the motivation to start again. And I am looking to break all my negative bad habits and live my life the way I've always dreamed once and for all!
  • tsmkatd
    tsmkatd Posts: 4 Member
    StrzyKa wrote: »
    ME! I have 103 to lose. I was down 10, then today up 1 which I don't feel like I deserved at all! Very frustrated & angry today.

    Weight fluctuates daily for numerous reasons. Don't hold it to heart - I promise. What is more significant is a downward trend over a long period of time, even if there are little ups and down along the way. It doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong or that you are not actually losing fat. You may be holding more water or at a certain point in digestion or you may have gained some muscle mass - which- by the way, burns fat faster. If you find that weighing daily is discouraging you, try your hardest to weigh 1x a week or at least 3 days apart. Also- in the first week weight falls off. Especially if you have a lot to lose. It is very typical for it to slow to a normal pace of 1-2lbs a week after the first week. Don't be so hard on yourself! :)
  • Rogalina16
    Rogalina16 Posts: 71 Member
    Ive lost about 100lbs but still have about 55 to go tho feel free to add me!