Moms Losing 50 (Closed Group)



  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies! :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    hi ladies,
    Hope everyone had a healthy active weekend. I did. Today I went for a 3 mile walk at the park downtown. I love walking through the park watching all the families out enjoying each other, walking their dogs, feeding the ducks. I did good on my eating this weekend also and the water so hopefully the scale will show it. What exercises did you do this weekend?
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Hello ladies!! Sorry I'm a little late to the party, but I've often been told I'll be late to my own funeral so this is typical. ;) Anywho, my name is Amanda and I am from Northwest Alabama. I'm 26 yoa and I'm 5'7"ish, 228 lbs. I have two beautiful girls--Halle, who is 9, and Zoe who is 20 mos. I am currently a SAHM at least until school starts back then I will also be a part-time nursing student. I, like so many others here, have struggled with my wieght my entire life. I kinda think it's genetic because my mom has always struggled as well. But here I am at the heaviest I've ever been, even heavier than when I had my youngest child, and I am ready to finally make a change in my life. I have tried several "diets" in the past, have done the starvation thing, and have never had any solid results. I had lost about 30 lbs. when I lived in CO for almost a year and then gained it all back plus some when I moved back to AL. Good ole southern fried everything! LOL My goal is to lose approx. 80 lbs. and be in shape. If I only make it to 55 lbs. and am in shape I will still be happy. Anything is better than where I am now. Sorry for the novel, but this is me in a nutshell. See below for my SW, CW and weight goals. Thanks for allowing me to join! I am so excited about this group!!
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    themommie: Thanks for joining us!

    I've send private messages to everyone who posted on my original inquiry so we'll keep this open another day or so to give them time to post their start weights and then I'll start a new thread for the group that is going forward.

    Here are a few of my thoughts for the group and I'd love to hear yours -
    1. weekly accountability - pick one thing each week that is important to you that week that you would like the group to keep you accountable for, report in daily on your progress with that one area
    2. weekly weigh-ins of course
    3. if anyone is interested in posting your measurements we could do a monthly measurement check-in
    4. challenges - this is not something I am good with so I'd be looking for someone or several folks to chime in on this if the group is interested
    5. buddies - if you would like we could assign buddies and have it change each week/each month - whatever you think you would like

    That's it for now!

    All of these sound great!!

    This week I want to be held accountable for daily exercise. My goal is to join the 3500+ calories burned challenge for this week and stick with it. If I do 20-30 minutes of Zumba and 20 minutes of circuit training I should be able to accomplish this easy.

    I just weighed in yesterday and my CW is 228.6.

    I have been tracking my measurements but have only gotten my original and one since, as I have only been on MFP for about three weeks.

    I am willing to help out/start/participate in any challenges!! :) My competitive nature makes me work hard at them!

    Buddies sounds like a great idea!

    Just my $0.02 :)
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Here is a summary list of our group so far, we may have one more joining us, not sure yet.

    OnlyBellayy: Rhonda, 22, one boy. SW=154, GW=110

    kjjm08: Kristen, 27, married, Joey (5) and Bayleigh (1). SW=197 GW=147 then reassess

    shannonsnail: Shannon, 38, married, Olivia (1). SW=198 lbs, GW=148 then reassess

    themommie: SAHM of 7 - 3 still at home (11,13 and 14). Has lost 77 lbs but still has a ways to go

    Irishmomof2: Erin, 2 girls ages 11 and 4. SW=174.8, GW=125-130.

    fjune: Felicia, mom of 2 (8 and 6). SW=282, GW=200

    amber_hanners: Amber, SAHM of 3 (Kennedy (7) Maliki (5) and Kaegan(2)). SW=217, GW=150 then reassess

    rachel1496: Rachel, 26, Colin (3) and Sam (1). SW=223, GW=155

    KCRoyalsFan: Danielle, WAHM of 2 (Karsyn (3), Brett (13 mths)). Sw=141ish, GW=115

    tinalb28: Christina, mother of 3, getting married June 20, 2012, 30 yrs old. SW=192, GW=135

    vmwelch1229: Vivian, single mom to Kirsten (5), William (1). SW=220, GW=155

    tsmom1128: Alex, 26, mom of 2 (Nathan (8 mths), Natalia (5 1/2). SW=184, GW=135

    arh0117: Amanda, 26, mom to Halle (9), Zoe (20 mths), SAHM/part-time nursing student, SW=228, GW=150ish

    So that's 13 total - I think 15 will be our max :-)
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Btw, if anyone wants a good daily mini challenge, friend Charger440. He does a different mini challenge each day! Today's is 175 Tricep Dips.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    today is weigh in day for me and i must say im pretty excited i weighed in at 213 woo hoo
  • dogcrazy79
    dogcrazy79 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I was wondering if I could join your group? I'm a friend of Shannon's, I have a 13 month old and I'm looking for a supportive group of like minded individuals :)
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    If it's all right with the OP I'm good. The more the merrier! We are in the business of helping people and being supportive! ;)
  • dogcrazy79
    dogcrazy79 Posts: 4 Member

    So I'm Amanda. I'm 32 and my daughter, Sydney is a year old. I'm married and work out of the house as of last month (end of my mat leave). My start weight is 205, goal weight is 175. Ideal goal weight is 155 to 160 but that's too big of a stretch for me to even fathom right now!
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome to the group!! We're here is you need us, just a keystroke away!! ;)
  • rachel1496
    rachel1496 Posts: 65
    Great job Amber!

    Yesterday was weigh in day for me too, 220lbs so down 1lb since last weigh in and 9lbs total :)

    Glad you came to join us Amanda.
  • fjune
    fjune Posts: 27
    Welcome everyone! I'm so excited to be apart of a Weight Loss TEAM! Good Luck to everyone!
  • fjune
    fjune Posts: 27
    Also, wish me luck. We are taking a kids on a vacation this week/weekend and I am really going to focus on not "overeating" . I will try to continue to eat healthy and still try to lose in the process but if I weight in and my weight remains the same, you know that it was tuff!! :embarassed:
  • tinalb28
    tinalb28 Posts: 22
    good luck with your vaca. i know how hard it can be when you go on vacation especially with kids who can eat you out of house and home
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    I was on vaca two weeks ago and it was really tuff. I ended up gaining .6 back but that's a lot better than I expected. You'll be fine, and even if you gain don't best yourself up. Enjoy your vacation! ;)
  • fjune
    fjune Posts: 27
    Thank you!
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Good luck Felicia! I know how tough that can be but you are awesome and can stay on track!

    How is everyone else doing this week?

    As for me, I started Insanity on Monday and wow, that is all I can say at this point because everything hurts ha. I'm also running/walking so I am hoping that helps me lose some more :)
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    I am sticking to my 3500 calories burned challenge, even though I haven't done anything today, YET! And today's mini challenge is winshield wipers. Those look really hard!! But I'm in it to win it! No whining, no excuses! Here's the link to the post if you're interested! :)
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    I am sticking to my 3500 calories burned challenge, even though I haven't done anything today, YET! And today's mini challenge is winshield wipers. Those look really hard!! But I'm in it to win it! No whining, no excuses! Here's the link to the post if you're interested! :)

    I just did mine and here I thought it was going to be easy....NOT!!!!! But I did them!!
This discussion has been closed.