Here I am again

WEll,,I guess I can start back on a healthy lifestyle,,even though I already know how.. back in 2008 I weighed in at 315 that was November of 2008 to be exact, then by June 10 of 2009 I was down to 206. I went from a size 28 to a size 14 in 8 months. I was eating 1400 calories a day and working out a hour to a hour and a half 5 to 6 days a week, Maintained it for about a year. However, in April of 2010 I started to slowly gain in back, My goal was to be 180, but seemed to never get their so I gave up. Now I am back up to 260. I gained 55 pounds in less than a year, i have maintained this current weight since April of 2011. I am now in a 20 to size 22. I am miserable. I am angry that I allowed all of my hours of hard work to just be tossed out of the window. I will lay in bed at night thinking to myself, Are you serious,,you can't do this. you have to change go back to the old you. The next morning I will watch my calories and workout. I will do this for three or four days. If I don't notice atleast a 2 pound weight loss. I stop working out and go back in my old ways. I try to eat three meals a day,,but it seems at soon as I eat a Well balanced breakfast a hour later I am starving, so I eat a apple ad then I am starving 30 minutes later,,it's seems almost that my body is fighting against me to gain all of my weight back,,I think it may think that I am trying to starve it to death..So thoughts of Lap band have been circling in my head..wondering if that is, at this point my only option. I have had friends that have had gastric,,and they almost died from the surgery,,they hate life, because they can't eat or keep food down..i am just confused. I feel like I am in a dark tunnel and can't get out...


  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Well if you lost the weight before and maintained it, then surgery is not your only option.

    Also, the lap band is not this magical solution. My mom has it (she can't work out b/c of her bad knees) and has lost about 100 lbs, BUT she throws up a LOT b/c of how tight that band is.
  • I agree with you,,maybe it;s finding the motivation...
  • lola67
    lola67 Posts: 5
    Maybe you are not eating enough calories or the right balance of fats, proteins, and carbs to help keep you satisfied. Depending on what your workout is 1400 calories may be too low. Keep tracking what you eat change it up (healthy choices of course) and track how you feel. Most importantly remember you can do this and that you derserve it!!

    Best of luck!!
  • KrissyChefBaby
    KrissyChefBaby Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there. I'm Krystal. I am only 21 and have NEVER been at a healthy weight except maybe at birth. I have tried time and time again to diet or exercise or whatever I could think of but the longest it has ever lasted was 3 days no matter what new approach I took until now. It has only been a week but thats 4 days more then my norm and so far i'm not miserable so maybe it would be worth something to you. I work out (or try to) when I wake up and I try not to have anything except fruit before 12 and no food after 8. Between those hours I eat whatever I want without going nuts and without passing my set calorie limit. My struggle has always been restriction so instead of a quick fix I tried to work out a plan that is not painful that I could live with. Just try to find your comfort zone in that sense. Find something that doesn't cause you misery every step of the way or it may never last. [ I know this is like a novel but I hope it had some substance]:flowerforyou: and good luck!!
  • chillijam1
    chillijam1 Posts: 62 Member
    i dont think the gastric band is for you ,my mum also was thinking of it and we,ve managed at the mo to talk her out of it ,shes doing herbal life at the moment and has lost over a stone in month ,may be look at that to kick start you ,she was same as you at her wits end but shes really pleased with the result so far ,plus its keeping her mind off going to have a gastric band which the family is pleased about,i know this herbal life isnt a long term thing you could do but it may give you the incentive if you start to lose weight to carry on ,if you want to add me has a friend please do and if you want more info on herbal life let me know.cheers :smile:
  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree. A Lap band isn't that magical solution so many people say it is. My friend had one put in and she did lose weight, but at the cost of throwing up all the time. She told me it was because her body can't handle the food she puts into it. So, you still basically starve because psychologically, your brains sees all that food on the plate and you can only physically eat a tenth of it .... but you still try! Plus, she's now gained a good deal of her weight back because sometimes it's not about how much you eat, but about what you eat.

    I eat a lot of starchy food and am always hungry. Starches are famous for their ability to jump leap through our digestive tract that is responsible for releasing an enzyme that tells our bodies we've ate some food and are now full. So, have a hearty breakfast of cereal, toast, or even a shake...and all that starch and/or sugar basically goes right through you and not only will you feel a bit tired after, but you'll sure feel hungry soon too.

    I'm not recommending that you stop starches, but rather, that you just reduce them or eat a protein first and then whichever starch you're going to have. I read this GREAT book (well, my doctor ordered me to read it in all honesty lol)...called "The Glycemic Load Diet" and it really clicks. Totally explained to me why despite exercise and watching calories the inches didn't budge and I felt tired and hungry all the time. Should give it a look - if even on Google books.

  • thanks :)
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Don't do the gastric band. You lost it before and you can do it again. My thought is to eat six meals a day but in small amounts that is so your body don't think it's starving. Eat a lot of fruits, veggies, salads with salsa and Jenny O turkey ham or some type of protein. Try drinking more water or add a glass or 2 of fat free milk this help fill you up. Everyone here has great ideas just try some of them if one don't work try a different one. Need to also work some of them calories off as well just keep moving every day. Just say with your My Fitness Pal and we can help you.

  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Firstly CONGRATULATIONS you are still 55 pounds lighter. In anyones book that is fantastic.

    Secondly Well done for realising that you need to do something.

    Thirdly: IMO Please don't get a lap band - there are so many people on this site who have had more to lose than you and they have done this without a lapband.

    OK so where do you go from here!

    Give yourself a month to get prepared. After all its taken you 12 months to get here so another month wont hurt! :smile:

    Start by just logging everything you eat - don't worry to much about what or how much you are eating - just get back into the habit.
    Start increasing your exercise. One per week.

    Slowly then start making changes to your diet.

    Drink lots of water! Its the secret to weight loss!!

    Get some friends (feel free to add me!)

    I feel very confident YOU CAN DO THIS. The journey is never straight - lots of twists and turns and bumps in the road - but we are all here to offer support and help to each other.

    You are amazing.

    Welcome back! :flowerforyou:
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Bumping as I think there are others out there that can offer advice
  • Hi there and hugs to you. When I read your post your feelings really hit home and struck a cord within me.....I can lose weight and be very focused, then its as if my body trips a switch and puts me on a mission to gain!!! I have not considered surgery ever as really I would be too darn scared to. But now at 57 I am scared of all the ailments that obesity causes.

    I do think we are often far too hard on ourselves when we begin to have a blip, but often for me the "blip" begins when emotionally my strength is weakened. I turn easily to food for comfort.......

    So I join you on a "here I am again" mission and there must be so many of us on that same road we are not alone!

    (((hugs again)))