My Progress in Pictures: PCOS, Post Partum, & Breastfeeding. 50lbs down 20 to go!

Meh2Milf Posts: 12 Member

Working on fitness before TTC with PCOS and on the pill around 115ish:

Pregnant after early loss, progesterone treatment, and no PCOS medication. It was a hard year physically and emotionally. 144lbs:

20 weeks pregnant at a healthy weight gain:

My due date. During the third trimester I had some complications, I put on 50lbs in 3 months and it destroyed my body. Total pregnancy gain 70lbs. Picture at 214lbs:

I desperately wanted an all natural birth but my son was still wedged crooked and posterior in my pelvis after 3 hours of pushing. Pictures is 1 month post c section at approx 200lbs:

14 months PP after correcting diastasis recti, numerous bouts of clogged ducts/mastitis, and a baby who only slept 1.5hrs at a time I finally figured my ish out! In late March I started IIFYM after learning I was very protein deficient and I feel like a new woman! Before I was trying to lose weight constantly tired and hungry. I am not perfect, I've had a few hiccups, but I am overall improving and feel so much healthier. My LO and beastfeeding have remained priority and I've had no supply issues. Recent picture around 163lbs:

Back in my PP jeans pictured above⬆

My body is definitely way different now. My tummy and arms are holding on to a lot of fat in comparison to the rest of my body. My first goal is to reach my pre pregnancy weight, then I will go from there. I know I still have a long way until I'm at a healthy weight. We do want to TTC in the next year or 2. But I want a much healthier pregnancy next time so I don't want to TTC until I'm a healthier weight. I am still breastfeeding approximately 8 times a day and once at night. I can't wait for more progress!

If you get a rough start or feel like there are too many hurdles, just never stop trying and eventually you will make progress!


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    You look great! Congrats on your progress, and your beautiful baby :smile:

    Thank you for sharing your journey. I think many women are taken aback at the unexpected difficulties they face during pregnancy, childbirth, and after. It helps to know you're not alone, and that it's perfect natural not to 'snap back' immediately. Sometimes it takes time to heal (emotionally and physically, not to mention adjusting to all the changes, sleep deprivation, breastfeeding, etc.).
  • hoorayselma
    hoorayselma Posts: 127 Member
    edited May 2017
    Wow what a journey.. congrats on your hard work and success and bundle of joy!!
  • birdtobe
    birdtobe Posts: 105 Member
    Great work! My youngest baby" turned 10 last week and I am JUST getting my act together. Being a new mom is incredibly hard work! Congrats on your amazing progress!
  • moreclan9
    moreclan9 Posts: 54 Member
    You are doing terrific. Don't forget you made an entire HUMAN BEING! It may take a little more time to get where you want to be, but WOW...look what you did!
  • Meh2Milf
    Meh2Milf Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you ladies! I was feeling down on myself and was tempted to take an "off" day today. But I came back to re-read your comments and remind myself of my progress. I'm feeling better now, and I know I need to keep the momentum going!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Very inspirational, thanks for sharing! Glad you and baby turned out fine after the complications, hopefully more sleep is in order these days!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Great job!
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    Meh2Milf wrote: »

    Working on fitness before TTC with PCOS and on the pill around 115ish:

    Pregnant after early loss, progesterone treatment, and no PCOS medication. It was a hard year physically and emotionally. 144lbs:

    20 weeks pregnant at a healthy weight gain:

    My due date. During the third trimester I had some complications, I put on 50lbs in 3 months and it destroyed my body. Total pregnancy gain 70lbs. Picture at 214lbs:

    I desperately wanted an all natural birth but my son was still wedged crooked and posterior in my pelvis after 3 hours of pushing. Pictures is 1 month post c section at approx 200lbs:

    14 months PP after correcting diastasis recti, numerous bouts of clogged ducts/mastitis, and a baby who only slept 1.5hrs at a time I finally figured my ish out! In late March I started IIFYM after learning I was very protein deficient and I feel like a new woman! Before I was trying to lose weight constantly tired and hungry. I am not perfect, I've had a few hiccups, but I am overall improving and feel so much healthier. My LO and beastfeeding have remained priority and I've had no supply issues. Recent picture around 163lbs:

    Back in my PP jeans pictured above⬆

    My body is definitely way different now. My tummy and arms are holding on to a lot of fat in comparison to the rest of my body. My first goal is to reach my pre pregnancy weight, then I will go from there. I know I still have a long way until I'm at a healthy weight. We do want to TTC in the next year or 2. But I want a much healthier pregnancy next time so I don't want to TTC until I'm a healthier weight. I am still breastfeeding approximately 8 times a day and once at night. I can't wait for more progress!

    If you get a rough start or feel like there are too many hurdles, just never stop trying and eventually you will make progress!

    Thank you for this post. I can totally relate! Now...please take note that i am 5'10" with very wide hips so my numbers are way higher (i went through a bad year at 16 and weighed 153lbs, stopped menstruating, had blue lips and lost my hairs with bones poking out. So you can imagine that my healthy weight is about 180lbs even though its "overweight" of 6lbs). Anyway. I met my fiance at 190lbs, gained 20lbs. Got suddenly pregant at 210lbs and was 275lbs when i gave birth!. So much weight but i was sick for 5 months of pregnancy...i was sick the moment my stomach did not have crackers or dry carbs in it. It was pretty awful but my son is great :). Then was unable to produce more than 1 ounce of milk a day for over 6 weeks of trying so i gave up and that did not help the weight loss...

    2 months after giving birth i was 264lbs. Then when my boy turned 1 i realised I HAD to do something. Weighed myself after starting (was afraid to see the number! Lol) so my first weigh-in a few days after starting was 248lbs and 2 months later i am 227lbs. Its nice to see that you lost so much weight and hope to lose til pre preganancy weight. I'd like to achieve the same, 17lbs to go...and then possibly 190lbs like when i met my soon to be husband!

    I cannot relate to the hardships of ttc but i can definitely relate to pregnancy problems ruining your body and i also hope that for my next pregnancy, i will gain 40lbs MAX.

    I also have no full body pictures of after brith as I've avoided cameras as much as possible.
  • Meh2Milf
    Meh2Milf Posts: 12 Member
    I wish you lots of success noirelb! It can be difficult but it's totally worth feeling better physically and emotionally :smile:
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    Thank you! I hope you get where you want to.
  • Amethystwolf
    Amethystwolf Posts: 50 Member
    Congratulations an your success and thank you for posting! I am 6 weeks post partum, breastfeeding, and slowly starting to get rid of excess weight. It's great to see other moms who have done it too, gives me hope lol
  • Chelly0126
    Chelly0126 Posts: 14 Member
    So inspiring!
    I've been feeling down lately bc I've been eating clean and exercising but the number on the scale doesn't seem to change, which is discouraging! Breastfeeding with two under two.
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