Need some encouragement! Please :)

I just started working out, eating right, and using this website. It's been about two weeks now and I am not really seeing any results. My weight fluctuates so much! One day I will lose 1lb the next I'll gain 2lbs. I thought i'd lost 5lbs this past two weeks but I just weighed myself and I am back at 0lbs lost. I am not feeling very motivated to keep going. How long did it take you all to see consistent results?


  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I'm like you, I'm all over the place. It takes time, but keep at it. I am pretty certain alot of my problem is my salt intake. I have a tough time with that! Two weeks isn't long, tough it out, you'll get results. I didn't see it on the scales much at the beginning, but when I took my monthly measurements, it was there!
    Add me it you'd like! We can do this!! :flowerforyou:
  • Lauren38570
    Lauren38570 Posts: 239
    you totally read my mind , lol yes salt will slow it down
  • mdias23
    mdias23 Posts: 15
    I just started working out, eating right, and using this website. It's been about two weeks now and I am not really seeing any results. My weight fluctuates so much! One day I will lose 1lb the next I'll gain 2lbs. I thought i'd lost 5lbs this past two weeks but I just weighed myself and I am back at 0lbs lost. I am not feeling very motivated to keep going. How long did it take you all to see consistent results?

    when i first started i was the same... it was SO discouraging but once i got down the clean eating and watching my salt intake and paying attention to "that time of the month" it got easier... your weight is going to fluctuate from day to day and its normal to fluctuate within hours... just keep at it and maybe try taking measurements. if your just starting to workout you could be gaining muscle mass at the same rate as your losing fat :)
  • I_Believe_22
    Thanks everyone :) How do you watch your salt intake? I don't usually salt and pepper my food but I am sure you are talking about salt that is already in the foods...