I'm just getting started on my health journey and i KNOW ITS gonna be hard I've never dieted before I've always been comfortable denial about my weight but the 320lbs on my small frame is out of control so someone please help me....what exactly should i do to GET started


  • Lauren38570
    Lauren38570 Posts: 239
    Hey , I am still new at this too luckily I don't have alot to lose but my best advice is moderation and start cutting back , it's baby steps at first because it's very hard to give up everything all at once in my opinion.Try to stay at your calorie goal but if you go over one day try to eat healthier the next.I work out monday-friday so that helps alot.I try to not eat all my excercise calories but sometimes it's hard not to.Just be positive and have faith in yourself you can do it.I hope thath elped
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    I started by figuring out what I was eating to begin with. And exercise. I started by walking. Just one foot in front of the other. As I got stronger I have been able to progress to more difficult stuff.... but walking did me wonders at first!

    Once I figured out what I put in my face every day, I started changing it to healthier food with less carbs and more protein.

    I am still learning and figuring out what works best for me, but I exercise every day.

    Good luck and welcome to the rest of your life!!! Happy to be on this journey with you!
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    I started at 300 pounds. First and most important thing is PORTION CONTROL!!! Use this site, and its wonderfulness in the food diary, that is what keeps me on track.

    I don't know what your medical insurance situation is, but I also work with a nutritionist.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    How about just log everything for a couple of weeks...dont change anything just yet, just log then you can look at exactly what your problems and weaknesses are.

    Also don't try and change everything in one go, it often backfires. If you are given 1500 calories just work on keeping to those 1500 to start with, then try sticking to your nutrient ratio...carbs and fat amount are the max but don't worry about overshooting the protein (you can set the ratio manually but I'd leave it or the time being) after you have that licked try cleaning up your diet (less junk, cleaner eating) a bit at a time.

    Use the search function for anything you're not sure of but if you feel the answers don't apply to you feel free to ask them on here

    Good luck
    thanks everyone I'll keep all advice in mind I've already cut out soda its BEEN 3weeks so I'm slowly starting so thankful i found this site very encouraging!!!!!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    here is what i did and you run with it how you want....
    i changed my diet rid of sodas (diet and regular) and started drinking water all the time
    i got rid of white bread/rice, substituted whole grain/wheat breads/rice
    eliminated most sugars and try to watch my carb intake (diabetes)

    i then started doing 30 min. of cardio--whatever activity you like or are comfortable doing
    i started adding about 5 minutes onto my time after a few weeks, then adding on another 5 min. every week after.
    i now do 45-60 min. of cardio a day (5-6 days a week) and i lift weights 4-5 days a week as well....

    the point is to are going to mess up here and there, but dont stay down....pick yourself up and start again
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Great advice here, I agree with the plan to start by logging what you are currently eating.
    Once you've done this for a while you will soon see where your calories are coming from.
    Then you can gradually start to get some healthier melas in there.
    It doesn't have to happen all at once, just start logging and it will fall into place from there!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    thanks everyone I'll keep all advice in mind I've already cut out soda its BEEN 3weeks so I'm slowly starting so thankful i found this site very encouraging!!!!!

    this is a great start.....keep making changes accordingly and youll see some results very soon
  • TrueCowboysFan
    here is what i did and you run with it how you want....
    i changed my diet rid of sodas (diet and regular) and started drinking water all the time
    i got rid of white bread/rice, substituted whole grain/wheat breads/rice
    eliminated most sugars and try to watch my carb intake (diabetes)

    i then started doing 30 min. of cardio--whatever activity you like or are comfortable doing
    i started adding about 5 minutes onto my time after a few weeks, then adding on another 5 min. every week after.
    i now do 45-60 min. of cardio a day (5-6 days a week) and i lift weights 4-5 days a week as well....

    the point is to are going to mess up here and there, but dont stay down....pick yourself up and start again

    Great advice mindeyc..... we all have to START somewhere. Walking is probably the easiest and best way to get started with exercise. And always drink plenty of water (you will be surprised how good it will make you feel). I have completely cut out sodas from everything. I have not had a soda in over a year.