critique my work out

whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
hi guys, i've recently joined my local council run gym (its my 3rd week) and although i've had my induction i've not been given a programme to follow so have just been using the machines, both cardio and resistance in the order i was shown in pretty much, and i like it its easy to follow but i wonder if it can be improved. i wear a hrm for my work outs which take about an hour and burn roughly 600 cals (i've allowed myself to get really unfit) average beats per min is usually in the 150s and i never drop below 135 even when doing the resistance machines, so even though i only spend about 20 mins doing actual cardio i remain in "the zone" (whatever that is but my polar ft4 tells me i'm in it) for at least 40 mins.

below is a break down of my work out, with rough settings listed (obviously this may mean nothing to those who use other machines etc), all machines are lifefitness ones and i've used the names they use for them. guess i'm just after advice seeing if i'm heading in the right direction or if i should change the order of things do more here, less there etc. i'd ask the staff in the gym but the only one i'd actually trust to give me any advice is the guy who did my induction and he really rubbed me up the wrong way.

5 mins recumbant cycle (or upright) level 5 kilamanjaro hill setting (2.5 mins going up, 2.5 going down)
5 mins eliptical same setting as bike

sholder press 7.5kg
chest press 15kg 15 reps
row/rear deltoid 25kg 15 reps
tricep press 27.5kg 15 reps
lat pull down 27.5kg 15 reps
bicep curl 17.5kg
leg extension, doesn't have weight on it but plate 9, 15 reps
leg curl, doesn't have weight on it but plate 9, 15 reps
glute 30kg 15 reps (basically stood up and push a plate on a track behind you)
seated leg press 30kg

500m row concept 2 rower with resistance set to 10
5 mins summit trainer level 3 kilamanjaro hill setting (this thing nearly kills me, its pure evil, hrm nudges 200bpm during this)

i then do the resistance machines again sometimes i can't always do the full 15 reps on the shoulder and chest press but i do as many as i can normally about 10

then some light ab work followed by 3-5 mins on the bikes

feel free to criticise it but be nice when doing so, at the moment i don't want to introduce free weights saving that for a future date



  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    please note i've not been logging food for a couple of weeks as been getting back into the exercise habit i can only stress about 1 thing at a time normal logging resumed yesterday and is a work in progress
  • Well this is just my personal opinion - but I find that cardio really is the best for burning fat - my normal workout would involve between 30 - 45 mins of non-stop cardio - say bike or crosstrainer and then every other day maybe 20-25 mins of weights, core work etc

    I think maybe you could maybe increase the length of time spent on one type of cardio machine? I just find that switching through a lot of machines is very beneficial but can really sap your time?

    Your best bet is probably to speak to the trainer in the gym - he may have annoyed you - but would it be biting off your nose to spite your face if he could help you with a professional programme?

    hope this is somewhat helpful :)
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    I would take out some of th machine work, and add in some lunges (with weights) deadlifts and squats.
    Don't do as many reps in one go, do 2 sets of 8 but alternating from each exercise to the next.
    Don't do the ab work on the bike instead, do some crunches on a Swiss ball, then some reverse crunches, and the plank exercise hold the plank for 60 seconds and do it twice.
    If you do this work out right and with heavy weights you will be sweating and completely knackered!
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    Make sure you are eating at least 100g of protein a day
    Try setting your macros to 30/40/30 carbs protein fat.
    Eat bulk of your carbs after a workout. Less carbs the better on rest days.
    KWCARER Posts: 2
    I would return to the gym and ask for a workout for your needs because they can put together a workout for you. I thought that is what an induction is about. Just ask whoever is working at the time you go. Some are more helpful then others. Good luck I am not ready to start at a gym yet but once I have lost a bit of weight I am going to book myself in too. Let me know how it is going. :)
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    thanks for the advice so far folks, forgot to state i am doing this 3-4 times a week with a couple of 45 mins zumba sessions on the kinect
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