is this wheat intolerance?

I know, I know, I should see my doctor, but reading around on the net shows that a lot of the medical profession think it doesn't even exist. I don't want to look like a hypochondriac!

I made a blog post recently about this. I've suspected for some time because the day after I eat bread or pasta, I feel like death warmed up. Shivery, headaches, snuffly, aching all over. I've had IBS in the past, but that hasn't reared it's ugly head for over a year.

I'm so frustrated. I'm doing Diet Chef, which means that my meals are pre-prepared, and so far it's working out really well for me, but my choices are limited due to a mild celery allergy. If I cut out the two pasta dishes as well, I'm not left with very much! I like Diet Chef - it's convenient and works well with my working hours (I'm not cooking when I get home from work!)

Does anyone with wheat intolerance have tips for living with it - I mean, rather than cutting out wheat, do you drink more water, for example, or have any 'rescue' ideas for that wheat hangover?

Any ideas appreciated.



  • Artist_Keith
    Hey, you dont have to eat wheat at all. Its very possilble. There is rice flour, rice noodles, rice burritos, rice cereal, etc. good luck.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Check my food diary, Lovey. There are plenty of options! But you will have to re-train your appetite. If you really have this allergy, wheat is toxic for you. I have been headache-free for months now. Good luck!
  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    Have you had a allergy test done (Im assuming you have if youve discovered youre allergic to celery)

    Maybe theres something else going on?

    When was the last time you had a full check up at the Drs?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I've been wheat free now for five weeks, and WOW what an improvement in my depression symptoms. Here is the thing though, if you go non-wheat, double check labels. Did you know that the second ingredients in Twizzlers red or black licorice is wheat? It creeps up pretty much anywhere. My rule of thumb is is can't be in the first 3 ingredients as those are the highest concentrate. It takes about a week of reminding yourself what not to eat, but it does get easier. Then you find that passing up the cookies and cakes are because you don't want that sick feeling afterward, even from a nibble. Hope some of this might help.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You can't self diagnose. Go to a doctor and get tested.
  • sallywag
    sallywag Posts: 26
    My brother-in-law has been diagnosed as coeliac. He has an intolerance to all gluten and manages it really well. There are lots of alternative products available widely in the UK. If he does eat gluten he does refer to it as a wheat hangover, interesting you used the same term.
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    You might be allergic to gluten, although Ive never heard of your symptoms as a wheat or gluten intolerance but I only know people with gluten intolerance. I cant eat gluten, and if I do, i feel like I need to go to bed for about 10 hour, my stomach bloats out to look about 6 months pregnant. It also contributes to depression, irritability, stress etc.

    If you are allergic to something, its actually damaging your intestines, and can cause many health problems down the line, so Id recommend getting it checked out,as opposed to finding a way to get over the horrible feeling the next day. Theres LOADS of products in health food shops etc,...they do cost a bit more though.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Did this problem pop up when you started the pre cooked meals? Or did you have the problem before you started? If it is a new problem, maybe the company is using something in preparing the meals. I had a similar problem with a vegetable wash chemical that many restaurants used to use. MSG does it to me also. Talk to your doctor about allergy testing.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    It is possible. The tricky thing about it is that it can manifest in so many different ways, so without testing, it is hard to know for sure that it isn't something else. I have been avoiding gluten/wheat for several months now, and I feel so much better! Less bloating, less headaches, and way less joint pain. I don't find it too difficult to find things to eat...but lots of processed/packaged foods contain wheat. I have found that I can tolerate a small amount here and there, but I usually avoid pasta/bread made with wheat flour. There are plenty of gluten free products out there, but it can get expensive. Eating whole foods, lean meats, nuts, fruits/veggies, rice etc is a cheaper way to go...although I'm with you on not wanting to cook after work. I have found some lower fat/Cal gluten free frozen dinners, if you want to go that route. Good luck!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I went wheat free last year after been stuck at 12st 7 for over a year and hearing people with thyroid probs have probs processing it.

    This last week I didn't have any gluten free bread and no local shops stock it so got regular bread thinking a few slices would be ok, but I also have the shivery problem and been going to bathroom several times a day but constipated when I do go!

    I've done an online shop for some more gluten free and going to see if things settle down if I don't have anymore and go back to gluten free. I didn't actually think I was intolerant I just tried it to lose weight and was encouraged by the intital 7lb loss the first week and 18lbs the first month so stayed on it.

    I did have stomach cramps but my monthlies are due so I just put it down to them, if symptoms vanish when go back to gluten free bread I will stay wheat free.

    I can also tolerate other types of gluten and was fine on rice krispies which i think has some type of gluten in it but its not wheat. I don't have any problems with oats either.

    It is expensive I think a small gluten free loaf is like £2.50 and sizes are often much smaller than regular bread. Mrs Crimbles double choc GF brownies are divine though! :happy: