Home workout queries

Wombat468 Posts: 191 Member
I'm a member of a gym but don't go much. I'm thinking of quitting it and setting some stuff up to use at home, but I have minimal space and a minimal budget! At the gym I normally only do weights. I could afford some dumbbells (I normally use 18Kg at the gym) but I'm wondering how I could make the equivalent of weighted squats, leg presses and bench presses? (I usually squat about 40kg and bench 35kg, and leg press 80kg). Are there any bodyweight or low-equipment versions of these that would work similar muscles and would have a high enough weight to challenge me? (Eg do press ups work the same muscles as bench press?) Thanks!


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    You can youtube for "You Are Your Own Gym" and take it from there. Every option from 'got nothing' to 'got stuff' can be turned into a workout routine if you just do it.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Beach body sells barbell and barbell weights along with a bench and steps for home gym use. They are quite good. I have a set and use it for my body pump home workouts. It is all easy to store and put away.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    What is your overall goal?
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Before investing in equipment, I'd put some serious thought into why you're not using your gym membership and if you're actually going to work out at home since you're not using your gym membership a lot. If it's a lack of motivation then setting up some home equipment isn't going to solve that IMO.
  • Wombat468
    Wombat468 Posts: 191 Member
    Before investing in equipment, I'd put some serious thought into why you're not using your gym membership and if you're actually going to work out at home since you're not using your gym membership a lot. If it's a lack of motivation then setting up some home equipment isn't going to solve that IMO.

    Hmm yes, it is lack of motivation! Would I not be more likely to do it if the stuff was already at home? (And it would be cheaper!)

    My overall goal is just muscle definition. I like how my body looks when I go to the gym, but I'm inconsistent.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    CiaraCatch wrote: »
    Before investing in equipment, I'd put some serious thought into why you're not using your gym membership and if you're actually going to work out at home since you're not using your gym membership a lot. If it's a lack of motivation then setting up some home equipment isn't going to solve that IMO.

    Hmm yes, it is lack of motivation! Would I not be more likely to do it if the stuff was already at home? (And it would be cheaper!)

    My overall goal is just muscle definition. I like how my body looks when I go to the gym, but I'm inconsistent.

    Some people are more likely to workout at home vs the gym. Some are much less likely to workout at home vs the gym. I'd recommend supplementing your gym workouts on the days you don't go with home workouts. You'll see if you like them without quitting the gym.
  • avadahm
    avadahm Posts: 111 Member
    I work out at home but instead of heavier weights, I use lighter ones with more reps. As I get better, I'll buy heavier. Yes, if I was at a gym I would probably be able to do 5-8 heavy reps of something. At home its more of a toning with dumbbells and yeah you'll feel them!

    Get an exercise ball, a few resistance bands, a mat and some dumbbells. You'd be good. Oh and maybe a pull up bar. There are exercises galore with body weight training and they'll make any muscles more defined if you're doing it right.

    Good luck!
  • kerriw2010
    kerriw2010 Posts: 1 Member
    i went and bought some exercise bits from tk maxx and i also have started following a channel on youtube I've put the link below :)

  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I use exercise DVDs at home (Tracy Anderson) and also exercise routines from YouTube. I walk outside, too. I just move the coffee table over each morning and lay down a yoga mat to work out on. It seems effective, and it's cheap. I haven't bought many weights because I'm mostly using the weight of my own body.

    In the past, I had a home gym with lots of equipment, but I no longer have the space for it.
  • Wombat468
    Wombat468 Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses - that's really helpful! I'll maybe try some home stuff before quitting the gym, and see how it goes!
  • jenmarrs429
    jenmarrs429 Posts: 45 Member
    I lift at home. I only have dumbbells up to 40lb, which works well for isolation exercises.
    For compound exercises like squats and bench press, once I ran out of dumbbells I switched to bodyweight versions.
    Weighted squat became one legged squat
    Bench press became pushups

    For leg press I would do weighted lunges and one legged bridges.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    edited May 2017
    CiaraCatch wrote: »
    Before investing in equipment, I'd put some serious thought into why you're not using your gym membership and if you're actually going to work out at home since you're not using your gym membership a lot. If it's a lack of motivation then setting up some home equipment isn't going to solve that IMO.

    Hmm yes, it is lack of motivation! Would I not be more likely to do it if the stuff was already at home? (And it would be cheaper!)

    My overall goal is just muscle definition. I like how my body looks when I go to the gym, but I'm inconsistent.

    Personally, I've never been able to find the motivation to work out at home even though I genuinely enjoy exercising and exercise 5-6 times per week. I usually can consistently work at home two to three times before I completely fall off track, and I tend to slack off at home. The only thing I've been able consistently do at home is a few quick and basic strength exercises after running and stretching. To be honest, the only reason I do the strength training after running at home is because my PT told me to and anytime I lack off on doing them my injury begins to resurface. Some people are more likely to exercise at home, but it's just as easy to put it off and make excuses not to do it. Think about how many people have exercise equipment at home that are just dust collectors.
  • beanz744
    beanz744 Posts: 221 Member
    do INSANITY at home for 30 days as a test for ur motivation. it needs no weight n it WILL give u definitions. buy the equipment if u can pass this test