Left over calories

lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
Hi guys,

I have read that its good to eat all your calories.

Sometimes I do not do this - i eat at least 1200 but if I exercise I earn more - is this bad? Sometimes I'm scared that the exercise cals burned are over estimated and food is underestimated even though I try and over estimate.

My diary is open so feel free to take a look ;)


  • crmhaske
    crmhaske Posts: 66 Member
    I never eat them back for the sake of eating them back. That's unnecessary and unhealthy. I do look at them as a sort of cushion. If I've burned 1000 calories exercising that day, then the piece of chocolate I want is safer to my diet than on a day where I didn't exercise at all.

    Eat if you feel tired and dizzy, very common symptoms of not getting enough to eat. Don't eat because some arbitrary number is telling you that you should.
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    Believe me I never would wait till I was dizzy.

    I agree eating for the sake of eating is not the wayto go.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    If your worried about it overestimated cals burned, then simply ay to yourself that your cushion is only half of what it says and don't eat back more than half.
  • mangirl
    mangirl Posts: 93
    Although the numbers might not be 100% accurate, we can not look at them as if they are arbitrary. MFP is designed so you lose weight eating the deficit without exercise.

    If I were you and it has been 2+ weeks without seeing a change in weight, I would try eating the exercise calories. Your metabolism might have adjusted to your lower caloric intake.
  • Doogywoogy
    Doogywoogy Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I look at my calories left over on a weekly basis. I normally do significant exersice twice a week and on those days I end up with about 400 cals a day left over. I dont eat them up, I save them for weekend so I can have a couple of glasses of wine. Then when I look at my weekly calorie chart it all evens out. I have been losing about 2 pounds a weeks doing it like this so far.

    I would not eat the spare cals for the sake of it. I never go hungry, as this could have a counter productive effect on my diet and fitness plan.
  • lfirman
    lfirman Posts: 5
    I keep getting a little warning message when I don't eat enough calories and my projected weight is not as low. I'm like you, I didn't trust the exercise calories, according to this I burn more than I eat? I did a little experiment and added some snacks through my day and I did have a 2 lb loss, but gained it back after a weekend at the beach '~' Overall, I've dropped 1 clothes size and 7lbs since June 1, so I'm pleased plus, it's FREE :)
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