Over 100lbs to lose

edonald90 Posts: 10 Member
Hello there. I'm​ a 26 year old woman. I have been big my whole life but it got much worse after high school and definitely after college. I have over 100lbs to lose could probably lose close to 200. I am 357 lbs at 5'5". Anyone is a similar situation? I have friends and family members who want to lose a few pounds but nothing close like what I have to lose and they don't understand. Would love to make some friends with people in a similar situation. Any new friends welcome though!


  • HNSara
    HNSara Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I am in a very similar place. 110lbs to lose, 5' 4", started this morning. If you need a buddy, just let me know.
  • edonald90
    edonald90 Posts: 10 Member
    What has been working best for you? That's awesome! I hope in 9 months I am close to where you are! I have tried losing weight a bunch of times and I have decided this is my final try. I will get there no matter what or how many times I have to get back on track.
  • Dynam1ght
    Dynam1ght Posts: 5 Member
    I'm trying to lose 50+ pounds again
  • jomarsh80
    jomarsh80 Posts: 5 Member
    5ft 6 with just over 100lbs to lose here
  • oceanpearl33
    oceanpearl33 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'5" and I have 100bs to loose as well. I just started today after stepping on the scale. I just had blood tests to reveal I have high blood sugar along with already have high blood pressure/severe sleep apnea(treated)/ constant sore lower back due to weight. If anyone else is experiencing medical side effects that are similar and motivating a change for them, please let me know.
  • Misskcm
    Misskcm Posts: 143 Member
    Hi! Congrats on getting started on your journey. Although I cannot possibly understand your specific situation I did have about 85 pounds to lose starting December 2015. And February I was at the 60 pounds to lose mark.
    If you need a shoulder to lean on or a friend to push you feel free to add me!
  • cf20028
    cf20028 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same sinking boat! Starting today and hand over 100lbs to lose. I need a lot of support because I don't get much from my 30 inch bf who eats junk non stop! So I we can support each other !!!
  • purple79carol
    purple79carol Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5.5 and got about 100lbs to lose, my highest weight was 318. Down to 258 but I want to get down to about 160 or so, feel free to add me.
  • tiffaninghs
    tiffaninghs Posts: 200 Member
    edonald90 wrote: »
    Hello there. I'm​ a 26 year old woman. I have been big my whole life but it got much worse after high school and definitely after college. I have over 100lbs to lose could probably lose close to 200. I am 357 lbs at 5'5". Anyone is a similar situation? I have friends and family members who want to lose a few pounds but nothing close like what I have to lose and they don't understand. Would love to make some friends with people in a similar situation. Any new friends welcome though!

    weight loss surgery in conjunction with the ten day smoothie cleanse a few times and going high fat low/no carb.. im now vegan tho.. but thats a whole nother beast...

    oh and i have three gym memberships and workout until im drenched almost everyday with my day off consisting of yoga. sounds daunting cause honestly it is but it becomes a way of life

    good luck
  • luvluv1234
    luvluv1234 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi! I have lost 20 and have at least 100 more to go. Please add me as friend!
  • RebeccaGabriele375
    RebeccaGabriele375 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi There! I have never been 300 pounds luckily! I'm at 253 right now so I'm in the same boat as you all I need to lose weight too! I wanna lose 100 pounds or more as well but it's just so hard when there's a lot of food around ugh :/ I need moral support it would be great if I could get some!!!
  • CNG24
    CNG24 Posts: 432 Member
    Hello!!! I'm 260 and 32 years old. I seem to bounce between my current weight and 275 pretty frequently. I'd like to lose around 100+ right now. I definitely know how you feel and love making new friends as I just signed up for the third time last night.