Why does water make me nauseous?



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I have the same issue. I put in something like mio, fruit, crystal light. then, viola, no nausea
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    You might be allergic to water. Try tapering off of it for a few weeks and see if this problem goes away.

    Okay. Not serious. But does this happen with other drinks?

  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    go to walmart and buy a gallon of spring water.
    see if it still does the same
    small town water can be yucky - well water can be down right nasty

    well water can have sulfur/iron (but those are easily removed by "separating people from their money").

    In a lot of places well water will be a MUCH better public water supply source than treated surface water. In my area all they have to do most of the time is add the government mandated amount of bleach (no chloramines since there's little organics to form THM's in our well water), and off it goes to the tap.

    Private well water in my area can be quite awesome. And even with "problem" water a simple filtration through a backwashing manganese dioxide media bed gives clear water (that might still be hard, but good water nonetheless).
  • MZimmer2014
    MZimmer2014 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016

    I know this post is old and, to be honest, I didn't read all of the comments so someone could have already told you this but your stomach acid pH is probably too high (too basic). It's really common and can be because of diet or genetics or medication, stress, really anything. It's easily fixed by tweaking your diet slightly or there are many over the counter (or prescription) medications that can fix it that are relatively cheap. And in some cases you only have to take them for a week or two and then your body recalibrates itself (as was the case for me).

    Most water is close to neutral (7) in pH but the stomachs normal pH is closer to 2 so it can dissolve all of the food and whatnot. If for some reason your stomach's pH is higher than normal, adding water, at a pH of 7, would exacerbate the issue, making your stomach acid even more basic. This can cause a variety of symptoms discomfort and nausea are two of them. Your digestive system functions a little differently when you sleep and can take a few hours to adjust, which could explain why this mostly happens to you in the morning.

    I just did a quick google search and it looks like its called Non-Acidic or Alkaline Reflux (similar symptoms to acid reflux).

    I'm not a doctor or anything but if this is still bothering you, I encourage you to google the symptoms and see if they match and maybe bring it up with a Dr. :)

    Oh also, I'm not saying to stop drinking water....water is important. (I know yall know this but...yeah lol)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Is it Spring Water? I drink distilled because spring water makes me nauseous and gives me diarrhea. Maybe try boiling tap water or trying distilled water.
  • 230to142
    230to142 Posts: 6 Member
    smaug5ever wrote: »
    For a long time. About a year, I believe. I'm definitely not pregnant, and it happens with bottled water and water that's not from my house, too, so it's not that. Also I actually don't drink enough water; I'm a little dehydrated.

    Happens to me too. I have to drink it slowly throughout the day. Tap water is full of chemicals and so is bottled water. If you can, have your water tested for heavy metals. Ours was just high enough in iron to turn my stomach, but not turn everything orange. I got a $40 filter from Lowes and I sip water slowly during the day, no more stomach ache. Good luck!
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    What about filtered water from the tap?
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited May 2016
    smaug5ever wrote: »
    For a long time. About a year, I believe. I'm definitely not pregnant, and it happens with bottled water and water that's not from my house, too, so it's not that. Also I actually don't drink enough water; I'm a little dehydrated.

    Have you tried putting lemon in your water? That helps me. I hated drinking water and now I start in the mornings on an empty stomach because it makes me less likely to eat as much. I have had well water for about 15 years and actually prefer bottled water.

    I don't really like the flavored waters because they make me even more thirsty but you could try those. You could also try tea or lemonade.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    edited May 2016
    Drinking plain water gives me acid reflux and makes me feel queasy. So does replying to posts from Feb 2014! haha
  • thecolemans4
    thecolemans4 Posts: 1 Member
    I know this is an old post, but I have been struggling with the same problem for at least two years. But a few days ago, I had to start taking clindamycin for a dental abscess, and all of a sudden, I'm craving water, drinking lots and lots of it, and having absolutely no problems! I've taken other antibiotics during this time but I never had that happen. Suddenly water is delicious again. I don't know why, but I sure am happy about it. In just two days, my skin is better, my wrinkles are vanishing, i've lost 5 pounds, and I feel so optimistic.
  • rkmast81
    rkmast81 Posts: 1 Member
    Same problem here... I found out that a *pinch of sea salt* on my tongue helps get it down with no problem. (Started this after reading book on "Water" by Dr Batmanghelidj)... Only 1-2 c of water per day was causing health issues that cleared up after starting with that!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    I've been making a tea out of ginger root and cinnamon sticks then diluting it for flavored water. The ginger could help with nausea if you drink it slowly. Lemon is good in it too.