Hey I'm new to this an this is really do or die for me right now

Mikewjr88 Posts: 6 Member
edited May 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey how are you I'm good thanks.. That's the reply i always give when I'm asked how do I feel an it's a lie.. I feel like s*** an it's no one's fault but my own i weigh 345 pounds an I've been pretty much over 300 since I was 19.. life is getting harder but I have one big fight left in me an I'm going to give this my all i set a goal to lose 135 pounds... I was wondering is it possible to lose that in 9 months or am I setting my self to high a target I'd love to be at my goal weight for my 30th birthday.. tomorrow will be my first day starting this if anyone has any tips or could help I would appreciate it if you want to add me that would be great... thanks for taking the time to read this...


  • michellebirtleeds
    michellebirtleeds Posts: 62 Member
    Hey, I'm glad you posted here. I don't want to discourage you but 135lb in 9 months might be a little ambitious. Try things for a month and see how they go. I find that I end up binge snacking due to hunger if I try for too great of a calorie deficit.

    What are your plans to loose the weight? Diet changes, exercise, changes in daily habits?
  • TheTagman
    TheTagman Posts: 23 Member
    That's a pretty ambitious goal, but when you break it down, it's 15 pounds a month. People with serious amounts of weight to lose can sometimes drop pounds faster than thinner folks. Specially if they go with a eating plan that drops pounds fast, like keto, combined with exercise. You can do pretty much anything if you're willing to do what it takes. I wish you the very best of luck and feel free to add me...I'd like to watch you succeed!
  • ISparkyI
    ISparkyI Posts: 158 Member
    Mate honestly I think that may be a bit too much to try and achieve realistically in the time that you have allowed. I've decided to break down my whole weight I need to lose in easy to aim for increments. The main thing you need to decide is how you are going to approach this, and what is your motivation, and it definitely looks like you have the right attitude. You can add me if you want as it would be great to get more people involved in our journeys.

    I walked the dog for 20 minutes the other day, for me it was a big step in the right direction to start losing weight. Start with something simple, and build from there.

    Also we are lucky enough to have such a supportive network of people on here so definitely get involved. All the best.
  • Mikewjr88
    Mikewjr88 Posts: 6 Member
    My plans to loose the weight are pretty much everything you said.. My eating habits are bad the first thing I'm doing now is cutting out added sugar and processed food.. I'm going to start eating breakfast I never really ate breakfast before.. for exercise I'm just going to start walking first.. I'm going to count my cals with this app it said my calories for the day is 2570 so I'm going to try go for that...
  • doylean
    doylean Posts: 2 Member
    The most valuable lesson I've learned is that if you're going to cheat on your diet and exercise plan, do it smartly! I used to binge when I got cravings ... if I wanted cake, I would get one of those mini cakes from Publix and eat the whole thing in one sitting. That's practically my entire daily allowance of calories and fat! And then I would think, "Oh well, today is completely shot, so I might as well order pizza..." Don't make the same mistakes that I made. If you have an uncontrollable craving, first try drinking a big glass of water, or taking a walk. If you still want that junk food you're craving? Eat a little bit of it! Now, if I have a cake craving, I buy a single cupcake and immediately log it into MFP, and then eat a lighter dinner to compensate. It's about balance. You have to start somewhere, and personally, I find it easier to make small changes rather than waking up one morning and saying I'm no longer eating any sugar, carbs, or anything that has a ingredient that I can't pronounce. Decide what feels achievable to you, and for the tougher challenges (like my sugar addiction), take baby steps to get you where you ultimately want to be.

    Related to this advice: Clear out your pantry and refrigerator and fill them up with healthy foods and snacks. If you don't have a bunch of junk food in the house, you'll be forced to go out and seek junk food, which gives you time to really think through the implications. And hey, no one says you have to be a saint about what you eat - I'm steadily losing weight eating Lucky Charms for breakfast every day. I measure it out, so I know exactly how much I'm eating. Eventually I'd like to eat better breakfast food, but this is working for me.

    And finally, don't get discouraged if you don't hit your weight loss goal by your 30th birthday. That's an steep goal (most people lose 1-2 pounds a week with diet and exercise), but every person is different. Like @michellebirtleeds said, give it a month and see how it's going. Be proud of any and all progress you make - every little bit counts! Good luck!
  • SuziQueue
    SuziQueue Posts: 64 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi Mike -

    Welcome to MFP!! This is a good place, filled with great people. We cheer each other on, help each other out, hold each other accountable, and lend a shoulder or a kick in the @$$ when you ask. =)

    I agree that 135 lbs in 9 months is a lot. Not that you couldn't do it -- you could!! But your health & skin will likely suffer.

    Nevertheless, decide what you want & set the goal! Then take this journey one day at a time.

    As you go along, you'll learn a lot. Commit to doing your best each day with what you know, learn all you can, and work toward establishing a routine. Once there, commited, & working your plan daily, the weight will start melting off & you will be INSPIRED!!

    The best results come from making small changes & then consistently working your plan every day!

    The daily consistency is the magic sauce. (Pun fully intended!)

    Did I mention daily consistency?! Lol

    Don't strive for perfection. Strive for improvement. Reach out for help whenever you need it, and don't let a failure or bad day (or 3) knock you off your game. Every day is a new beginning.

    Bravo for taking this first big step of joining MFP & the community!!

    Suzi Queue
  • SuziQueue
    SuziQueue Posts: 64 Member
    edited May 2017
    Oh yeah! Doylean reminded me of a valuable early lesson. Log *before* you eat. I went to the movies, had a small popcorn (I wanted the tub!), then logged it hours later & nearly had a stroke!! 800 calories and a tanker load of fat & carbs.