Please help, gaining, not loosing weight

I have been working out religiously for over 2 weeks now. I know that weight lose is a process but i thought i would have seen some kind of decline in the scale or in my measurements or something. I have been doing the beachbody P90 (not P90x) and I have noticed a difference in my strength and endurance. but nothing else. I use a heart rate monitor to get as close to my calories burned as possible. I even became so desperate that i started working out two times a day. MFP says I should eat around 1450 calories a day to loose 1.5 lbs weekly. I drink alot of water, i always drink 2 cups at once so that my body doesn't feel like it doesn't wanna drink. I think I eat pretty healthy, still tweeking and trying to figure out what works best for me. I've tried working out on a empty stomach but that just made me famished. So I eat something very small before i workout. I have this thought set in my mind to "eat clean." That get kind of hard when your always on the move and not much time for cooking.

I really just don't know what to do. My clothes don't even fit the same anymore. They're tighter. This really sucks and I'm starting to get discouraged. Can you all please help, tell me something. I want to continue my journey but from the looks of things, I'm just like, what's the point?


  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    What is your 'Net' calories consumed daily/weekly?

    If you are really pushing the exercise and calorie burns but not eating any back you may find that your body has other plans...

    I like this posting on the subject.
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    Stop doing the work out you are doing and just try walking. When I first started I tried doing the 30 Day shred and I wasn't losing any weight at all. I stop the 30 Day Shred and started walking again and the weight started to come off again.
  • thompson000
    If you open up your diary so everyone can see it would be able to suggest some ideas.....
  • theprices
    theprices Posts: 97 Member
    Two weeks is not nearly enough time for you to see any major results, or to get discouraged for that matter. Might I suggest you open up your diary so we can see what you are eating.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    can't comment on eating ideas since your diary is private, but maybe you are putting yourself in starvation mode if you aren't eating back any of the exercise cals....don't give up, regardless, if you are working out and eating right, the weight will come off. Even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it!
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    You may be one of those lucky people who build muscle faster than they lose fat. If your body is naturally muscular, you may have to cut back on muscle building activities and just do low resistance cardio. I had to do that. I actually get bigger with traditional strength training. You might want to try walking, yoga, and/or pilates if your goal is to get leaner. Dancing is also a fun activity.
    In addition, I found that exercising at night is my best time. I see faster results when the last thing I do is exercise (around 8 o'clock). In addition, it forces me to eat my dinner around 6pm.

    Good luck:)
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    2 weeks is not enough time, check out the advice the folks here in this thread have given you about the web site, opening your diary, making sure you are eating enough etc. This is a slow day by day process to get and stay healthy/fit (that should be the main goal, not just a number on a scale). Good luck.
  • Sharon1829
    Sharon1829 Posts: 12
    Interesting. First if all, don't get discouraged. I am going to have to agree with an earlier post and say to try walking at first. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. You if your burning fat and gaining muscle you won't see as much as a difference as you will feel a difference. An example, I walk 6 days a week. On three if those days I use weights. However I only weigh and measure on morning after I have walked.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Ifyou are new to working out this is normal.

    Your muscles are being abused/injured and are possibly retaining fluid to help heal them.

    I was up about 5 pounds after 2 weeks of doing P90X the first time. I ended up losing 16 pounds after 90 days and then another 16 after the next 90.

  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I think you're trying WAY too hard. RELAX :smile: Working out alone is not going to help you lose weight, it's a mental thing as well. You should probably take at least one rest day between every workout at first, so as not to over-stress your body. Your body is probably holding on to a lot of fluids in a desperate attempt to heal those muscles you're working so hard. Take a breather, trust the process, and good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • kendlecj
    kendlecj Posts: 2

    Let me preface by telling you that I am a dietitian. I work with people trying to lose weight on a daily basis. Don't get discouraged yet! If you were not eating enough calories before, it is completely normal for you to gain weight in the beginning. Right now your body is saying "whoa what are you doing? is this person going to stop eating again, maybe I should 'bank' these calories?" Also, if your clothes are getting tighter this could be because you are building muscle and have not lost the fat yet. Try to eat every 2-4 hours to keep your body in high metabolic drive. Give it two more weeks and you should start seeing some sort of a change, either on the scale or in your clothes. Continue to work out once per day 5-6 days per week. Your body may respond to exercise the same as it does to stress where energy will be conserved not spent do not over do it. Good luck and remember the journey is the reward!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I disagree with the muscle weighting more than fat and am really quite sick of this theory being put about. Its just an excuse for a weight loss programme not working! NO offence but really, if that were the case female bodybuilders would weight a lot but they generally weigh less than 60 kgs!
    Also I think if you have the programme right you should notice some kind of difference in two weeks, if you have been consistent enough. That would be my pointer - are you really being consistent , every day?
    I know for years (and its still easy to do) I'd be really good during the week but slip up in the w/end so it was always a case of one step forward and then one step back again.
    Someone once said to me if you break your "diet" once a week, you will still lose weight, twice a week and you will plateau and three x a week and you'll gain again. I think its a good rule, one meal off and thats it! No nibbling a bite of this or a bite of that as it can really add up calorie wise -that includes eating your little ones left overs as you chuck them in the bin, another guilty habit of mine!!!!
    Consistency rules !
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    the same thing happened to me!!!
  • hsquared87
    hsquared87 Posts: 73
    I have been there before. When ever I really start working out again I gain at least 3 to 5 lbs. But after a few weeks it does start to come off. I would sugest you ditching that second workout. They really don't help at least not for me all they did was make me stressed and sad.
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Well You really give us anything we can work with to help You out. Open up your diary so we can see whats happening.
    Eat protein, lower the bad carbs, eat veggies exercise. Try removing all dairy products.
    This works stick with it.
  • slynn777
    slynn777 Posts: 17
    Hi. don't get discouraged! I have been exercising hard (including P90X) Since about April. I really picked it up the last three months though. I have only lost 2 pounds! I am not discouraged though, because I notice a difference in my strength (I can do a LOT of squats) endurance, my face looks thinner, my belly is flatter and my thighs are thinner and more shapely. And my boyfriend told me my butt is definately looking toner. It took a LONG time to start seeing results.....I see muscle definition in my arms and I look good (slowly but surely, these changes came). They will for you too. I know I am keeping my weight stable by my muscle gain. Even though the scale has barely budged, I have not been this healthy in years. You just gotta keep at it, and stick with it. consistency rules.
  • pghsteelerfan
    pghsteelerfan Posts: 132 Member
    NO< NO< NO< NO !!!!! Change that "TUDE" right now!!!!! < shaking my finger at ya>!!!! NEVER get discourage when you are doing something positive for yourself, in spite of the scale's numbers.... You said it feel your endurance is already improving....

    Your body isnt sure what youre doing..its trying to wait you out...hoping old habits will come back...Its determined to get you discouraged... DONT LET IT!!!! Maybe you have to look at your there too much sodium in what youre eating??? Are you eating too late into the evening??? All kinds of things...any vegetables? Fruits? R U eating enough?? Too little??? Just re-evaluate what you are doing...take a closer look..there are plenty of things to eat without cooking... Cereal , yogurt in the mornings...fruit salads, garden salads...fruit smoothies?? SUBWAY veggie hoagies??? Its your pick..

    Post your diary if you havent already..this way your MFP's can help advise you as to what might be keeping the weight on...and get lots of MFP's as friends...they will help dust youoff when you fall... start with me...
  • mrsthefifth
    Don't panic! I know it sounds trite to say muscle weighs more than fat but the way you describe your workouts that sounds like the case. So right now you are just converting fat to muscle and not seeing a difference on the scale. But hang in there because you will!
    You say that you have noticed a difference in strength and endurance. That's progress! Only two weeks in and feeling stronger? I'ld say that's great progress!
    Keep up the good work!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Stop doing the work out you are doing and just try walking. When I first started I tried doing the 30 Day shred and I wasn't losing any weight at all. I stop the 30 Day Shred and started walking again and the weight started to come off again.

    I have to agree. Especially if you have a large amount of weight you want to lose. I'm hoping to lose 60 plus pounds...And I started with just walking. Now I'm able to do walking, exercise videos, etc... If you are going from zero exercise to crazy exercise your body is gonna balk! Start slowly and get your body excited for exercise first. And don't give up! Results aren't instant...hang in there! :)
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    NO< NO< NO< NO !!!!! Change that "TUDE" right now!!!!! < shaking my finger at ya>!!!! NEVER get discourage when you are doing something positive for yourself, in spite of the scale's numbers.... You said it feel your endurance is already improving....

    Your body isnt sure what youre doing..its trying to wait you out...hoping old habits will come back...Its determined to get you discouraged... DONT LET IT!!!! Maybe you have to look at your there too much sodium in what youre eating??? Are you eating too late into the evening??? All kinds of things...any vegetables? Fruits? R U eating enough?? Too little??? Just re-evaluate what you are doing...take a closer look..there are plenty of things to eat without cooking... Cereal , yogurt in the mornings...fruit salads, garden salads...fruit smoothies?? SUBWAY veggie hoagies??? Its your pick..

    Post your diary if you havent already..this way your MFP's can help advise you as to what might be keeping the weight on...and get lots of MFP's as friends...they will help dust youoff when you fall... start with me...

    I too needed this chastisement... I've been working out (not as religiously as the original poster, but running 40 min 3 days a week, and walking 2 miles (about 30 min) on the other days) since July 1st... I haven't seen much difference... the first week I lost 4lbs (I knew this would happen, water I'm guessing?) and nothing since. It's discouraging. I spent Sunday and Monday Angry and discouraged, and crying... alot. I KNOW attitude is a huge part of this, and I KNOW I need to change it... but its sooo hard! My poor husband had a raving lunatic on his hands for 48hrs. I'm back to my normal self today, but still bummed out about it all. :( SO! I guess this was a good post to run across today! Thank you pghsteelerfan, and to everyone else who so willing hands out encouragement!