Need help!!!

I am 25 years old and i have two babies under 2 years old. Since i was 15 i have suffered from bad athrist. Also being over weight going from 305lbs to 145lbs and now im back to 230lbs im only 5ft 1in. They doctor says HAVE to lose weight because itll make my arthritis worse if i dont. I already have a bad knee and ankle. All my fat is on my hips thighs legs.. im size small in shirt and 14 16 in pants.. i need alot of help to lose weight especially om my legs.. Iv started eating right and exercising i went from 255 when i had my son 6 months ago to 230 currently and im stuck. I need help on exercising what can i do to shed pounds without hurting my knee or ankle to bad. Any advice with help.. thank you..


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    weight loss is down to your calorie deficit, so make sure that's right if you cant exercise much.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight, it helps to increase your calories out, and make you fitter and healthier.

    Weight loss comes from calories in being less than calories out. This mainly comes down to diet - and you're in the right spot for helping that happen. Input your stats, and find out your calorie goal. This is without exercise - if you manage to do some, it'll give you more calories to eat. This may be easier once you lose weight and don't have as much weight on your joints.

    Get a food scale, weigh all solids, measure all liquids and use accurate database entries to log everything that goes in your mouth. Do this consistently and the weight will come off!
  • chulipa
    chulipa Posts: 650 Member
    Have you tried braces on your knee and ankle or inserts in your shoe if your like me and knee braces just fall off. Try just walking start out slow and add distance as you go. If that is still hard you can go to the store and use a shopping cart and just walk around and around the store. You can also try swimming. Diet is still the most important just eat what calories MFP gives you and you will lose excercise is more for health and maybe a few more calories.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Get a good quality knee brace and ankle brace.
    For exercise you could try boxing / kick-boxing (without the kicking) / Muay Thai... just no kicking. Working with a partner or even on just a bag. You'll get a huge calorie burn and you won't be moving your feet/legs around too much. Once you start losing again and gain strength and endurance you can start moving around more and more... eventually the arthritis will start to let up and you can start kicking too... Also - for arthritis try doing a shot of 'Just Black Cherry Juice', in the morning. It won't work overnight or even in a month.. but after a few months if you're consistent it does wonders for arthritic inflammation!
    Good luck!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2017
    You need something low impact like swimming mentioned above. Ever tried using an Elliptical trainer? Also walking, stationary bike, calisthenics/body weight exercising.

    Not sure if you go to a gym or type of equipment you have or can get for your weight loss efforts and fitness goals.

    Spot reducing certain areas of your body does not work that way, just keep sticking to your calorie deficit consistently and you will eventually lose weight in all areas of your body.
  • krystaldosanjos
    krystaldosanjos Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone!!!!! This was very helpful. I will try a little of what everyone adviced!!! God bless you all:)