any challenges to loose 50 pounds or even 100 pounds going

im a newbie need to loose this weight need help tho lol any advice


  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    set goals that are not weight related Because you have a lot to lose, concentrating on weight may be discouraging at first. Set goals like:
    When I go to a restaurant, I will eat only 1 piece of bread
    I will work out twice this week.

    have a whole list that you can accomplish. Weight lost can be slow and unpredictable. Set your goals on things that you can control because the only way you are going to lose the weight is to never give up.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I am doing this right now -

    I have an end goal for next June, and have set mini-goals along the way too.

    Feel free to join us!
  • So far, I have lost 100 pounds, with 26 more to go to my end goal weight. So, I'll share what I did because well hey, it worked for me. I started out by just starting to be aware of what I was eating. "do i really need to eat all of this" Just being aware helped me start my weight loss. After losing a bit and stalling out, I went to see a nutritionist, who educated me about food (food pyramid wise) and gave me a meal plan. I stuck with it for only a few weeks, but did make major lifestyle changes in that time like substituting brown rice for white, measuring out my servings with a gram scale and checking what actual serving sizes are. Around this time, I joined a gym. A few weeks later, I joined myfitnesspal and honestly didn't pay attention at all to the nutrition of the food I was putting into my body, just the amount of calories I was eating in a day. Then I got to a point where I stopped losing and ended up having to look at exactly what I was eating.

    Now, I say this not to encourage you to continue eating bad food....but if you make a huge huge change right away, it will be so so so hard to stick with it. really hard. You can't think of yourself as going on a diet, its a lifestyle change, and lifestyle changes don't have to happen all at once.

    When it comes to weight goals, I set myself up a few big ones, and a bunch of tiny ones. I started at 256 pounds, and was at about 220 when I joined my gym last September. I have myself very very doable goals. My first was to break 200 by 2011. 2nd was to break 180 by my son's 1st birthday at the end of April. I kept with it and kept losing. My last goal was to break 100 pounds lost, which I just did last week. My end goal I want to achieve by my 27th birthday at the end of december. If you break it all up into chunks it becomes very manageable