Routine help (pleeeease)

kmaf2018 Posts: 124 Member
Hi everyone

I just wanted some help, so yesterday I did my own routine which I really enjoyed but from looking at it again it felt more like a lower body day haha! I had PT sessions from Nov to March this year but couldn't keep up with the cost of them plus I really missed doing the gym classes (i.e. Lesmills Pump, combat etc) plus my heart really wasn't into the weight sessions, I enjoyed them but not as much as I enjoyed classes so for the past two months I've been back at classes, doing some running, interval training and loving it. However, whilst with my PT my muscles became more pumped haha (underneath all my FAT but they are definitely there) and I wanted to maintain that teeny bit of muscle so at the beginning of May I go my eating back in order, reduced my wine intake, reduced my calorie goal (before I was messing up my cals and probably eating way more than I should) and up now have lost 3.5lbs since 3rd May, I know this is not a lot to some people and since Feb I have lost another 2inches from waist and 2.5inches from hips. My main goal is to lose fat which I'm currently doing on a calorie deficit but I enjoy doing some weight training too but I'm not at that stage yet of my fat loss where my "main" goal is to lift heavy etc etc, I want to do it for fun and to maintain that bit of muscle haha!

So yesterday looked like this (my bottom is sore today)

Bulgarian Split Squats - 12kg KB each hand - 3x sets of 8x reps
KB Swings - 16kg - 3x sets of 20x
Walking Lunges - 1x set of 16x with 24kg (to heavy, was losing form) and 2x sets of 16x with 16kg kettlebell (8kg in each hand)
Leg Extensions - 2x sets of 10 at 20kg and 1x set of 10 at 25kg (first time using the machine)
Leg curls - 3x sets of 10 at 15kg (first time using this machine)
Overhead press - 3x sets of 6 at 20kg's
Bent over rows - 1x set of 15x at 20kg, 2x sets of 7x at 30kg
RDL's - 3x sets of 10 at 30kg

I totally get that to some people this routine will look like its all over the place or some may think why am I even doing it but I do enjoy it.

However, do you think I could simplify it by reducing some of the workouts and add more upper body? I want to aim to do it 2-3x a week.

With my PT we did the assisted pullups and pushdowns - could I add this maybe?

Thanks in advance (and sorry to sound thick)


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited May 2017
    KMAF00 wrote: »
    Hi everyone

    I just wanted some help, so yesterday I did my own routine which I really enjoyed but from looking at it again it felt more like a lower body day haha! I had PT sessions from Nov to March this year but couldn't keep up with the cost of them plus I really missed doing the gym classes (i.e. Lesmills Pump, combat etc) plus my heart really wasn't into the weight sessions, I enjoyed them but not as much as I enjoyed classes so for the past two months I've been back at classes, doing some running, interval training and loving it. However, whilst with my PT my muscles became more pumped haha (underneath all my FAT but they are definitely there) and I wanted to maintain that teeny bit of muscle so at the beginning of May I go my eating back in order, reduced my wine intake, reduced my calorie goal (before I was messing up my cals and probably eating way more than I should) and up now have lost 3.5lbs since 3rd May, I know this is not a lot to some people and since Feb I have lost another 2inches from waist and 2.5inches from hips. My main goal is to lose fat which I'm currently doing on a calorie deficit but I enjoy doing some weight training too but I'm not at that stage yet of my fat loss where my "main" goal is to lift heavy etc etc, I want to do it for fun and to maintain that bit of muscle haha!

    So yesterday looked like this (my bottom is sore today)

    Bulgarian Split Squats - 12kg KB each hand - 3x sets of 8x reps
    KB Swings - 16kg - 3x sets of 20x
    Walking Lunges - 1x set of 16x with 24kg (to heavy, was losing form) and 2x sets of 16x with 16kg kettlebell (8kg in each hand)
    Leg Extensions - 2x sets of 10 at 20kg and 1x set of 10 at 25kg (first time using the machine)
    Leg curls - 3x sets of 10 at 15kg (first time using this machine)
    Overhead press - 3x sets of 6 at 20kg's
    Bent over rows - 1x set of 15x at 20kg, 2x sets of 7x at 30kg
    RDL's - 3x sets of 10 at 30kg

    I totally get that to some people this routine will look like its all over the place or some may think why am I even doing it but I do enjoy it.

    However, do you think I could simplify it by reducing some of the workouts and add more upper body? I want to aim to do it 2-3x a week.

    With my PT we did the assisted pullups and pushdowns - could I add this maybe?

    Thanks in advance (and sorry to sound thick)

    What are you trying to achieve with this plan? What are your goals (outside of a little fat loss)? What is your planned progression scheme?

    ETA: there is no chest work in there.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Find a proven progressive lifting program. Making up your own isn't effective usually. Here's a whole list you can choose from, from beginner to advanced.
  • kmaf2018
    kmaf2018 Posts: 124 Member
    I just dont want to be a skinny fat person as some would describe so i thought doing some muscle work would help me for when im losing weight - does that make sense?

    I will continue to challenge myself and increase weights/reps but I dont want my main focus to be able to lift heavier! I suppose im worry about losing fat and being saggy! Im currently 11st 8lbs 5ft 3inches so i do have quite a bit to lose!
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    edited May 2017
    Diet is your key to losing weight. TDEE-500 calories = -1lb per week. Lifting during this will give you muscle so that when you cut down enough weight, you will see it (and you will be stronger/feel better) thus avoiding the 'skinny fat' look. If you do not already, you must log your calories through digital scale and myfitnesspal account. This is the single most important thing with regards to weight loss.

    There are numerous lifting programs for a beginner, the key being they have progression, are made by those with lots of experience, and have good reviews. Tried and true programs:
    • Strong Curves (they have beginner or intermediate ones, 3 or 4 days a week so pick your level).
    • Strong Lifts / Starting Strength (do as written for 2 weeks, then you can add extra accessory work like abs, glutes, arms after your main lifts)
    • ICF 3x5 (like Strong Lifts / Starting Strength, but has accessories included already)
    • There are more which escape me, if you are interested I'm sure you can find them.

    For the 3 days a week programs, you can do lifting 3 days of the week, and light jogging/cardio 1-2 days on your rest day. The key is that the weights will progressively increase so that you have clear, measurable evidence of your progression (the difference between just being sweaty vs actual training and progression). If you squat just the bar (45lbs) then a month later you can squat 90lbs, it's clear that you are becoming stronger and building muscle under the fat. I suggest you have a mobile app to log your workouts, so you know what weight to select, whether you match or increase it (Progression on Android, Strong on Iphone).

    Last of all, remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Slow constant progression wins every time. In a few months you will look at yourself and realize truly how much you have changed and will continue to change.
  • kmaf2018
    kmaf2018 Posts: 124 Member
    Yeah I already log my food etc via MFP and like I said in my post since getting my eating back on form at the beginning of May I am down by 3.5lbs, before this I literally maintained or was losing inches instead but my calorie goal was too high and i was cheating alot!!

    Thanks for your tips!