Over 35 - no kids

Just turned 40, I have no children or plans to have them. Love other peoples' and people who have them. But it's sometimes difficult to find a group of people who want to lose weight where the main focus is not children. The last Facebook group I joined didn't start off that way, but when the challenges turned to stuff like, No eating off your kids' plates for the week! (I should have won that one....) There are so many "fit moms" groups, but not so many, "fit women & men who are at an age where most people have kids and even though you don't we will make you feel included" groups.


  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    I'm 39 and no kids for me either. I'm eating low carb as a means to lose weight/gain health...successful so far. About 27lbs down since Feb. The low carb group I'm a part of on this site, kids are brought up in passing and discussions here and there, but so far none of the challenges revolve around them and they are definitely not the focal point. I'm sure if you keep checking out groups and communities, you'll find one that grooves with you & fits. Best of luck and success!! :)
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm going on 34 with no kids. feel free to friend me. :)
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I'm 36 with no kids. Honestly, no one really mentions their kids on my feed except rarely. In contrast to things like coworkers I have who use kids as excuse for everything they don't do lol.

    It's because people like us who do not have children or conform to societal standards are subtlety shamed for our choices or in some cases our failures or shortcomings. Chin up. People don't realize they're doing it. So I've learned to ignore it. At least that's been my experience.
  • mspris2u
    mspris2u Posts: 161 Member
    46 no kids TG. DOGS rule! :-) I don't do many online challenges but do them with my bootcamp buddies in RL. Start your own group/challenge maybe?
  • mockturtlejo
    mockturtlejo Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! In my 30s - no kids. Trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle - lose weight and get fit! I'd like to be able to run up a few flights of stairs with no problem. Keep at it!
  • jvaughn1031
    jvaughn1031 Posts: 38 Member
    35 and no kids here. You sound just like me. Feel free to friend me.
  • kimkimcoleman
    kimkimcoleman Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 37, we never wanted kids so we didn't have any lol. Been married 20 years this summer! Ahh how did we get so old?
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    edited May 2017
    32, and I have 1 kid who's older (if you do the math, and so many people do, you can see I was really young). I chose not to have more. I get what you mean about the mommy stuff being ubiquitous to boards and groups. I've always avoided it and made an effort to keep my goals and stuff separate from my family life. I never really fit in with the parenting crowd, though I tried when mine was younger, I've always felt awkward about it and would prefer to hang with the kid-less. Add me, I never mention family stuff and would like more friends who do the same.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Kids are all adult and got no grandkids.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,286 Member
    Im 44 with 4 kids .. They are all older now so I don't do "kid" related things... add me if I fit :)
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Younger than your given age range- but 30, kid less, and current significant other can't have them. So, intend to stay that way, even if I ever personally was to warm to the idea.
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
    I have kids but don't want to hear about anyone else's nor do I mention mine

    All this fit mommy stuff is corny just be fit
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm not super active on MFP except to log, but I do check out my MFP friends' posts and stuff!

    I am also 40 and very much childfree by choice. Married, professional, knew I didn't ever want to have kids since age 13 or 14. My 2 closest friends have SEVEN young children & teens between them, and most of my friends are moms. So I get it. (love their kids but can't relate at all)
  • jenmarrs429
    jenmarrs429 Posts: 45 Member
    About to turn 46. Married almost 21 years and childfree by choice.
    I am a big exercise nut and log daily.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    32, happily married, don't have kids, never wanted kids, never will have any kids :smile:
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Interesting--I feel like MFP is one of the few places in my life where I don't get harassed/excluded/shamed for not having kids. I am NOT childless by choice, but unable to have children.

    I will be 42 shortly.