Looking for funny, creative work-at-home buddies

Chumfun Posts: 3 Member
edited May 2017 in Motivation and Support
Attention freelancers, esp. those who works at home, esp in a creative field: it seems to me that eating healthy and working out can be easier or harder in our situations.

No candy bowls on your colleagues' desks or donuts in the office kitchen, but there is no one often to walk with at lunchtime.

Yes, there is no one sitting next to you blaring terrifying Trump speeches on their computers without headphones, but you can get antsy and/or lonely sometimes when you are working alone all day most days, and, before you know it, you start befriending the mailman or talking to the inanimate objects in your apartment or even worse, spending too much time on FB looking for your other freelancer friends but they are all thin and vegan and you just end up annoyed or worse, looking up vegan recipes on Smitten Kitchen.

No regular hours could mean that it is easier to exercise when the gym is empty or walk in 15 minute spurts throughout the day but could also mean you are comfy in your bed with your laptop and it is raining and you don't *really* have to go out for any other reason, so...procrastination and dry feet and early death.

If you are a creative, you might overthink everything or be so distracted that you find it difficult to focus on work *and* eating healthy and exercising. (There is an unlimited supply of hedgehog videos and Twitter updates to see, after all, plus all those Trump-instigated doomsday scenarios to investigate.)

Maybe you sit all day at a laptop and get overuse pain of various body parts, so who wants to exercise and stretch when it hurts and you need your arm to get your work done? But then again, if you don't regularly stretch, the pain becomes debilitating and you whine so much that your friends don't even want to meet you for a beer after *they* get off work (at a normal hour). And if you can't even lift the beer to your mouth, you further alienate these people who used to be your pals. Yadda yadda yadda.

Anyway, I figure it might be easier and more fun with a few buddies who also are in the same straits. Writers and editors and such are especially welcome b/c I am sometimes verbose. haha But others who face similar issues are welcome, too. Even if your work is the hardest: raising kids. Agg. Excellent sense of humor required, snarkiness appreciated.


  • dragonfly_66
    dragonfly_66 Posts: 48 Member
    I am on mat leave and blogging while I am at home with the kids. The struggles you're posting a definitely real haha
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Sent you a request.
    I am a writer and I have worked from home for about 20 years.
    Didn't much like it then. Don't much like it now. Though I must admit, gives me much more freedom and extra time -- all that time others spend getting ready for work and commuting!