
Hi. I'm 55, female and thinking of doing a running program. Just learning to run 5k over 12 weeks. Is this realistic in terms of my age? I would be running on the road or beach. I want to lose weight. I am a regular exerciser.


  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    What do you mean realistic? That youd be able to run a 5k in your 50s? That you can start running now?

    I run with a few guys 50+. A few of them are run 20:00 5k runners. One of them (fast 50+) started later.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    A 5K at 55 is absolutely realistic! While I think it is wise to take your time building distance, I think you could get there much sooner than 12 weeks if you are already a regular exerciser. There is a couch to 5K program out there that is a run/walk program to guide you to build the distance.
  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 261 Member
    Yup, you can definitely do a 5K. Just get out there and follow the program.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    edited May 2017
    Yes, yes, and YES! :smile:

    Pick up this month's Runners World magazine and read the feature on older runners. Many of the ones featured in the article started running late in life. Others have been running for 40+ years.

    I suggest you start with a plan. Try Couch to 5K or similar (or find a local running group or store that offers beginner classes). Also get fitted for proper shoes (at a real specialty running store). Be aware of your body and don't be afraid of rest.

    At age 48 I am faster than I've ever been. I can do the same things I did as a 20 year old. The only difference is the time it takes me to recover (and that is not bad if you are smart about it).

    Good luck.

    * Edit to say I'm faster than ever because I am working hard on it. Had I worked this hard at 20 I would have been faster then. Sadly, I'll never know how fast I could have been.
  • Scotty2HotPie
    Scotty2HotPie Posts: 146 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi. I'm 55, female and thinking of doing a running program. Just learning to run 5k over 12 weeks. Is this realistic in terms of my age? I would be running on the road or beach. I want to lose weight. I am a regular exerciser.

    Absolutely. I'm 45 and started running in January. I ran my first 5K in Mid-March. I'm really enjoying running most mornings (5 days/week)

    Here's a few road bumps I ran into and work through.

    - Achilles' Pain - Happened the first morning I tried pushing distance too much. I strained it and took 4-5 days off.
    - Calf Strain - Actually, strained my calf playing with the kids after running 6 miles that morning. I think they were related. Took 7 days off after that one.

    I incorporated leg and hip stretches into my gym routines.

    I will say this, there will be days where you feel more pumped up and energetic than others. Like you can run faster and farther than you ever have previously. In the early going, resist the urge to do it.

    There's a chance (like with me) that your cardio will improve faster than your leg's muscles and tendons. I'm using the MapMyRun 10K program, which is very conservative with distances and pace. IE - Like 11-12min/mile paces, with some tempo runs mixed in. I usually ran a little faster and a little further than program, but not by much. There's a reason the program mixes in "Easy Runs".

    You totally got this!! I only wish I had started earlier in life.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I did C25K when I was 53 and had never been a regular exerciser. I run 5K pretty much every day now. I'll never be a fast runner, and that's not really a goal of mine anyway.

    I'll be 55 in August.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Well I am doing the c25k app which is an 8 week program. I am on week 4 and it is not easy but it is doable. Go for it.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    I'm 49 and finishing up week 7 of Couch to 5K. I'm running for 25 minutes straight now without stopping. I'm very slow, but running two miles without stopping seemed impossible eight weeks ago, and now I'm doing it fairly easily. I feel great too. In addition to losing inches, my posture has improved and so has my balance.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    At 61, last year, I ran, after getting back into running for about a year after a 30 year (or so) layoff, 4 5Ks (PB 28:18) a 4 miler (37:57) and a Half Marathon (2:17:10). This year my first 5K was in 28:42 (beating my time of 29:09 last year on that course). You 40 and 50 year olds claiming to be old crack me up ;-)

    OP: Losing weight is a function of a caloric deficit. Running will help in creating that deficit but in deficit you must be. You say you are a regular exerciser, if in fair condition, 12 weeks to do a 5K is very doable. Road, beach, park, track, concrete or macadam, each has it's own properties try them all. Start slow, stay comfortable, learn the "conversational pace (you should be able to talk in complete sentences while training (Singing "Happy Birthday" is also a bench mark for the proper training pace), speed will come, increase distance slowly. And most of all:

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Hi. I'm 55, female and thinking of doing a running program. Just learning to run 5k over 12 weeks. Is this realistic in terms of my age? I would be running on the road or beach. I want to lose weight. I am a regular exerciser.

    I am male. In August 2011, at age 55, I was ~7 lbs. above my initial goal weight, out for a 5 mile walk, and felt like running a bit. Came home, and decided to see whether I could turn myself into a runner. Found a program similar to C25K. Finished that program and hit my initial goal weight in the first week of October. Ran my first 5K in October and my first 10K on Thanksgiving Day. Had a bit of a bumpy learning curve after that, so I didn't get to my first half marathon till I was 58. Ran my first full marathon at age 59, and my first Boston at age 60.

    Yes, it can be done. 55 is a great age to start running! 12 weeks is plenty of time to get to a 5K, assuming only that you have a reasonable structured plan to follow.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I will be 49 in a few months, already been running 1/2 marathons the last two years. You can absolutely do this.

    My rest days off from running are important, while a little older recovery take a little while longer, other that get out there enjoy and have fun with your running!!!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Yes you can! A 5k is VERY achievable in 12 weeks by following a plan. I started there at 54 years old.

    Fair warning, though: Once you start, you may become hooked. :)
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    I'm 49, started C25K (again) in February and ran my 5K race on 5/13/17. Now I'm training for a 10K in November. This running stuff is addictive!
  • EllyMayA1
    EllyMayA1 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you to all who replied. You've been helpful and inspiring!!! I have signed up to am5k program