Feeling Nauseous with Flat Bench and Decline Bench Exercises

RDahling Posts: 27 Member
Anyone else get this way? It doesn't happen with pilates or crunches, but today I was laying on the bench and doing dumbbell pull overs and I suddenly felt nauseous. I've been switching up some of my exercises and yesterday I was supposed to do decline flyes and decline press, but when I lay down on the decline bench, I just felt absolutely ill before I even did anything - couldn't get past it.

I'm not sure if it's simply a blood pressure issue as there was no feelings of wanting to blackout or dizziness, just a feeling of nausea and urge to vomit which has undermined my efforts in the gym both days (the nausea eventually goes away, but today, for example, I had to lay down and close my eyes for a bit to get over it and still haven't eaten 4.5 hours post-workout). Seated, standing, bent-over or incline exercises are fine; cardio/fat burning exercises don't bother me either.

I go to the gym on an empty stomach; I wake up in the morning and go straight there (0600), and then eat about an hour or so afterwards (currently a three egg omelette with diced onions and tomato, two slices whole grain toast, 2 cups diced papaya, 1 cup diced mango, and 1 medium-large banana); been doing this approach to exercising for years (go on empty stomach, work out, eat later) on the advice of a friend who is also a personal trainer, so it's not an issue of a full stomach or even having content in my stomach pre-workout (my last meal precedes the gym by at least 9 hours, if not 11).

I sweat A LOT during exercise (I'm THAT guy in the gym who is usually dripping and needs to bring TWO towels - but I try to be as neat about my sweating as possible), but I also make sure to keep hydrated. Today may have been a result of too much water in too short a time (Occam's Razor at this point), but it doesn't explain why I get nauseous doing decline exercises (which I enjoy doing when they don't make me wanna vomit). Our gym is relatively cool as well (I'm in India and the summer is already here at an insane 41C) so heat dissipation isn't a problem.

Can't seem to find any answers for why this happening other than the ones I've eliminated.

Anyone else get this way? Anyone know why?


  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    I feel vomitous if I don't eat before the gym. I would go to a dr and get blood pressure and bloodwork done. Could it be an inner ear problem? That can cause balance issues...
  • skinnyfatty1983
    skinnyfatty1983 Posts: 41 Member
    i get headache if i dun eat before workout.... it is my body way of telling me to stop and listen....
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Try some food
    What worked years ago may not work now. Getting older sucks.

    There are a million things. I also have a hard time with my head upside down (but not flat). I get dizzy all the time (migraines). So I am sure to eat and have some caffeine a while before I workout. And I sip water my entire workout.

    For you who knows. Dizzy and nauseous does sound like it could be hunger. But it could also be blood pressure or dehydration or over hydration. I would try a small snack with carbohydrates and a bottle of water a good half hour before working out. And then staying hydrated (but not chugging, sure way to get sick). If it doesn't help hit the doctor and see if there's an underlying issue to deal with.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Fyi-personal trainers have like a paragraph on nutrition in order to get certified, and it says nothing about not eating before a workout.
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    I don't eat usually and sometimes get nausious and if it's a tough work out I've puked before too. I feel better if I eat a banana or something light before the gym b/c I chug a lot of water.
  • RDahling
    RDahling Posts: 27 Member
    See, my concern here is that I don't have this issue unless I'm in a horizontal decline (or today, when I was flat) - if it was an issue of lack of food, why wouldn't I be nauseous in all positions? This is what is confusing me - it seems to me that if it was lack of food, I would be affected in any position, no?

    Blood pressure seems the most obvious with the change in body position (head down) - inner ear is something I hadn't thought about but I can get that looked into - but like I said, not seeing any research on it so far.

    Thanks for the input folks! Loving this community.