Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Does anybody suffer from this automine disorder?I just been diagnosed this week and my TSH is high. So I am experiencing hypothyroidism symptoms. I been tired all the long to the point, I have no energy to do things. I couldn't go the gym and slept most of the day. If you have and struggle with it share with me your experience. Help


  • betterwhenimdancin
    betterwhenimdancin Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Raquele! If properly treated you should be back to your old self in no time. It's totally possible to lose weight once you've got your TSH levels corrected, if that's your goal.
  • leslie9797
    leslie9797 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - I was diagnosed 25 years ago, and have had no problems. They will put you on thyroid supplements and you should be back to your old self in no time. I had the same symptoms - I even had to take a nap at lunch at work because I couldn't make it through without sleeping. Then slept before dinner as well. It was crazy. But just make sure you have a good doc who will give you the correct dosage and then it's just a pill a day - I don't even think about it any more. Good luck!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Use the Search function for "Hashimoto's" and find many users who have said they have it. It will take some searching to find currently active users who will be helpful, but they can be found.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    What was the result of your TSH? Note that 0.2-2.0 is the new normal since 2002, although many endocrinologists still reference the previous range.

    Did you get a full thyroid panel? You really need TSH, fT3, fT4, rT3 to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

    I don't have Hashimoto's, but had a total thyroidectomy. I experienced the same shock to the system initially until I got my Synthroid right and TSH in range. What helped me was to keep my brain engaged, so I purposefully became interested in everything - enrolled in several courses and kept myself busy and constantly active.
  • starlightfitness
    starlightfitness Posts: 2 Member

    Try the below website it has a lot of information.


    hope you feel better soon!
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    After gaining 50 lbs in 3 years I was diagnosed this year with Hashimoto,
    Take syntroid daily, 125 mg, plus chromium , B12, selenium, iodine, raw thyroid .
    And other supplements for arthritis, etc.
    I haven't lost anything yet, but I feel a difference in my energy levels and joined a gym last week.
    Trying to cut down on carbs ( which is hard when you have a sweet tooth like mine ) .
    I want to lose the 50 lbs, or at least 40 of them , in the next 6 months to one year,
    Good luck !
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    was diagnosed with hashi's the same time I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer - so I'm thyroid-less now, but like others said, as long as you are medicated properly losing weight is the same as it is for others

    I disagree with the need to go low carb to lose weight (there is starting to be evidence typing low carb to the development of thyroid issues - but its mostly been in juveniles doing keto for other medical issues). I take in 300+g a day and lose weight when I workout and manage my CICO
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    Fellow Hashi's here, been taking medication for it for about 20 years now. I lose the most weight and have the most energy when I eat a mostly Paleo diet, but everyone's body is different. One thing to watch out for is soy -- for some people with Hashimoto's, soy does this wacky thing where it affects your thyroid and slows you waaaaayyyy down. It doesn't affect everyone this way, but for those of us who are sensitive to it it's really drastic. If I eat something with soy in it -- a protein bar, miso soup, a frozen dinner with soy as an ingredient, whatever -- I'm asleep within an hour. (I once nodded off behind the wheel after drinking a SlimFast, before I knew about this!)

    Good luck and let us know how you're doing!