Not really New

pinkk5727 Posts: 21
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Well I'm not really new to the site, but I'm making a new start at it. I was doing really well when i first joined. I lost a total of 11lbs. But then I got off track, and I now weigh more than I did when I started the first time (pre-11lb loss) So now at 210 LBS I know that I need to do something. i am not happy with myself at all, none of my clothes fit, and with summer coming and a wedding soon to come as well I want to feel good about myself again and also look good.

So I plan to be on here frequetly looking for people to support and talk to and to help keep myself motivated. This is something that I have to do, not only for my physical heath but also for my meantal heath. This weight gain has cause a lot of un-needed stress in my life and I'm ready to lose the stress and the pounds..

Well thanks for taking the time to read this and feel free to add me as a friend if you like, I'm going to need a lot of helpful hints and motivation starting off :o)

PinKk~~ April ;)


  • Well I'm not really new to the site, but I'm making a new start at it. I was doing really well when i first joined. I lost a total of 11lbs. But then I got off track, and I now weigh more than I did when I started the first time (pre-11lb loss) So now at 210 LBS I know that I need to do something. i am not happy with myself at all, none of my clothes fit, and with summer coming and a wedding soon to come as well I want to feel good about myself again and also look good.

    So I plan to be on here frequetly looking for people to support and talk to and to help keep myself motivated. This is something that I have to do, not only for my physical heath but also for my meantal heath. This weight gain has cause a lot of un-needed stress in my life and I'm ready to lose the stress and the pounds..

    Well thanks for taking the time to read this and feel free to add me as a friend if you like, I'm going to need a lot of helpful hints and motivation starting off :o)

    PinKk~~ April ;)
  • Hello there.....I am in the same boat as you.....I started a while back ago and did really good and then I slacked off and now know. So I finally realize that I do so much better if I am tracking and logging my stuff because I actually can see what I am doing, eating and how I am progressing. I tell my self bite write it.....even if I can't get on MFP right away ...I have a little notebook that I write stuff in and then log it here when I get a quick chance.
    Good luck to you, me and everybody else that is on the weight loss journey. Feel free to contact me for support anytime....I know I'll need it too....:smile:
  • I've just started today too. I weigh the same as you, the most I've ever weghed in my life. A friend recommended MFP so here I am. I'm a nurse and have to eat on the run or grab whatever I can get my hands on when time allows. I'm trying to read some comments to get ideas on planning ahead and having meals and snacks alreadey prepared. Good Luck! Look forward to hearing from you and your success.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I'm so glad I read this thread! I never planned on leaving MFP, but now I REALLY won't, since I don't want to gain back what I lost! I'll just stick around here forever I guess! :smile:
    All I can say is that I was very depressed about my weight when I joined here, and now that I've lost most of what I wanted to, it's like I'm a whole different person! I have sooooo much more self confidence now, and am just so thankful every day that someone told me about this site! :love:
    MFP REALLY, REALLY DOES WORK, so stick with it, and you'll also be feeling so much better about yourselves in no time too! :smile:
  • hi everyone, im new to the site, and i have lots to lose lol.
    Hope everyone is doing well
    Take care
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I just know you will love this site if you don't already. I love it here so much. I find it very helpful, supportive, and very motivational. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
  • vctann
    vctann Posts: 3 Member
    You go girl last tiime was just a practice.
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