Anyone doing Power 90?

I was just wondering is there a group set up for this already? If not I just ordered mine today and I would like to set up something to keep us all motivated.


  • aliciarenee79
    aliciarenee79 Posts: 35 Member
    My husband and I are doing this. Today was day 14 for us.
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    How is it? Is it really hard. I am really really nervous!
  • Scott156
    Scott156 Posts: 13
    I just finished my first week with Power 90. I like it a lot so far. I really like the sculpting and Abs 100 routines.

    I don't think its too hard and I am pretty out of shape and about 30 lbs over my target weight. Don't get me wrong, I am very winded and soaking wet after the cardio and my heart rate monitor says I burn about 800 calories on the cardio and about 700 on the sculpting so I'll take it! Just remember to go at your own rate to start and work your way up.

    After a week I have already noticed a big difference. Also, the personal mentors they assign you are VERY good and knowledgeable so use them.

    Good Luck!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Scott- Yeah I talk with the person I signed up with almost everyday. I need that support of keep me going. I am doing this on my own so its scary to me I don't want to fail or stop doing it. I usually always workout with someone but she has no interest in doing this until she knows what my results are.

    Thanks for sharing how your doing on the program.
  • aliciarenee79
    aliciarenee79 Posts: 35 Member
    It's a workout for us, but we have just stated, and we both have a lot to lose. I am not gonna lie, tony's jokes get annoying pretty fast lol.
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Oh great! LOL I can always mute him .....LOL
  • Scott156
    Scott156 Posts: 13
    It's a workout for us, but we have just stated, and we both have a lot to lose. I am not gonna lie, tony's jokes get annoying pretty fast lol.

    Really? I like tony a lot. He's not nearly as annoying as most.
  • fitzerin
    fitzerin Posts: 31
    I have been doing Power 90 on and off for a while. I'm hoping to stay back on. There are a lot of old Power 90 threads...but I'm glad I found this new one! :-)

    Add me and lets help to motivate each other to push play every day!
  • kobcc
    kobcc Posts: 12 Member
    I just started yesterday, I decided to try this after attempting P90X and finding that too hard. This is a very good workout and even demonstrates the moves before they do them. I used the bands as I do not have any interchangeable dumbbells and it was tough with the bands. There is a lot of resistance at the top of most of the moves. Good luck on your journey!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks I am getting more and more excited. I am just waiting for it to come in the mail! I already took all my not so nice photos but I am really waiting for the 90 days to be over and then look back!
  • FoxCarter
    FoxCarter Posts: 127 Member
    My husband and I have done it before (only made it to 45 days) I would love to start a group for us to motivate and stay thru the 90 days!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Should we start something on Aug 1st???? I am not good at really starting a great thread but I can start something. I work 9 hours a day so my time is limited on the computer but I log into the site everyday to check it out.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I'm on the 4th week of Power 90. I really like it. I have to a couple of the modifications to exercises. (Girl Pushups) I still can't do that the bicycle abs but I will conquer. Its not easy but its not undoable. Add me as a friend. I'll help you anyway I can. You should also look at my August 1st Team Challenge we're starting. Would love to have any and all of you join us! Search for the forum post August 1st. You can do whatever you want to lose and you would be on a team of 10 plus a team captain. Great way to compete in a motivating atmosphere where we all are winners!
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    I started P90 this week but had to stop after day 2 because I strained my hamstring. Plan to start again once it heals enough.
  • I just completed week 2 and just following my 1400 cal diet through MFP. I have lost 7.5 lbs and a total of 10.5" off my entire body with the main differences being -1.5" off chest, -2" off my hips and -2" off my waist. These results are unlike anything I've ever seen!

    I really like Tony, he reminds you how to position your body to not get hurt. However, yesterday during Cardio, I did turn up my radio to give me a little boost ha!
  • kobcc
    kobcc Posts: 12 Member
    Just finished day 4 and have to say I do like Power 90 as I was sweating buckets. I am feeling better, but not weighing myself until the 30 day mark as the scale usually lets me down. I want to use the results I can see in terms of how I feel and how my clothes are fitting. Although I do have a goal weight, I haven't really set any time limits as I want to comfortably lose about 1 to 1 1/2 lbs per week. I just make sure I have my calorie deficit and the weight will eventually start to come off.
    Keep pressing play and everyone have a great evening!
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    I just started my Power 90 yesterday. I didn't weigh or measure myself, but I will be sure to weigh in this morning before I do it. I am not one for measuring as I never really know if I'm doing it right. LOL
    I was sweating a ton yesterday when I did my first fat burning DVD. I am going to stick to that for ab out a week and then get into the power 90 DVD's. Good luck everyone!
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    Wow my legs and abs are on fire after day two of the fat burning DVD!!
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    I just finished my 2nd week of P90 tonight and am loving it!

    The exercises are still really tough (especially Sweat and Abs), but I definitely have seen some improvement each time.

    I always feel great after working out now, and am looking forward to finishing all 90 days and beyond.

    Keep at it and keep pushing play!

    Feel free to add :smile: