Looking for friends

Freeapollo Posts: 25
edited 8:09AM in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys my name is Julian, I am a 21 year old university student. I have been using the myfitness pal app for a few months but I have not really explored the community online until today. I am currently halfway to my initial goal but I have realized a healthy lifestyle is something you work on for a lifetime....anyways I am looking for a few online pen pals to help share tips with and encourage. Best of luck to you!



  • Good Work!!

    I just hit my half way point too!!!

    Add me if you would like!!

    We are all here to help!!!:smile:
  • Hi Julian! And welcome! The MFP online community is a GREAT support tool. Feel free to add me too if you'd like. :0)
  • Hey! Congrats on getting to halfway! I have lost 35 with 20 to go... and it is getting tough! I need the motivation from others to keep me going!
  • natishka
    natishka Posts: 1
    hey guys. I'm Natishka, 25 years old. a new one too... trying to fill the calorie chart:)) wishing u luck:))
    would like to loss 5-7 kg. :)))
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