Gastric Bypass

I had gastric bypass 11 weeks ago and down 50+lbs. Looking for support from others going through the same journey.


  • ninakunesch18
    ninakunesch18 Posts: 8 Member
    When did you have surgery? How's it going ?
  • heidihobug24
    heidihobug24 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi im in the first steps to getting the gastric sleeve done i have 4 dr visits one a month to go. Im looking for a before meal plan to help for after any segestions?
  • ninakunesch18
    ninakunesch18 Posts: 8 Member
    Every program is so different depending where you have your surgery done. The best advice is to do exactly what your doctor and nutritionalist suggest. Good luck to you!
  • heftylady98
    heftylady98 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started to join my fitness pal to help me to start losing weight. I have been to the doctor twice now. Still need to see a nutritionalist and a psycologist and then the surgery for gastric sleeve will be done
  • ninakunesch18
    ninakunesch18 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck to you! It's a long process but you will be so happy when your on the other side!
  • jobalmer
    jobalmer Posts: 6 Member
    I just had the gastric Sleeve done on 5/17. Down 20lbs since my surgery. Would love to make friends going through the same thing and to motivate each other. Cause surgery is a tool def not a quick fix
  • ninakunesch18
    ninakunesch18 Posts: 8 Member
    Learning everyday that it is a tool and have to overcome bad food choices forever.
  • hcrlmr
    hcrlmr Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm thinking about gastric surgery as I have approximately 125 lbs. to lose. I don't know if it's right for me because I don't have any support system at home. How bad does the surgery make you feel? Is it very painful? Do you feel sick to your stomach afterwards? I'd love to hear some of your experiences please to help me decide what I'm going to do. Thanks to all who take the time to respond ☺️
  • ninakunesch18
    ninakunesch18 Posts: 8 Member
    It's such a personal decision. I've had hard days and ups and downs but I do not regret having the surgery. You have to be ready for huge changes. I can't eat fast or very much which gets frustrating at times but also why I'm losing weight. After surgery it was hard for a few days and I was glad my mom was here to take care of me. But one week later I was driving and only on children's Tylenol for pain. Three weeks after surgery I was back at work. If you struggle with your weight this is a great tool but not the easy way out at all.
  • kristamae24
    kristamae24 Posts: 3 Member
    I had RNY 4/12/17 :)
  • ElviGar
    ElviGar Posts: 10 Member
    Have struggled with my weight for yrs. Last August i was at 270 now at 237, my weight always goes up and down but i seem to now be making better choices and have stayed under 240 for a few months, have recently recovered from a sprained ankle that kept me less active but starting to do a lil cardio now, just what my ligaments can tolerate. My Dr says ill benfit from a gastric sleeve since ive been able to keep my weight in control. This month ill have completed 3 visits with nutritionist and surgery is scheduled for September but kind of anxious and nervous at the same time. Its something i really want to do ,i am a 34 yr old single mother of 4 ranging from 18yrs to 3yrs i have my childrens support and my families and that of my x husbands thou now my 4 yr relationship ended and alot had to do with my decision to continue with my weight loss and his insecurities from it. The surgery is something i really think i will benefit from not just for myself but for my children but sometimes everything before it seems overwhelming....anyone feel free to add me, can really use the support!
  • doczimmerman
    doczimmerman Posts: 1 Member
    I am having the gastric sleeve done in about 5 months. I'v been to the Dr. once an then to the nutricianist, and then to Physical therapy. My Dr. want me to loose 5 lbs by the time I return to him on June 22. So far I have lost 9.4 lbs.
    I weighed 228.8 when I started this journey. I ham hoping to get back down to at least 175 or less. Glad I found this message board. I will post progress as time goes by.
  • ninakunesch18
    ninakunesch18 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck to you!
  • FrankieLuv88
    FrankieLuv88 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I have also started my journey to have WLS. I am 29 years, 5'6, and 261. Would love to have some new friends that have been through as well as going through the journey to share experiences.
  • ninakunesch18
    ninakunesch18 Posts: 8 Member
    Are you doing Gastric bypass?
  • kvsg1219
    kvsg1219 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone I had the gastric sleeve 12/19/16 I have lost 70 lbs it's still hard for me to stay on track I still have cravings so I take one DS at at a time. I'm 48 and gave a daughter that's 9 I need to lose weight to keep up with her lol.
  • Jaxson0215
    Jaxson0215 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, sounds like your doing great. I just had the gastric sleeve 3 weeks ago. Down 17lbs so far. Please feel free to add me. I'm also looking for support, advice, stories from people going through the same thing
  • tdlugo2015
    tdlugo2015 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi. I'm in the process of having gastric bypass done. I have seen the doctor, psychologist, and dietician. I have to see the dietician 5 more times, once a month. I also have an appt with a cardiologist this month. I already use a cpap so I don't have to have a sleep study done. I am doing deep water aerobics and strength training 6 days a week. I have to lose 38 lbs before my insurance will cover the surgery. So far I'm down by 2 lbs. I started at 382 and am 397.8 now, I have to get down to around 350 lbs. I'm looking for motivation and support from ppl going through what I am or already have. Please friend me I don't know