Anyone getting married at the end of the year want a motivation buddy?

I'm getting married in December. I would like to lose 30 lbs by then. Anyone getting married the end of this year that need a motivation, weight loss buddy or at least a friend? Feel free to add me!! Thanks


  • jessicasmum2008
    jessicasmum2008 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi I'm not getting married but im aiming to lose 32lbs by October for me and my fiancès 5th anniversary. It's going to be hard as iv only got 19 weeks left but it's doable. Plus we have a bet going and if I lose 32lbs by then he gives me £50 and if I don't lose it I have to give him £50. I would love a friend and weight loss buddy.
    I will add u
  • Nbaker0909
    Nbaker0909 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm getting married in September. I'm down 25 pounds and have 9 to go. Not sure I'll make my goal but I'm ok with it since I feel so much better now! Add me and we can keep each other motivated