The scale says I lost 45 pounds but I literally dont see any difference in my body



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited May 2017
    I understand that people say "give it time, you will see results" but I would think after losing 45 lbs I would see a difference. Nope. I started at 215 now im at 170 and a height of 5'7 so it's not like I was severely obese to the point it would be difficult to see immediate results. I eat a calorie restricted decent diet and try to incorporate cardio daily. So why am I not seeing results? It's not like I just recently started making lifestyle changes this has been going in for a while now. I am starting to get extremely discouraged at this point... Any advice??????

    Sure, it took my eyes and brain a while to catch up with the scale. But what do your jeans say? (Or other, non-stretchy clothes.)
  • meggie12342
    meggie12342 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2017
    That's the thing, I can still fit in clothes last year when I started this and they are not baggy and still fit ok. I probably sound crazy but there really is not a major difference to be 45 pounds down. I asked my mom if she could tell and she said she could see it in my face. Lol . then I asked my grandma if I looked like I had lost weight, she said yes, then I told her how much then she had a funny look on her face and said there was no way I had lost that much weight (she's one of those hold nothing back grandmas). I had messed up for a while bc as I said I was extremely discouraged but have been dieting and exercising for the past almost month and currently down to 160. Of course I still don't see much of a difference still but I feel alot better and healthier and can get through my workouts without feeling like I'm going to die. I've also started doing HIIT as well so I'm just hoping eventually I will see results..
    Also, thanks everyone for the help and advice. Really appreciated.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    Are you up to posting before and after photos? Let us see what changes are visible to us.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited May 2017
    I have lost 30lbs in the last 6 months and when I look in the mirror I hardly see any changes because they have been fairly subtle and slow over time, however last weekend got up the courage to compare my start picture and my current picture in my undies side by side on my newsfeed (won't post here because it would be against community guidelines) but looking at the 2 pictures side by side I was amazed at how much flatter my stomach is, how much slimmer my arms are and how much my thighs have trimmed down.

    What I can tell you is before I took the photos I still knew the weight was coming off and I felt better about it - my clothes fit better - like you they still fit, but when I started this journey they were starting to get uncomfortable, I have had no back pain since I took up strength training and stretching, my lung capacity has increased, my resting heart rate is down and I have even started a running program which I never dreamed in a million years I would enjoy. Not all benefits are visible, try and remember the reasons why you wanted to lose the weight.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Sometimes we are the last people to notice changes obvious to everyone else. :)

    Also, keep in mind that even if NOTHING was visibily different on the outside the health benefits of losing weight are ENORMOUS. You've noticed it.

    Don't entirely trust how you look in clothes, either. I've lost 35 pounds and there are still clothing items I still fit. A lot depends on what you choose to wear...looser, flowy clothes, elastic waist pants, leggings and (ironically) well tailored clothes can very forgiving.

    If you really want to look thinner at 170 you may have to look at if you are wearing clothes that really fit...a surprising number of people wear clothes that are baggy, saggy, and over-sized.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Have you taken progress photos and body measurements to compare?
    Have you stopped losing or still have awhile before reaching your goal weight?
    Do any strength training?

    Eventually you will see a visible difference and your clothing will fit differently if you keep losing weight.