Fitbit steps syncing but ...

... it doesn't seem to make a dent in my calories for the day. I am Lightly Active and usually log 10,000+ steps per day but not quite so many on weekends.

Yesterday I had 7k+ and it gave me FIVE calories back. Today I've gotten to 5k+ and it shows I did those steps but the calories still say zero.

I'm misssing the point of syncing steps if it's only going to give me back, say, 0-10 calories. What am I missing?


  • KirbySmith46
    KirbySmith46 Posts: 198 Member
    It depends on what you've set your activity level to within the mfp app. So if you've set your activity level to active, it's going to only give you additional calories for going above what mfp has already calculated based on your activity level.
  • barbiealexander
    barbiealexander Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2017
    I had said that I set it to Lightly Active. But I see what you're saying. That does make sense. Thank you!
  • barbiealexander
    barbiealexander Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2017
    (Duplicate comment; sorry.)
  • Fataf99
    Fataf99 Posts: 112 Member
    log out both apps and back in
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    ... it doesn't seem to make a dent in my calories for the day. I am Lightly Active and usually log 10,000+ steps per day but not quite so many on weekends.

    Yesterday I had 7k+ and it gave me FIVE calories back. Today I've gotten to 5k+ and it shows I did those steps but the calories still say zero.

    I'm misssing the point of syncing steps if it's only going to give me back, say, 0-10 calories. What am I missing?

    Set it to sedentary for the best results. 7000 steps is lightly active. Since you have it set at lightly active, getting 7000 steps is just getting what you already told MFP you were getting when you set it at lightly active. You know what I mean? If you had it set at active, you wouldn't get any calories until at least 10,000 steps, maybe even higher than that. If you set it at sedentary the you will get less than 'lightly active' level calories if you take less than around 5000 steps. I'm not entirely sure of the exact cutoffs as I haven't played around with the numbers enough. But, for the best results, you set to sedentary if you are using your fitbit activity. :)
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    edited May 2017
    ... it doesn't seem to make a dent in my calories for the day. I am Lightly Active and usually log 10,000+ steps per day but not quite so many on weekends.

    Yesterday I had 7k+ and it gave me FIVE calories back. Today I've gotten to 5k+ and it shows I did those steps but the calories still say zero.

    I'm misssing the point of syncing steps if it's only going to give me back, say, 0-10 calories. What am I missing?

    Another option is to keep your MFP Activity Level at Lightly Active and enable negative adjustments. Since you you are less active on the weekends, the negative adjustments would take a few Cals away from your MFP goal on those days.

    I have MFP set at Sedentary, but most days I am really Lightly Active. I usually get a few hundred extra Cals per day, but I occasionally have a day where I spend way too much time on the computer or when I am sick and I do not even reach a positive adjustment when I am set at Sedentary. Having the Cals taken away on those days are a good reminder that I should not be eating as much, or really try to move more.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    You're not active enough to get more calories. If you want more calories you need to be more active. You don't start earning calories until you've earned more than MFP already calculated for you based on the info you have when you set up your profile. I know it can be disappointing to learn we're not burning as many calories as we think, you're not alone I see so many people greatly overestimating calorie burns and eating those calories back and then are disappointed they can't lose. Luckily you have the fitbit to keep your reality in check.
  • barbiealexander
    barbiealexander Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for the very useful info! I am so excited to be starting MFP. I really appreciate all your help!