Hi everyone! Looking for new friends

Hey everyone! I'll preface this massive wall of text by saying that if anyone wants to add me as a friend on here, that would be great :) My food diary is public.

This is my second time around on MyFitnessPal, though the first time I was using a different account. I lost about 20 pounds three years ago just from counting calories and walking a bit, but I've unfortunately gained that back plus about 80 pounds due to several major life stressors.

I've tried several times in the last few months to start tracking calories again, but until recently it just hadn't stuck for more than a day or so. However, I finally feel like I'm back in the right headspace for this. I've been consistently using MyFitnessPal for about a week now and I've lost a few pounds already.

I'm finally committed to this for the long haul. I'm eating sensible portions at meals instead of pigging out all day. I'm eating less pre-packaged convenience foods because I can prepare dishes that are better tasting and have less calories.

ANYWAY, sorry for the wall of text. Just wanted to introduce myself and see if any like-minded people wanted to connect so we can motivate and support each other. Again, feel free to add me!



  • Varahamihir
    Varahamihir Posts: 3 Member
    Hello there. I am also looking for company in this weight loss journy. Its my pleasure to connect with you
  • Varahamihir
    Varahamihir Posts: 3 Member
    Hey you can also add me as a friend. As i m new to this app dont know how to do it.
  • Mrjd40
    Mrjd40 Posts: 57 Member
    Add away :)
  • akldghlasdhgsdlk
    akldghlasdhgsdlk Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Rene its my first day of posting and would love to connect with people on my fitness pal
  • akldghlasdhgsdlk
    akldghlasdhgsdlk Posts: 5 Member
    How do you add friends on here ? :s
  • ureadyforbowflex
    ureadyforbowflex Posts: 5 Member
    Not sure how to add on here either, but im down to connect. Im curious to know how well the myfitnesspal network is good for keeping each other accountable. :)
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    Everyone can add me if they'd like! I'm pretty active on MFP and outside MFP, and have undergone some pretty big changes the past year!
  • klattykaty
    klattykaty Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everybody...I'm new & haven't a clue how to connect or chat with friends lol .. But I have lost 5lb 1st week ... Yayyyy go me lol
  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey . feel free to add me . I need friends . Friends who can motivate me . I just started using mfp again and I'm hoping I can stick to it . Good luck
  • __KEC__
    __KEC__ Posts: 18 Member
    I am also back on MFP and looking for friends to help motivate me.
  • SharleaIRL
    SharleaIRL Posts: 2 Member
    Also would like some friends this time please, sick of trying to do it alone x
  • princess0lexi
    princess0lexi Posts: 3,938 Member
    if anyone needs a motivational friend, i am right here and even if i don`t post everyday i try to post when i can o:)
  • Jamaica4god
    Jamaica4god Posts: 22 Member
    Hello!! This is my second time around too. I had forgotten all about the app and when I logged in again after a very long time, my previous weight was 215 with a goal of 160. I was shocked because I had almost forgotten that I was at that point. Right now I am 171 and my goal is 120. It was a wonderful reminder that goals do happen and motivation to kick it up a notch and keep going!! If anyone needs a friend or motivator, feel free to add me. I love this journey as hard as it has been. ❤️❤️
  • elizabeth090786
    elizabeth090786 Posts: 7 Member
    Your all more than welcome to add me :)<3