Anyone doing Diet Bet Transformer right now?

I started a terribly predictable 10%-in-6-months bet Jan 1st. First weigh in is Feb 1, with a target 3% loss and I think I'm there! I've actually reduced my target loss to 0.5 lb for this week, just to take a break without totally stopping.

If you're in one, how's it going? Do you have a planned reward if you win your monthly bet?


  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    As an update, I weighed in 0.8 lb above my final 10% goal this morning. I should be able to squeak by to goal by Friday, and then I need to maintain until July 1st to cash in.

    This was 100% the motivation I needed to keep focused over the long haul.