Whats the worst fallback youve had?

Been at this since October and lost a lot of weight, last 2 weeks I haven't been eating awfully but some days I have been, I also can't bring myself to exercise. Wondered how you got back to it and what's the most you put on and worst fallback?


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I lost 32 pounds on here a few years ago. Maintained it for 2 years then gave up smoking about 18 months ago and have put on 28 pounds. I am just starting to lose again. 9 pounds so far. I am struggling though as I have developed Arthritis which limits my movement some days.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I was 2 lbs from my goal, then went on vacations for 10 days at my husband's brother's... never realized that they eat out all the time... and are not very active... and it was HOT... and we were staying at a hotel that didn't have low calorie, filling options from breakfast, and I'm always very hungry in the morning... I ended up gaining back 3 pounds, but worst of all it reset my hunger hormones I guess because I've been way hungrier since.

    That was 3 years ago, never lost those 5 lbs.
  • Nbaker0909
    Nbaker0909 Posts: 102 Member
    I lost 65 pounds and was 2 pounds from my goal weight. We moved in with my parents for a year to save and buy a house. I never realized how terrible their eating habits and pressure to join them- I gained back 33 pounds! We bought a house and I have lost 25 so far and am 8ish away from my original goal.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Every single year I gain 5-10 lbs in the fall. This year could be different...
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    It had been a year since my brother died and I was so busy during the immediate after, being executor of the estate, the grief and mourning (and stress from my mother ) had a delayed hit. I started binging just 5 to 10 lbs away from goal and been fighting within a 7lb up down gain since October. I started seeing a therapist after the holidays. What continues to help immensely is long fast pace walks (3.5 mph for anywhere between 5-8.5) miles a few times a week, I made it to 10 once;)
  • work_on_it
    work_on_it Posts: 251 Member
    I've eaten so bad over the winter I've had to lose 20lbs after losing 80... that' 25% of my ENTIRE weight loss. Just got back into it rather easily because I realized the time would pass and the trend would continue anyway.

    Twinsies. It was really annoying after such a big loss to see how quickly i put 20 of the 60 back on. So here I am again... eating effing carrots :P
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I lost 65 lbs

    and then gained 85 back.

    Currently down about 35 from my heaviest.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Let's not talk about all the yo-yo dieting I've done over the years. Let's just focus on this time. So like you I started in October with MFP with 60lbs or so to lose to get to a normal BMI for my height. I started out good. Going to the gym 5x a week, staying within my calories everyday, etc. When February came I knew it was going to be a hard month because of Valentine's Day and I had a few other social events that I knew I was going to eat more than usual.

    February was such a rough month for me by March I had just given up. I stopped weighing myself and stopped going to the gym. This lasted until mid April when I realized if I didn't do something I was just going to gain back all the weight I had lost and some.

    I started going back to the gym and got back into my routine and I've lost 16lbs since then. Luckily, while I was mucking about not exercising and not counting calories in March I didn't really gain any weight. I just maintained.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I lost 55 pounds a few years ago. Gained about...55 back. Had a nasty bout with binge eating, gained the weight back in less than a year. Wasn't a nice time.
  • GingerSnaps718
    GingerSnaps718 Posts: 23 Member
    I was 4lbs from a goal and plateaued. 202lbs wanting to get to 199. Have not been under 200 in over 20 yrs. Could not move that scale. Ended up gaining. Now on my way losing. 11 lbs away. Ready now to push through!
  • foodhasfeelingstoo
    foodhasfeelingstoo Posts: 13 Member
    I've lost a lot of weight by intermittent fasting once. By the end of it I would only eat every second day or only once a day. I hit the gym almost every day. My family thought I was very skinny comparatively but I didn't see it at all. To me I looked nearly the same as ever.

    I stopped because I had to move and it became insanely stressful. I started to eat junk food one day and for about a year I couldn't stop eating. Needless to say I gained all the weight back. I'd say we're taking 40lbs or so.

    Now I've just had to buy new pants, another size bigger, and start again, differently though. I'm incredibly disappointed in myself, angry to see how my body takes control over me.

    I have to admit, being skinnier did not make me happy at all. It was miserable. I felt strong and in control at times but the hunger was overwhelming. I was hungry all the time. When I allowed myself to eat, I ate so much, my stomach was in pain. I didn't learn how to live better, eat right every day, or work out to actually feel better, not worse. That's my lesson today.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I put on 80lbs in 4 months because after losing 100 I got depressed, locked myself in my house, and binge ate almost every single night, stopped going out, took many days off from work, etc. That was a pretty big fallback/set back.

    But exactly one year and 2 days ago I dug my heels in, stood up straight, and now I'm down 130lbs. The problems that made me depressed aren't gone, but I've gotten better at handling them over time so it has become mostly smooth sailing.
  • heavensshadow
    heavensshadow Posts: 264 Member
    I lost about 20 lbs 3-4 years ago with the help of SparkPeople, then MFP (I moved over to here because SP seemed to put off more and more of a "MySpace" vibe). I was at around 215. Then I quit, got married, and had a baby. At 9 months I was tipping the scales at just under 300 pounds. Got back down to about 240, and gained another 20 when I finally went back to work.
    So....THIS time around I started at 260, and I'm nearly down to the original weight I had when I did this the first time (218 now). I've kept off 30-40 pounds consistently for a year -- this is the biggest and longest weightloss I've ever had, and I'm only halfway there. :wink: