The Diamond Challenge: Round 4 - Wk 2 (Little Diamonds)



Sorry for the late post ladies, but after 19 weeks of never being late... I hope you guys can forgive me! I am so excited about the incredible results we got this week. Sure, we didn't beat the Diamonds in the Rough, but we still did VERY well and are right on their heels! Also, although we don't measure percentages, I can say with a fair degree of confidence that we had a higher percentage of weight loss with a whopping 26.6 pounds! GO LITTLE DIAMONDS!

Without further ado... the winners!

Lisa (lisa_lotte) kicked some butt for the Red Diamonds with a 3 pound loss! Woop!
Christi (ckarlovec) lost an incredible 2.6 pounds for the White Diamonds! Go Christi!
Amanda (amandac72) was right at her heels with a 2.3 pound loss for the Black Diamonds! Great job!

All of our teams did well, but only one team gets bragging rights! CONGRATULATIONS White Diamonds for your ten pound loss this week! You ladies rock! The Red Diamonds and Black Diamonds are fast approaching 8.2 and 6.4 pounds lost respectively. Who will win next week?

Every loss is a success! Congrats to the following ladies:

Elle 1.8
Falicia 0.6
Kelley 2
Kimberly 1.6
Kristin 0.4
Krystal 2.2
LaToya 0.5
Laura 1.2
Logan 0.8
Lora 0.5
Mandy 0.6
Nicki 1
Nikki 2
Valerie 0.4

Individual and team winning losers can claim their diamond rings here:

Today's QOTD:

When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

My response:

The last new thing I tried was taking sewing lessons at a boutique in my neighborhood. I took my first lesson about a week or two ago, and it was a great experience! I already feel pretty comfortable with a sewing machine, and can't wait to keep learning. I will definitely do it again.

I also am now working as a business partner with the boutique. I am their new Marketing Director! I absolutely love it :-)
Here are a list of upcoming QOTD dates:

Lisa - Wednesday, July 27th
R. Anne - Thursday, July 28th
Jessica - Friday, July 29th
Elle - Monday, August 1st


  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    Good afternoon little diamonds! Congrats to each of you for the great losses!

    This weekend I tried two new things. I tried a new recipe for an apple cheesecake! It tasted great and than I tried two new recipes for jam. Watermelone and the second one is grapefruit with ginger. My boyfriend likes the watermelone one, actually I made it because of him, as he loves to eat watermelones. The grapefruit ginger jam tastes also gut, but as you can imagine it is a little bit bitter from the grapefruit. I'm sure my mom likes it, as she also loves orange marmelade.
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    FIRST let me congratulate all of our Little Diamonds on making it through week 1 and a SPECIAL CONGRATS to all of our winners!

    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    For me it would have to be when I tried Zumba - initially I was not crazy about it, but after doing it several times I have grown to love it :happy: and now I do this 2 times a week as part of my exercise.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    My response:

    I signed up for a Body Sculpting class in June with my mom. I've never done anything like that before. It was twice a week for an hour each time. I couldn't walk the day after the first class and sitting down on the toilet was even more difficult - lol! But I loved the class. I had to take the month of July off because of work. I manage my company's Earnings Release process and knew there would be late nights that I wouldn't be able to make class. But I can't wait to go back in August!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    FIRST let me congratulate all of our Little Diamonds on making it through week 1 and a SPECIAL CONGRATS to all of our winners!

    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    For me it would have to be when I tried Zumba - initially I was not crazy about it, but after doing it several times I have grown to love it :happy: and now I do this 2 times a week as part of my exercise.

    I really want to try Zumba. I won't lie... it looks a little cheesy to me, but everyone seems to LOVE it!
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I bought Zumba about a month back, and just did the first day on Sunday. Wow!! I am very uncoordinated. I think I have two left feet when it comes to the moves, but I feel with practice, it'll become easier for me.
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    The last time I tried something new is yesterday when I tried a new workout program. It was pretty fun and a great workout! Yes, I will do it again.
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I started taking piano lessons cause i always wanted to play. I kept it up for a year and then It required more practice and I couldn't find the time so it has been on hold for awhile. Will I get back to it? I hope someday when I have a little more time.
  • LoraEllen
    LoraEllen Posts: 81
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I took up running in Jan 2010 and joined a marathon training group. I was WAY out of my comfort zone and not able to run at all really.......but the group helped me prepare for and complete the Disney Marathon this past January.

    The next thing I want to try is Bikram Yoga.........I've heard some like it and some don't so I want to give it a try and see what I think for myself.........

    Have a great day! So proud of everyone's weight loss!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I started c210k about a week ago. I am SO not a runner, but I am trying. I hope to run a 5k, 10k, or dare I say, maybe even a half-marathon someday. I will get up early tomorrow and run the next day of it. See, I told you all now I have to do it :wink: .

    I also just recently bought Just Dance 2 for the Wii. So far, I love it and have been using it every day. I will use it again today.

    I have been considering joining a Zumba class. I have Zumba Wii and I'm not really crazy about it, but every time I watch the youtube videos of actual classes, it looks like so much fun.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I tried soy milk for the first time several weeks ago - the unsweetened vanilla silk kind. UGH! I'm sorry to all you soy milk lovers out there, but it was horrible! And no, I won't drink it again (unless perhaps I try the sweetened kind).
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    Well done Diamonds, so proud of everyone's loss - next week LittleDiamonds WILL win!!!!

    Massive well done to the white team, but you better watch out for the reds next week - were coming to get you :tongue:

    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    For me it would be running. I have been running before but this is the first time I have taken it seriosuly, and I am actually training for a half marathon which i am doing on the 4th September (eeeekkkkkk). Before when i've been I have only managed a couple miles, but I have trained properly this time and am currently up to 10 miles without stopping - 3 more to go!

    I also do Zumba, started back in january and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Would recommend it to anyone, although it does depend on your instructor how good the class is!

    Have a great day everyone

    Lisa :flowerforyou:
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Today's QOTD: When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I tried kickboxing in May or June and I really like it! I'm hoping to get a heavy punching bag so I can start boxing regularly. I'm hoping it will help me with my anger/stress on top of weight loss!

    Great job to everyone last week, especially my partner Kimi131! All of you rock!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    I also do Zumba, started back in january and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Would recommend it to anyone, although it does depend on your instructor how good the class is!

    Lisa :flowerforyou:

    Definitely recommend giving it a try to anyone that is thinking about it.

    Lisa is correct - the instructor definitely matters. I have been to several Zumba classes where the instructor just didn't work for me. I like for Zumba to be fast-paced so if the instructor is too slow, I don't return to their class!
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I took a trad climbing clinic a couple weekends ago, and it was scary but exciting. Trad climbing is outdoor rock climbing where you carry all your gear with you and place protection as you climb. For me, it's always been a scary prospect because I am still scared of lead climbing (which means longer falls) and there's always the risk that the gear you place might fail (which means even longer falls). I really enjoyed the clinic though and I feel comfier about climbing on gear. I will definitely try it again, but maybe only on really easy climbs.

    I also tried canoeing for the first time last weekend. I've been kayaking lots before, so it wasn't really all that different, except the boat is way less stable. I enjoyed it a lot and can't wait to try it again.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Well done everyone this week! Go white diamonds, what a great team we are!

    TUESDAY QOTD: When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I started doing exercise dvds at home during round 2 of the DITR challenge with the encouragement of my lovely partner nicki.... I did 30ds and then turbo jam, I never thought I could stick to doing a dvd or that it would really improve my fitness.... I was so wrong and although I am back at work, I am still trying to do them three times a week (plus running at the gym)

    Non scale victory today.... I bought my first ever pair of skinny jeans and they are a UK 10, which I think is an American 6, just so chuffed to fit in them.. !
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Today's QOTD: When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I tried kickboxing in May or June and I really like it! I'm hoping to get a heavy punching bag so I can start boxing regularly. I'm hoping it will help me with my anger/stress on top of weight loss!

    Great job to everyone last week, especially my partner Kimi131! All of you rock!

    anger/stress... I'm scarrrred now. Going to hide now... :glasses:

    Congrats to you too, partner :drinker: and congratulations to all my lovely fellow Little Diamonds. Y'all are :smokin:
  • thebutteredtoast
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I tried sushi for the first time a few weeks ago! It was great! And of course I'd do it again!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    Congratulations to everyone for a great week!!! :flowerforyou: Here's to another successful week for all of us! :smile:

    The last time I tried something new was almost two weeks ago--p90x. I was so intimidated by the title and by what I've heard about it, that I almost didn't try it. My husband had gotten the DVDs months back, and I got up some nerve to give it a go. I'm glad I did because I've learned that I'm stronger than I thought I was. :laugh: Will I do it again? Yes. I plan to see this out until Day 90, and then do a second round. I love it! :love:
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Well done everyone this week! Go white diamonds, what a great team we are!

    TUESDAY QOTD: When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    I started doing exercise dvds at home during round 2 of the DITR challenge with the encouragement of my lovely partner nicki.... I did 30ds and then turbo jam, I never thought I could stick to doing a dvd or that it would really improve my fitness.... I was so wrong and although I am back at work, I am still trying to do them three times a week (plus running at the gym)

    Non scale victory today.... I bought my first ever pair of skinny jeans and they are a UK 10, which I think is an American 6, just so chuffed to fit in them.. !

    Thanks for always encouraging me to stick with the dvd workouts as well!!

    And congrats on the skinny jeans! I bet you look fabulous!!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Today's QOTD:

    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    The last time I tried something new was several weeks ago....Zumba for the xbox Kinect. I love it and will keep doing it.

    And something new that I am starting to I am just starting a blog focused on DIY projects, kids' crafts, recipes, etc. Hopefully I keep doing it.