Calorie intake

Should I be under my daily calorie intake every now and then or is that totally a no? Sometimes I am under but never by much. I had a really bad day today. I didn't realize that my fat and carbs would be so totally out of whack. I know eating pizza is not great eating but I thought that once in a while it would be okay but I can totally see that is not true. I was very down on myself after I had eaten supper. Don't plan on doing that again.


  • Tazzie0208
    Tazzie0208 Posts: 66 Member
    I think you should be mindful on the calories you eat. if you have a set goal, try to stick to it. Sometimes is hard but as long as you balance with workouts or maybe go a bit lower the next day then you won't be in so much trouble. It's a matter of self control, self consciousness and being mindful. Don't get too overwhelmed, if this is the first time you're doing this, remember... step by step and day by day. You'll achieve more if the changes are constant. Best of lucks!! Feel free to add me as a friend, we can always support each other! :)
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    You should try to hit your macro target as best you can. If you are a little over or under each day it most likely will not make a difference as long as overall you are in a calorie deficit (if you are trying to lose weight) or at maintenance (if you are trying to maintain).

    Within that macro target you can have pizza, ice cream, etc, its just a matter of staying within those guidelines. I would not get too down on yourself, the idea is to have a healthy relationship with food and understand that you can eat whatever you want in moderation and within your "budget" macros. Goodluck!
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Yea your under calorie days helped with your going over today. So yes sometimes it's good. But think of it this way...MFP has already put you at a deficit so even eating 1301 (if your goal is say 1300) you will not gain weight. You're still at a deficit.

    Also, if you're looking to lose weight, your macros don't really matter. I eat pizza a lot! I still lose weight because I'm at a calorie deficit. I don't look at macros.