

  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    Goal at the end of ten days is to be below 130.

    05/23 - 133.6
    05/24 - 132.4 - did a HIIT workout yesterday morning and then ate well and within my calorie goal. Feeling good today. Goal is to go for a 5km run tonight.
    05/25 - 132.0 - Ate pretty well, just 20 calories over my limit. My fiance wanted to go for a walk so we walked 5km instead of me going for a run.
    05/26 133.6 - went for the run! But was feeling pretty good about my progress so naturally I self-sabotaged with some chocolate-covered raisins and almonds and went right back up to 133.6 this morning. Gah the water weight. I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...
    05/27 - 132.8 - didn't eat too badly for a Saturday. Went for a long hike and a run so was just within my calorie goal. Yay!
    05/28 - 132.6 - I figured I wouldn't go down much. Must be retaining a bit of water from some extra desserts I've been having.
    05/29 - 132.8 - not too bad for a Monday morning. Usually I am a few pounds more after a weekend but I was pretty good this weekend.
    05/30 - 132.2 - meh
    05/31 - 132.8 - booooo. Obviously I will not be below 130 by the end of this 10-day thread. It has been very enlightening though. I always think I'm just a few days away from being below 130, but am realizing that I haven't changed my diet enough to do so. I record in my diary every day and am under calorie goal most days but don't weigh my food, so must be consuming much more calories than I think. Time to re-adjust...
    06/01 - 132.6 - down 1 lb. Yesterday was my birthday so I had some cake and wine and a bigger dinner (home-made, but more calories than my average dinner). So I thought I'd be a few lbs up this morn, but wasn't. Yay! I have been doing HIIT workouts every day this week to account for the extra birthday food.
  • syrioforel
    syrioforel Posts: 21 Member
    Back to where I started! Considering that I definitely went overboard during the holiday weekend, I'm not upset about this at all. And I hit the gym nearly every day for strength training and/or cardio during the last ten days, which is a big improvement for me. I'm ready for the next round!

    05/23 – 173.5
    05/24 – 174.0
    05/25 – 174.0
    05/26 – 174.0
    05/27 – 176.0
    05/28 – 174.0
    05/29 – ???
    05/30 – ???
    05/31 – 174.5
    06/01 – 173.5
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Goal this week is to get under 140.

    05/23 140.6 Nice to lose after my not so good weekend
    05/24 142.8 This is because I had pizza for lunch and dinner, plus a few drinks.
    05/25 141.2
    05/26 140.8 Stayed under my calorie & carb goal yesterday
    05/27 139.0 OMG I did it! I haven't been in the 130's since March. I sabotaged myself back then and have been trying to recover ever since. Heading on a weekend vacation, so hope I can stay focused and NOT drink this progress away.
    05/28 No scale, out of town
    05/29 No scale, out of town
    05/30 143.0 Overindulged all weekend
    05/31 140.6 Stayed within calorie goal
    06/01 141.4 Way too much sodium yesterday. Plan to drink lots of water today.
  • karolinasyroka2000
    karolinasyroka2000 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!
    My perfect weight is 58kg, though I can't bring myself to loose those extra 2kg I have, because whenever I loose 1kg I get comfortable and start to eat and then I gain like 1.5kg. I want to keep a track of what I eat/do that make me loose weight and embrace it so I won't have to worry about future fluctuations.
    I think it's better to take this task 10days at a time :smile:
    My starting weight is 60.1kg :blush:
    Let's start the countdown (hopefully)
    05/29 60.1kg
    05/30 60.2kg i've been good today, so hopefully it will be better tomorrow #fingerscrossed
    05/31 59.7kg
    06/01 59.8kg I ended this challenge below my starting weight so that's encouraging :smile: I hope I will keep this pace and in the next round I'll be down to 59kg ♥️
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    5/23: 138.6
    5/24: ###
    5/25: 138
    5/26: 138
    5/27: 137.8
    5/28: 138.6
    5/29: 138
    5/30: 137.4
    5/31: 137.4
    6/01 : 137.2
    Great 10 days challenge !! Happy to have lost 1 lb or so. This includes 1 day of eating out with 1700 calories dinner, 3?days of small desserts. But watching my diet most other days. So glad
  • oglalagirl724
    oglalagirl724 Posts: 32 Member
    This challenge shows the reality of a weight loss journey. Nobody loses weight without set backs and I hope lots of people find this challenge encouraging. When I first signed into MFP I was so discouraged by my Yo-yo dieting I wanted to give up. The reality is I am not going to stop eating chocolate, bread, pizza, ice cream and the foods I love. That is not what makes me fat. What makes me fat is a lack of self -control. There I admitted it.
    Should I celebrate being down 21# since May 20, 2016(266.6), or cry because I am up 20# since January 17,2017 (226.0) or celebrate the the 1.6# loss this week?. I think I will celebrate the 2# loss and put the past in the past and move on. I am determined to use this forum to keep me accountable. Seeing it posted online should help. My goal is to stabilize my eating habits so I stop the Yo-yoing. I will celebrate the victories, and hope to just keep that scale going down if its 2# a month or 1.6# a week.
    I'm going to get back on track.
    Day Weight Comments
    05/22- 247.0
    05/23 246.6
    05/24 245.8 Just started back after gaining and losing for many years. I really think this is going to help me. I haven’t used the community boards much. Is there a way to edit past posts instead of a new post every day?
    05/25 No weight. On a short vacation so I didn’t get to post yesterday or weigh in this morning. No scale. I only weigh first thing in the morning because my weight seems to go up and down during the day.
    05/26 245.4 My WOE is -1800 calories eating what I want. I will be lowering calorie count as I lose pounds. I want to do 1800 for at least three weeks. I have been told it takes three weeks to change a habit. I have tried most of the current diets and need to find what works for me. Thanks for listening.
    05/27 245.0
    05/28 28 Away from home- no scale. Stayed on calorie goal Saturday & Sunday. Will weigh in tomorrow.
    05/29 245.4 I stayed on goal but ate a lot of salt. Not discouraged. I know staying on calorie goal is what is important. Practicing self-control. Thanks for challenging me.
    05/30 247.6 Don’t know why. Stayed on / actually way under calorie allotment. Maybe salt. Ate pretzels and Spam yesterday. Going to watch that salt today. See ya tomorrow.
    05/31 248.0 I have been staying under my calorie goal, (1800) I record every bite of food. I believe the problem may be water . I have been dealing with an infection and to much salt. We’ll see. Going to stick with 1800 for 21 days till June 11, 2017
    06/01 246.6 My infection is clearing up. I cut back on the salty foods. Good to see the scale down. Started at 247.00 finished at 246.6. .4 # lost Happy to see any loss this week. Looking forward to the next 10 day challenge. :)
  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    Weighed myself 4 times to be sure. Wonder what a roller coaster next round will bring! The last couple of days I've been irritated because I've been eating better than ever and exercising more and the scale would only go up.
    Gotta focus on how clothes feel, how Much better I feel, etc.

    05/23 150.8
    05/24 149.4
    05/25 150.2
    05/26 149.0
    05/27 148.8
    05/28 149.2
    05/29 149.8
    05/30 150.6
    05/31 150.2
    06/01 147.8

  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 568 Member
    I can't believe it!! Last day and I forgot to weigh in. Grrrrrr.

    Got to the gym but out of town for work this evening so not the best food choices. I haven't even logged today it's been that hectic. Oh dear.

    Congratulations to everyone for their losses this round! Looking forward to see ing you all in the next one :)

    05/23- 65.3kg
    05/24- 65.0kg
    05/25- 64.8kg
    05/26- 64.6kg
    05/27- 64.0kg (scales at my partner's house which are always very complimentary)
    05/28- 65.2kg
    05/29- 65.4kg (sigh)
    05/30- 65.1kg
    05/31- 64.8kg
    06/01- ??

  • limex
    limex Posts: 81 Member
    Starting weight for this round 139.5
    Goal weight for this round 137.5

    Day Weight Comments

    05/23 139.7
    05/24 139.4
    05/25 138.6 Woohoo! Feeling good after Zumba yesterday as well! I really need to get some DVDs or something so I can do it more than once a week.
    05/26 139.2
    05/27 138.1 I can definitely see a difference in my stomach and face since 2.5 weeks ago when I started this diet. Very pleased so far!
    05/28 137.9
    05/29 137.4 I dunno what's going on, but I'm liking this trend.
    05/30 137.6 Small bump, but that's ok! I can see and feel the difference in my body, so I know I'm headed in the right direction.
    05/31 136.9
    06/01 137.2 Went out to lunch with the office yesterday. Had some delicious eggs benedict and offset it by Zumba, but definitely seeing some water weight here. Oh well, I still met my goal for these 10 days, so I'm happy about that. Ready for round 6!
  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    5/30- 174.2
    5/31 -173.4
    6/1- 173.0

    Looking forward to the next round!!!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Day Weight Comments

    05/23 143.2
    05/24 143.8
    05/25 144.0
    05/26 143.8
    05/27 144.0
    05/28 143.2
    05/29 143.6
    05/30 143.4
    05/31 144.4
    06/01 143.0
  • janis965
    janis965 Posts: 32 Member
    Challenge start weight 52.7kg
    Challenge goal weigh 51.5kg
    Challenge end weight 50.8kg
    Really happy!
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    edited June 2017
    Welcome back everyone and welcome first timers! I am going away on conference and I'm leaving on May 30th, I'll be staying in 2 hotels so it will be interesting to see what the scales are like in their gyms.

    05/22 - 212 ~ Weight from round 4
    05/23 - 211.2
    05/24 - 210.8 :blush:
    05/25 - 210.6 :)
    05/26 - 210.2 :)
    05/27 - 210
    05/28 - 210.4
    05/29 - 210 :)
    05/30 - 210
    05/31 - no scale at the hotel. Im moving hotels today. Maybe the next hotel will have a scale in the gym.
    06/01 - no scale

  • oglalagirl724
    oglalagirl724 Posts: 32 Member
    Weighing every day and recording my weight helps me to stay encouraged when the scale doesn't go down. When I stop weighing myself I let self-control slip. My goal is to lose the weight but also learn to eat in a way that I naturally maintain my goal weight. No more Yo-Yo weight. In the last 7 years I have probably lost close to 200#.
    I keep reminding myself: that extra serving of food that tastes so good for about 30 seconds stays with me for a long time.
    Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
    Aug 21, 2010 286.0
    May 20, 2016 266.6
    Jan 17, 2017 226.0
    May 22, 2017 247.0
    My way Round 2- My 21 Day Challenge: Less than 1800 Calories a Day May 22-June 2-11
    My long term weight goal: Steady Weight loss with no significant gains.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/02 245.4 Still fighting an infection, but getting better. 1.6 pounds in 10 days is almost 60# a year. :)
    06/03 244.4

  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting weight (5/22): 173.4 - Goal weight 163, by July 4 and 157 by August 31.
    05/23: 172.8
    05/24: 172.8 - Hanging in there.
    05/25: 172.4 - Going out of town this weekend. Staying focused to get out of the 170s (aka my "red zone")
    05/26: 173.
    05/27: ?
    05/28:172...on a girls weekend, counting everything. Not as hard as I thought.
    05/29: ?
    06/02: 172.2
    06/03: 172.4

    Lost one pound in this 10 days. A valuable exercise. Next ROUND! :-)
  • mtb000mtb
    mtb000mtb Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a newcomer and late to the party. I hope no one minds.

    I weigh myself daily and take measurements and progress photos once a month. My primary goal isn't weight loss but it's all data to me and cold hard numbers reduce the scope for self-deception.

    I find the best proxy for the changes I want to achieve is waist circumference. Started: 110, Goal: 82, Current (01/05): 100, Goal this period: 98.

    This is not a typical pattern for me. I was in the final stages of preparing for a 25 Km mountain bike race. This is the MTB equivalent of a fun run, but I'd been working for it since the beginning of the year and wanted to do as well as could.

    I ramped up my carbs a bit in the lead up to the event because I have had problems with bonking on longer rides.

    Note: all measurements are in Kg and cm and dates are in the Ozzie format.

    Day Weight Comments

    23/05 - 88.5
    Fat 52%, protien, 18%, carbs 30%.
    24/05 - 87.8
    Fat 53%, protien, 27%, carbs 20%.
    25/05 - 87.8
    Fat 32%, protien, 27%, carbs 41%.
    26/05 - 88.2
    Fat 15%, protien, 25%, carbs 54%.
    Social eating day. Lunch and beer at a restaurant with colleagues.
    NSV - Skipped Friday night drinks so that I would be in good shape to ride the next day.
    27/05 - 88.3
    Fat 30%, protein, 21%, carbs 49%.
    Foodwise today it's all about fueling and recovery.
    NSV - completed 25Km mountain bike race. Finished third last, but it was a 20 minute PB for me.
    I experienced severe cramping in last 3 Km's.
    I suspect salt deficiency - something to watch for next time.
    28/05 - 88.2
    Fat 39%, protein, 18%, carbs 43%.
    Light recovery ride and letting my appetite guide what I eat and how much.
    NSV - I feel awesome.
    29/05 - 88.5
    Fat 56%, protein, 18%, carbs 26%.
    Take away pizza and wine for dinner.
    30/05 - 88.0
    Fat 26%, protein, 25%, carbs 49%.
    31/05 - 87.7
    Food diary incomplete - group feast for State of Origin (our equivalent to Superbowl).
    NSV - 10km mountain bike ride with my son. It was a good workout but showed me how much I still need to do on fitness.
    01/05 - 88.6

    Final waist measure - 98.5 (down 1.5cm since beginning of month)
    Waist change 10 day period - +100g

    I'm happy with this 10 days. I don't believe the scale measurements alone tell the full story.
  • oglalagirl724
    oglalagirl724 Posts: 32 Member
    Weighing every day and recording my weight helps me to stay encouraged when the scale doesn't go down. When I stop weighing myself I let self-control slip. My goal is to lose the weight but also learn to eat in a way that I naturally maintain my goal weight. No more Yo-Yo weight. In the last 7 years I have probably lost close to 200#.
    I keep reminding myself: that extra serving of food that tastes so good for about 30 seconds stays with me for a long time.
    Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
    Aug 21, 2010 286.0
    May 20, 2016 266.6
    Jan 17, 2017 226.0
    May 22, 2017 247.0
    My way Round 2- My 21 Day Challenge: Less than 1800 Calories a Day May 22-June 2-11
    My long term weight goal: Steady Weight loss with no significant gains.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/02 245.4 Still fighting an infection, but getting better. 1.6 pounds in 10 days is almost 60# a year. :)
    06/03 244.4
    06/04 No weigh-in:Not at home on Sunday mornings so I can’t weigh in.
    06/05 246 4
    06/06 246.0 Went a little over calorie goal (1900) on Mon. was highest. I have been way more active. Sunday after church repaired bikes for about 4 hours. 1000 + bikes donated to our community, most in need of quick repairs. VBS on Mon.
  • oglalagirl724
    oglalagirl724 Posts: 32 Member
    I just realized everyone else moved to JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | ROUND 6. I'm just posting to keep myself honest, I'm staying here though they may close this thread.
  • oglalagirl724
    oglalagirl724 Posts: 32 Member
    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | ROUND 6- 2 for Me
    Weighing every day and recording my weight helps me to stay encouraged when the scale doesn't go down. When I stop weighing myself I let self-control slip. My goal is to lose the weight but also learn to eat in a way that I naturally maintain my goal weight. No more Yo-Yo weight. In the last 7 years I have probably lost close to 200#.
    I keep reminding myself: that extra serving of food that tastes so good for about 30 seconds stays with me for a long time.
    Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
    Aug 21, 2010 286.0
    May 20, 2016 266.6
    Jan 17, 2017 226.0
    May 22, 2017 247.0
    My way Round 2- My 21 Day Challenge: Less than 1800 Calories a Day May 22-June 2-11
    My long term weight goal: Steady Weight loss with no significant gains.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/02 245.4 Still fighting an infection, but getting better. 1.6 pounds in 10 days is almost 60# a year. :)
    06/03 244.4
    06/04 No weigh-in:Not at home on Sunday mornings so I can’t weigh in.
    06/05 246 4
    06/06 246.0 Went a little over calorie goal (1900) on Mon. was highest. I have been way more active. Sunday after church repaired bikes for about 4 hours. 1000 + bikes donated to our community most in need of quick repairs.
    06/07 247.2 stayed under goal exercised, still fighting infection, sunburn and allergic reaction. Pants not as tight.
  • oglalagirl724
    oglalagirl724 Posts: 32 Member
    Day Weight Comments
    06/02 245.4 Still fighting an infection, but getting better. 1.6 pounds in 10 days is almost 60# a year. :)
    06/03 244.4
    06/04 No weigh-in: Not at home on Sunday mornings so I can’t weigh in.
    06/05 246 4
    06/06 246.0 Went a little over calorie goal (1900) on Mon. was highest. I have been way more active. Sunday after church repaired bikes for about 4 hours. 1000 + bikes donated to our community most in need of quick repairs.
    06/07 247.2 stayed under goal exercised, still fightinginfection, sunburn and allergic reaction.Pants getting loose.
    06/08 246.6