Hit the proverbial wall

kim1954 Posts: 12 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I have lost 30 lbs. since January, but now I seem to have hit the wall and am stuck at 220 lbs. My goal is 180, so I have a ways to go. I am keeping well under 1350 calories, I walk 30 minutes 5 days a week (I was doing an hour, but My back started acting up) so the frustration level is climbing. Suggestions?


  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I'm not sure what your calorie goal is, but always make sure your net calories are 1200. Anything less and your body could be going into starvation mode.
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, Well, I've been there. So don't give up. I'd try varying your diet. If you eat differently and different amounts of calories on different days you may "confuse" your body out of this plateau.

    Also, if there are any other exercises you can do (without your back hurting), try that. Stepping it up a notch in the exercise department always helps.

    Good luck!
  • I had the same concern when I reached 233lbs on my way down from 285. Was stuck at that weight for over 2 months, and nothing I did seemed to be working. I was frustrated and sad and confused and upset, but I didn't give up... and one fine day, I started losing weight again. Without changing anything or doing anything different.

    I think that sometimes we get stuck at a certain weight because our bodies just need time to reboot. Your body is telling you "hey I've been good, I did all that you asked me to do, just let me realize what happened to me please for a while". I am quite sure that, if you keep a positive attitude and follow your dieting regime, you'll pick up the pace again soon :)
  • kim1954
    kim1954 Posts: 12 Member
    Was supposed to weigh in this morning, but I forgot and ate breakfast. Well it's the Wife's day off, so the calories may climb a bit today lol, but will remember to jump on the scale tomorrow. Thanks for all the encouragement.
  • kim1954
    kim1954 Posts: 12 Member
    As of this morning I finally lost 8 more lbs. putting Me at 212...about half way to My goal.
  • kim1954
    kim1954 Posts: 12 Member
    Well I have stayed at 207 for a few months, the summer has got the best of Me, beer, not sticking to My diet well enough, and back problems kept Me from walking for a while but now I just got out of the habit and have to get back on track... My birthday in November I want to be below that 200 pound mark......
  • kim1954
    kim1954 Posts: 12 Member
    Well not so good. Am about 220 and holding and the Wife took an out of State job so the diet is not going so well.
  • kim1954
    kim1954 Posts: 12 Member
    Well the soon to be "ex" decided to stay in Wisconsin and dump My a**, so now I want to lose weight.....:huh:
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