Not loosing weight - help to break thru

Hi - I have been a serial yo yo dieter for years. This is my first time trying to loose weight without fad diets.
The problem is that I have been keeping the following regimen for 4 weeks now and the scale..... not moving at all. I can see that there is a bit more definition but my clothes are still fitting the same. Here is what I have been doing:

Eating within 1,400 calories range - 3 meals and 3 snacks
Running 3 times a week, weights 3 times a week
One cheat meal a week

Anybody dealt with this and successfully overcame this? Do I need to eat less? Workout more? Not sure :(

I am 5ft3 and stuck at 146 pounds

Thank you!!!!!


  • Biker_SuzCO
    Biker_SuzCO Posts: 54 Member
    I was the same weight and height when I late August. It took me about 7 months to drop 10 pounds! I had s similar workout routine as you too. I'm now stuck at 135 for 2-3 months. Just keep at it is my advice--the weight might come off slowly but your fitness and health will be great.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Do you eat back you workouts or do you stick to 1400?

    I had great success with IF, doing g a 18:6 split now, but 16:8 works fine.

    6 meals seems a lot, if you get hungry in-between meals, eat more?
    Snacks should be low GI foods I guess, keeping bloodsugar stable.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    "cheat meal" is a major red flag to me.
    I can undo an entire week of dieting in one "cheat meal."
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    "cheat meal" is a major red flag to me.
    I can undo an entire week of dieting in one "cheat meal."

    This is what I was thinking as well. It is very likey the OP is on pace for a .5lb a week loss and is cheating that to be much less.

    OP make sure your cheat meal isnt blowing your calorie goals for the week. it doesnt have to be fruits and veggies. Pizza and beer is fine, as long as the calories arent above your goals.
  • Anuta78
    Anuta78 Posts: 27 Member
    Ok let me try to summarize - I should calculate my "weekly" calories and make sure that my "cheat meal" does not go over that number -correct?

    Also - try to combine some of my meals?

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    How accurately do you count/track your calories daily? Do you log/track your 'cheat meal'? If not, any rough idea how many are in that meal?
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    edited June 2017
    Anuta78 wrote: »
    Ok let me try to summarize - I should calculate my "weekly" calories and make sure that my "cheat meal" does not go over that number -correct?

    Also - try to combine some of my meals?
    you want to make sure that it does not surpass your weekly goal.

    So if you have a daily goal of 1400 calories, And you are trying to have a 250 calorie deficit daily(you didnt say your TDEE so im using 250 as an example here), to lose 7x250=1750calories or 0.5 lbs a week. If your cheat meal is 2000 calories you are over by 600 that day meaning your weekly is now 1150(6x250-350 over daily TDEE) or 0.3 lbs a week.

    So to compensate you would need to either remove calories from other days, exercise more, cheat less (same foods less quantity).

    You could lower your 6 day calories to 1300 each day, then on that 7th day you would have 2000 calories available. while still maintaining your goal and your cheat meal.

    Edit:Corrected a math error
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited June 2017
    Rough estimate: 1445 bmr. (Assumed 30 years old. Won't make a huge difference.) If office job/sedentary then NEAT about 1750. Exercise - depends on how long but for 3 runs a week, 450-900 in weekly calories added is a realistic, possibly low estimate, theory.

    So burning 1750 x 7 + 900 = 13,150 burned. 1400 x 7 = 9800 consumed plus an unknown qty for the cheat meal. If the cheat meal is less than 3350 calories, you should have a little weight loss per week.

    BUT is the running and strength training new? If so, you are likely retaining water for muscle adaptation/repair.

    So my non-professional advice: make sure your logging is as accurate as possible. Food scale for all solids, account for cooking oils and such. Be aware that we don't burn a huge amount per day as women so make an effort to move more here & there whenever you can. And have patience. :)

    Ps-how many meals/snacks is only important in terms of what makes you feel satiated/satisfied. Total calories is what matters for weight loss.
  • xchocolategirl
    xchocolategirl Posts: 186 Member
    Are you using a food scale?
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Take a good look at the "cheat meal". What's the point of that? Is it a reward for being good the rest of the week?

    I had to change my mindset about cheat meals. As another poster mentioned, I can undo an entire week of good with ONE cheat day or even just ONE meal. Especially if it's a big restaurant meal and I'm clueless as to the actual calories.

    Have an indulgence here and there but make sure it fits within your target calories.
  • edlanglais5
    edlanglais5 Posts: 172 Member
    I do "cheat meals" sometimes myself. But always make sure there are enough calories allotted in the day or week. I had pizza the other day but made sure it fit into my calories. Be sure you aren't going all out on your cheat days as well. I at 3 slices and 2 breadsticks, whereas before I would just gorge.
  • Anuta78
    Anuta78 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you so much!!! This is mad helpful :) will reconsider that cheat meal for sure and try to add weekly calories.