Couch to 5K! Really?!?! Really!!!!!!!



  • isaukco
    isaukco Posts: 28
    I redid week 5 day 1 today as I had a week off on holiday!!!
    I used to run when I was a teenager, and even won a few races....but alas that was a LONG time ago!
    I am really enjoying getting back into running!

    The worst thing for me isnt my breathing, its the excruciating pain I get in my shins and calves! OUCH! But thus far I have managed to keep plodding on despite it....hoping that it too shall pass!

    Haven't lost any weight so far running, but then I don't really expect to until I start running 20 mins + without stopping!
  • 1. Where do you run?
    2. What time of day do you run?
    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What?
    4. Why are you doing C25K?
    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"?

    1. I run on the treadmill at my gym, I always find treadmills are better for training because they stick to one speed.

    2. Usually in the morning/mid-morning. I don't like going to my gym after 3pm, so by getting it done in the morning I don't have to worry about it later on.

    3. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I usually work for 9 hours on the other days and I'm always on my feet, so that's pretty good anyway,haha. I occasionally swim, walk or hop on the elliptical though.

    4. To re-train myself as a runner. I hate that I used to be an award winning long distance runner and now I have to push myself to run 5 minutes. I also want to lose weight and get my runners body back along with completing a marathon next year.

    5. 100% yes. I always feel on a high after a run, it seems to last a day or two, so by the time it's dwindling, I'm on to my next run and I get it all over again.
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    I have an app on my I phone C25k... it talks you through the warm up, when to run and when 2 walk, also the cool down, Its like having a personal trainer next to you, it can calculate how far you ran.. the speed of r walk Vs run, how many calories you burned. and you can listen to Music at the same time....
    Happy running!!
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    I'm in...starting today..this will be a challenge for me...:wink:
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    I've just don't D1W1 and it's killed me! oh my goodness I'm unfit! how do we log C25K in MFP? xx
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    Oh My GOODNESS!! So my " personal Trainer" on my I phone C25k didnt work for some reason today... SO I just Started jogging very slowly. I read that in the book Run Your But Off. and I Ran a whole Hour !!! FAST walked up the steep hills!!! I cant believe it!!!! I am not sure how Far But I feel so GOOD!!!
  • Hi all, hope your running is going to plan. I managed a 4 mile training run today. Was far to hot to aim for fast miles, so kept a slow pace. Managed to get a blister on my heel (ouch) . I think I might just about get enough training in before my next half marathon.
    Happy running loose those lbs
  • jezzi4ever
    jezzi4ever Posts: 100
    Woohoo! Officially 2/3 done with training!! Just finished up W6D3 today. 25 minute was slow (12 min miles) but at least I got through them. I soooo want this heat to break so I can get outside again, the treadmill is incredibly boring!!

    Any tips for how to keep myself occupied? I was even watching a DVD (Modern Family :) ) and I was still thinking "is it over? How long til it's over? Am I done yet?"

    A nice little realization: I was saying "oh, just 5 minutes more, that's nothing." Before it was "5 minuets, UGHHHH!" So that's progress, I say! :)
  • I did W4R3 today and bumped it up another 0.2miles faster during my runs. I'm now running 0.7miles faster than I was last week :). So excited for my next run!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I've just don't D1W1 and it's killed me! oh my goodness I'm unfit! how do we log C25K in MFP? xx

    Hi. Im on W4D2 and suprised myslef that I could run it.

    I log it as e.g 16 mins running (slow) and 15 mins walking (med pace). Obviously changing the minutes each week.x
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member
    The worst thing for me isnt my breathing, its the excruciating pain I get in my shins and calves! OUCH! But thus far I have managed to keep plodding on despite it....hoping that it too shall pass!

    I hear you on that. The terrain around me is very hilly and I sometimes get pretty severe pain in my shins as I'm going downhill. I suppose it's the extra stress being placed on them by the sheer momentum of my weight! Then, when I get to the bottom and start climbing again, it's my calves that start burning. Either way, it hurts!

    Some days it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. Other days it hurts worse. No real pattern to it from what I can tell. The best advice I've had is to put ice packs on your shins immediately after the run. It definitely helps the next day!
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member

    Hi. Im on W4D2 and suprised myslef that I could run it.

    I log it as e.g 16 mins running (slow) and 15 mins walking (med pace). Obviously changing the minutes each week.x

    Nicely done. I've done W5D1 and will be doing D2 tomorrow. I'm already getting nervous about D3, the 20 minute run. I'm trying to be positive but, well, I can't see it happening...
  • jezzi4ever
    jezzi4ever Posts: 100

    Nicely done. I've done W5D1 and will be doing D2 tomorrow. I'm already getting nervous about D3, the 20 minute run. I'm trying to be positive but, well, I can't see it happening...

    I think you'll surprise yourself with the run... Plus, when you get through it (yes "when" not "if") you will feel that much more proud of yourself!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    The worst thing for me isnt my breathing, its the excruciating pain I get in my shins and calves! OUCH! But thus far I have managed to keep plodding on despite it....hoping that it too shall pass!

    Remember RICE!

    After I run anything more than two miles, when I get back I put compression socks on, prop my legs under a pillow, and rest them on an ice pack. Saves the calves, and prevents shin splints. Learning better running form, and buying good sneakers has been immensely helpful as well.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    The worst thing for me isnt my breathing, its the excruciating pain I get in my shins and calves! OUCH! But thus far I have managed to keep plodding on despite it....hoping that it too shall pass!

    Remember RICE!

    After I run anything more than two miles, when I get back I put compression socks on, prop my legs under a pillow, and rest them on an ice pack. Saves the calves, and prevents shin splints. Learning better running form, and buying good sneakers has been immensely helpful as well.
  • I just started this today! My shins were killing me by the end of it but I was so proud of myself that I actually completed it. I told my friend that I started working out and was going to start this too and we made a promise to each other that when I'm done, we'll run a 5k together. She's pretty active so I just have to get there.

    1. Where do you run? At the moment, I run figure 8's and oval loops in my living room. I'm getting a treadmill next month,
    though, which will help A LOT haha.
    2. What time of day do you run? I run at all different times of the day. today I ran around 3, but last night I worked out at 11 and
    ran then too (Wii EA Sports Active game)
    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What? I walk my dog and do the Wii EA Active Sports game.
    4. Why are you doing C25K? To get healthier and run a long distance for the first time since I played soccer (which was probably 15ish years ago)
    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"? Not yet. at the moment I keep telling myself that it'll be over soon when I get tired haha. Maybe by week 3 or 4 I will!

    I'm so excited to see the progress that I'll make haha.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm starting week 8 tonight, and when I finish I'm going to start working on getting faster. I want to race my boyfriend (and win!)
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I started week 7 today, but it was a struggle. I took the kids to the pool this afternoon and sat in the hot sun for several hours. Gotta' remember not to do that before a run! lol I also ran in the evening when I prefer to run in the morning. Last week I managed 2.5 miles with no problem. Today I still ran about 2.25 miles and then walked the rest plus some. It was a decent pace for me, but it felt MUCH more difficult.

    1. Where do you run? Either at local parks (when I need shade) or around town (when I get out early enough to not mind the sun).

    2. What time of day do you run? I prefer to run in the a.m., but will fit it in whenever I can.

    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What? I take a hooping class once a week and go to hoop jams on Saturdays. I do yoga once or twice a week. And I'm trying to get back to light strength training, but I dread the repetition.

    4. Why are you doing C25K? To get back into shape after spending the winter injured and/or sick. I also like having the built in short term and long term goals.

    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"? Sometimes yes, but definitely not today!
  • I started week 5 today despite not wanting to go to the gym at all. I completed it and I was running 0.3miles faster than my last run. Thats 1 whole mile faster than I was running 1.5 weeks ago :D.
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    I started c2k5 earlier this summer and although wasn't following the program (did my own variation), I found my stamina was improving big time and felt better and better with each run. Then, I suffered a pulled calf muscle last week and am still healing...doing the RICE thing religiously and it's helped a lot. This week and possibly next week I'll be taking a break from the running, so I can heal. Instead, for cardio, I started swimming laps. Yesterday I did 24 laps in 30 minutes. I seriously think that the running had a huge part in helping my stamina with the swimming because this time last summer I could barely swim 2 laps without passing out. Then again, I was 32 pounds heavier last summer,

    My first 5k race (i've done walks before) in on Sept. 11th. I'm really hoping I can make it and that this calf injury won't linger.

    Good luck to everyone! I think this is a great motivational thread!