Am I right?



  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    There are only two ways of burning calories 1) Body staying alive in a coma (BMR) and 2) everything else.
    So yes, if you walk around for work all day, it's extra exercise on top of your BMR of 1800. There's no way on earth your TDEE is 1200. You BMR might be 1200, but your TDEE (that's your Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is your BMR plus all the moving around you do all day and includes work or exercise.

    The only difference between work and exercise is whether you get paid for it or not ;)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    She must mean BMR.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    I'm not asking about numbers I know my RDA is 1200. MFP is set to to active. I was just giving numbers as an example. The 1500 comes from MFP exercises slow walking 2.5mph for 480 mins and its estimate is 1500 kcal. All I'm trying g to ask is that are the kcal you doing from extra moving on top of the kcals you need to keep you alive?? And if not why if you did f all, all day but went for a walk would that be classed as exercise but not work

    You have your BMR...the calories you burn merely existing...then your NEAT, the energy you expend going about your daily...then your EAT, the energy you expend with deliberate exercise.

    Your activity level should be set to match what you do on most days before any deliberate exercise...this will account for your BMR and NEAT.
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    Omg thank you!! I understand now!!
    Rusty740 wrote: »
    There are only two ways of burning calories 1) Body staying alive in a coma (BMR) and 2) everything else.
    So yes, if you walk around for work all day, it's extra exercise on top of your BMR of 1800. There's no way on earth your TDEE is 1200. You BMR might be 1200, but your TDEE (that's your Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is your BMR plus all the moving around you do all day and includes work or exercise.

    The only difference between work and exercise is whether you get paid for it or not ;)

    Omg thank you!!!
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Do you dig ditches for 12 hours at work?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    Honestly it's non stop walking. My job is cafe. So getting food taking it out clearing tables dish washer taking clean plates to BOH. It's not actually waitressing just thought it would be easier to decide. I don't deal with the till. When I put food on it takes 1 min to cook and we are not allowed to wait so have to go get clean plates or clean tables. It's mainly jogging tbh!!! RDA is the English version of TDEE

    Think you are meaning "Recommended Daily Amount"?

    A frequently stated average maintenance for women is 2000 cals, for men 2500. That's TDEE.

    But that number is hugely variable (size, activity, exercise....)

    There's loads of sticky threads pinned to the various forums explaining how this sites work. Reading them would ease your confusion.
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    Also I got it wrong RDA is recommended daily allowence not TDEE LOL!
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    Do you dig ditches for 12 hours at work?

    10 hours
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I work at a restaurant and I stand and walk most of the time and I only give myself +200 calories on top of my 1800. Hence, I set my MFP to give me 2000 calories every day. I log actual gym cardio separately. I hope this perspective helps!
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    If you set your MFP activity level to "active", then I believe it will automatically include your "work-walking" calories in the calorie count. Whereas if you had selected "sedentary", your daily calorie amount would be much closer to "the amount of calories you expend just by existing and not doing anything else."

    At any rate, you are clearly doing something right if you've lost that much so far. Congratulations. :)
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    Do you dig ditches for 12 hours at work?

    10 hours

    Just read that you work in a cafe. When I was a server at a busy breakfast restaurant I'd usually end the day with about 15-18k steps. My tdee was 2600ish so still not that high but depending on your weight you may be higher or lower. Have you considered getting a fitness tracker? Like a Fitbit? Or you could just pick "active" and monitor your weight loss and you'd know pretty quickly if you need to eat more or less
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    katadx wrote: »
    I work at a restaurant and I stand and walk most of the time and I only give myself +200 calories on top of my 1800. Hence, I set my MFP to give me 2000 calories every day. I log actual gym cardio separately. I hope this perspective helps!

    I do this too. It's set to active. I just very badly worded it lol. Just wondered if your BMR and TDEE was together or on top of each other kinda thing.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    edited June 2017
    TDEE = BMR + Daily Activity (all daily activity including exercise.)

    If you use TDEE to calculate weight loss calories you don't add calories for exercise on those days. You use TDEE minus 10% = your daily calories for weight loss and you eat the same every day regardless.

    If you use Myfitnesspal's calculation, it does this calculation for you based on the activity level you choose based on your normal routine and you add in EXTRA exercise calories above and beyond your normal daily activity.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    It's all guesses anyway, so if the results don't pan out, adjust. Adjust your activity level, don't eat exercise calories, or whatever.

    That ^^ right there.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    Am I right in thinking, you burn around 1800kcal just generally doing nothing threw out the day? Then when you're at work you burn on top of that. So you burn 1800 generally, burn 1500 working, so in total 2800 then you eat around 1500kcal so in essence youre burning around half a pound a day as one pound is around 3 500 kcal. .. if that made any sense at all

    I don't know your stats so I don't know if you burn 1800 just generally doing nothing. BUT if that is the amount you burn from doing pretty much nothing, you'd have to be super active, on your feet and running around constantly, to burn an additional 1500 from your job.

    But in theory, yes figuring out how much you burn in a day from all sources and eating less: is how you lose weigh.t