Hi--New Here!

Hi everyone,I'm just introducing myself on here.I'm a 42 yr old stay at home mom to a 17 yr old ds and a 6 yr old dd.
Dh and I have been married 21 years.

I started my weight loss "journey" on Mother's Day of this year(May 8,2011) and joined Weight Watcher's on May 18,2011.I'm ecstatic to report that I've lost 60 pounds (as of last weigh in on Thursday July 21st)!

Have a long way to go but am working hard and determined to lose all this extra mama fluff!

My short term goal is to get under 200 pounds.Long term I'd like to be 120-125.(I'm 5 ft 3")

Currently I'm 361 (down from my all time high of 420 on May 8.2011).

Looking forward to getting to "know" folks and have the support of folks who understand and who have been there.

I wasn't always plus sized,in fact I was a skinny child and normal sized teen & young woman.
I started to struggle with my weight after I married and had my children.

Just all the cooking,baking & getting comfortable.LOL

I did lose quite a bit of weight through healthy eating & daily walking--right before I concieved our firstborn.It was the one time I got down to 140 pounds and a sz 8! (I'm curvy) It was brief indeed.Guess I looked good to dh because I immediatly got pg not 1 month after getting down to a sz 8! LOL


  • vicky_unni
    vicky_unni Posts: 24
    That is so amazing that you have lost that much already, you are my role model. Keep up the good work. I know how you feel about the weight and being home all day with kids and loving to bake, we have lots in common.
  • waterlily
    waterlily Posts: 55 Member
    Hello and Welcome!! Bravo on your 60 Lbs loss!! Fantastic job!! Good luck with your continue efforts!! :)
  • jmore85
    jmore85 Posts: 36
    Wow, well done on your weight loss so far. Welcome to MFP, I hope you find it as useful as I have. Feel free to add me as a 'friend' if you like.
  • McMamma38
    McMamma38 Posts: 31
    Thanks so much everyone.:)