No Soda Challenge



  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I was trying to drink less soda and have been doing well so far, but I splurge once in a while, but don't really enjoy it as much as I used to....Guess that means I should just give it up for good!!!!! I'M IN!!!!
  • kellytime2lose
    kellytime2lose Posts: 62 Member
    I too am a diet coke addict. Trying to get off but it is hard for me. Trying to drink la croix (sparkling flavored water all natural) as a substitute but still hard. For those of you who have been off for a couple months, did you find it helped with your weight loss? Thx

  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
    Im in I've been thinking about it but havent commited to it its official today i drop the soda diet and all ..

    ..........."grrr gameface on" !!
  • melissa0309
    melissa0309 Posts: 3 Member
    I'll do it with you, Jen! ("ManytheMiles" from MSSN ) ;)
  • terrie98
    terrie98 Posts: 49
    I was doing without soda for almost a month and then decided to have one today at a workshop... I had a diet soda with my lunch and it was not a good choice. It immediately made me feel hungry again... ugh. Strictly water and tea now.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    How's everyone doing so far? I'm up to 60 oz of water today so far(plus my coffee this morning)
  • SMarie1219
    SMarie1219 Posts: 67
    I just saw this... I've had my soda for today but tomorrow I will start!
  • Lvemylfe
    Lvemylfe Posts: 2
    I was totally off the the diet coke got back on then diet sprite ( always from sonic ) no TRYiNG to stay on just water...
  • I am so in! I have been trying to kick my occasional soda habit.
  • Dinger79
    Dinger79 Posts: 2 Member
    High Five, I'm in too!!!

    I've been drinking that stuff for far far far too long!
  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in . . . I did it while I was pregnant (only drank water and herbal tea), so I can do it again!
    Coke Zero, I am no longer in your caffeine-induced, sodium-bloated captivity!
  • JenFer5
    JenFer5 Posts: 25
    I'm in!!
  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in too. I've really done much better the past two weeks, but I need to stay away from it altogether. Thanks for the challenge!
  • I'm in too! I usually don't drink soda but I've been going to the movies a lot lately and share a large soda with my fiance (he drinks liquids fast in general). I'll bring a water bottle now in a large purse!
  • NinasMum
    NinasMum Posts: 6
    I stopped drinking soda yesterday! LOL! It's not that hard if you don't think about it and whenever I get a craving for carbonation or anything soda, I go brush my teeth. GOOD LUCK!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i would love to do this, however, mt dew has me addicted. i have to have at least one a day or i will go nuts!
  • RunLikeBelle
    RunLikeBelle Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. I started on Sunday when I began a juice fast. I've been a diet coke addict for years. To help at night I'm drinking seltzer water with fresh juiced cherries and lime. So good it doesn't need a sweetener.
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    aussie_nic_getting_fit Posts: 134 Member
    i have nothad any soda or caffine since january 2011.

    I feel SOOOOo muchbetter for it. i barely dramk any water and drank LARGE quantities of diet coke.

    Good luck to everyone trying to kick the habit, its hard at first, but you body & mind will thank you for it

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • AbbieJay
    AbbieJay Posts: 5
    I'm in!
  • no5wingfan
    no5wingfan Posts: 15
    Its been over a can do it!