Any 5' 5" girls out there?

PixieThin Posts: 57
haha.. my friend would totally laugh at me for posting this..but yea.

She just measured me about a week or so ago and all this time I thought I was 5' 7". Nah. I'm a shortie. She is actually 5'7" and was measured the right way. She is obviously taller than me when we stand next to each other..but anywho. I feel so weird now because the BMI for a healthy weight would make me around the 130's is that possible for me seriously. Now I feel so overwhelmed I have to lose even more.. =(


  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    I'm 5'5 and 134lbs and still losing. It's possible! I haven't been this small in a long time though. Usually hung around the 140s
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    Yep, I'm 5'5". I actually used to think I was only 5'4" but had a nurse take one look at me and remeasure me. I was so excited to have gained an inch. lol

    I'm actually aiming for 140s. Don't forget the last 20 pounds are more vanity pounds. It's about how you feel about yourself and not about the number.
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    im 5'4'' and 115...hit a major plateau around 135, but thats okay. its totally possible to do.
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    im 5 5 but weigh 162 booo wanna be 140!
  • jeni636363
    jeni636363 Posts: 23
    Hey! I am 5'5 and I have been told that healthy BMI is between 125-150. Its a wide range but anywhere in there will do. It also depends on your bone size, small medium or large. My bones are small so I am aiming for 130. But you have to listen to your body. It will tell you when to stop.
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    Ha! I'm 5'4"..... So I completely understand what you mean. :P It's difficult being short.... although, I've also heard that guys like short girls XD
  • loeyb24
    loeyb24 Posts: 6
    I'm 5'4 and a half. I've definitely gained a ton of weight and im trying to get to 130 too. its a pretty good place as far as BMI is concerned because its right in the middle. im sure that was a super stressful thing to find out because negative surprises are never easy to deal with. try not to stress out about the numbers though and the short term goals. if you try to change your lifestyle inthe ways you know you need to, you will lose that weight and probably get to 125! i promise you can do it if you really want to be a healthier, better you. you got this girl!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm around 130 now. I was aiming for 135, but another few pounds slid off when I wasn't looking. :wink: I'm not concerned with the number on the scale anymore. If it goes up with strength training, or goes down a little more... I'm cool with it.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I am 5' 5" and weight at about 150. I am wearing size 8 pants, some 10's, size 8 straight skirts, size 6 dresses and skirts.....everyone says I am too skinny and need to put weight on!! RIGHT! LOL!! I am happy at between 145 to 150...I carry my weight in my legs and behind, very small waiste and arms.....wear a small up top. I guess it is all in how you are shaped and where you carry your weight to decide where you want to stop in losing! Good luck!!
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    5' 4 1/2" lol Started out at 151, down to 139, wanting to get to the low 130s/high 120s
  • hi ya
    I'm 5ft 4 and a very important half haha I hate being short but hey a sexy high heel helps that. I think of myself as "well built" so can actually carry weight quite well without anyone noticing i've put on weight. Before starting this, I was happy and thought I'd just tweak. having lost 12lb I'm now thinking ooh how low can I go without people cringing. There's no point setting a target because everybody is different. My sister started this at 146lb which is my current weight and yet she has always looked way slimmer than me. See how you look and how your clothes fit and go from there. Good luck
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member

    I AM 5'7 and I am between 130-135 (depends on the day) and I still have some toning to do.

    I would say it should be possible for you to hit 130......
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Who you calling short??? Ha! I'm 5'5" and weigh 150. I wear a size 6 bottom and a small/medium top. Do your strength training and HIIT and you will see vast improvements!
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm 5'5 and at 151, right now, shooting for 140, I am medium built, will see where I am at that point and how I feel :) if I could lose around my tummy i would be happy right now :)
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    I am 5' best was at 130-135 and I have lots of muscle. At 128 I looked too lean, six pack.132 I'm happy with. Currently am 152ish post partum.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Yes, I went to the Dr. today and learned I am 5'5"..... all these years I thought I was 5'6".....I was in the normal range according to their chart (23) and could go as low as 115 lbs. and still be in the healthy range, right now I weigh a little over 140, I am 45, and wear a size 6.
  • TBirdGirl
    TBirdGirl Posts: 96 Member
    I am 5' 5". Currently hanging around 157 but hoping to have a loss soon. Right now my goal is just to get to a 'Healthy' BMI so I am determined to lose at least this last 7 lbs. Everyone thinks I look great now. I've lost around 26 lbs so far but I know I want to lose possibly more than that 8. But it's a next step. I was around 135 in HS and comfortable there. But then again, I'm pretty comfortable where I am at now and think I look great. However, I know 'Healthy' BMI is very important for me so I continue on the quest.

    PS - 5' 5" isn't short. It is the most average height for a typical American women... Or at least it was last I checked. :wink: So it's what I tell people when they tell me I am short. I also remind them I don't have issues finding pants or skirts/dresses that are long enough or duck when things are low. :laugh:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    haha.. my friend would totally laugh at me for posting this..but yea.

    She just measured me about a week or so ago and all this time I thought I was 5' 7". Nah. I'm a shortie. She is actually 5'7" and was measured the right way. She is obviously taller than me when we stand next to each other..but anywho. I feel so weird now because the BMI for a healthy weight would make me around the 130's is that possible for me seriously. Now I feel so overwhelmed I have to lose even more.. =(

    You have captured my fear! I was always 5" 5 3/4" tall. I like to call myself 5'6" at 54 I keep threatening to have someone measure me in my bare feet on a tile floor.......I'm afraid to hear it! I will be very sad indeed if I have lost some height!But with age you wear down your cartilage, so I'll find out and then I'll know if I have to weigh even less as a final goal, too! I want to be exactly in the middle of the BMI chart! Call me weird, but that is where I want to live. Then from there work on toning and fat content.
  • felly07
    felly07 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5'4" and a half. I started at 156lbs, I don't distribute weight well so it did not look good on me and I didn;t feel comfortable, I am a triangular apple shape. That was a BMI of about 25.3. Currently at 146lbs and still have 13lbs to go before I am at my ideal weight of 133lbs.
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I started at 146 and am now down to 133, so it is possible to be in the 130's. I lost a lot of my weight when i started doing long runs and mixing them with interval runs. My goal is to get down to 125, so I'm definitely getting close!
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