Trying again

lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
edited June 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I am not new Mfp I have used this app a lot of times. It has always helped me keep on track and I really love using it. However as life goes by we tend to procrastinate and stop or just give up. I can't remember why I stopped Last time exactly but I was almost at my goal weight! Almost for the first time in years! And then I just stopped! I look back at the pictures from those days and I am amazed at what I was able to accomplish. Sadly I am back because I need to be accountable again. This is how I know I can be successful! I think I can definitely do it!
I am looking for new friends! Please add me! I plan to log in everyday. I exercise at least 6 days a week. My diet I'd mostly vegan. My goal is to lose 10 to 15 pounds by the end of July. I need motivation!
