Diabetes help

Hi need help I am a diabetic what can I eat


  • Corella2017
    Corella2017 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi need help I am a diabetic what can I eat

    Hi there. I too recently got told I had type2 D Doc wanted me on insulin but I said no n that I want to find out for myself. So I went Google n YouTube. Found Diet Doctor also Dr Fung n so many I can give you to check out. They heal people or reverse it. It works as I tried the LCHF or Low Carb High fat. Also the Ketojenic or ketosis way of eating. My Diabetes was reversed within only 1 wk. Look into it on you tube Prof Phinney and Dr Volek. Also a great place to subscribe or check out "low carb down Under" there's heaps of lectures from leading Health Leaders. I hope this helps. I started low carb eating 4 Mths ago n never looked back. Weight too.
  • Corella2017
    Corella2017 Posts: 13 Member
    Not ketosis spelling check error! Ketos diet. Or way of life.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome. I suggest you check out the following main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most oc us Ketophiles tend to hang out:
