Working out while pregnant?



  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    A brisk walk and prenatal video sounds fine, but double check with your doctor. I wouldn't suddenly start doing fitcross or something like that.
    Also, make sure you take your prenatal vitamins!
    Also, also Congrats!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    My doctor's advice was "if you did it before you were pregnant, you're fine doing it while pregnant." His exceptions were horseback riding, waterskiing/wakeboarding, and going in the hot tub--those were big no-nos.

    Don't start anything new (except maybe prenatal vitamins) until you have chatted with the doctor. Congrats!
  • samhynes7469
    samhynes7469 Posts: 23 Member
    first of all , congratulations !!! :D Light exercise , and do NOT limit calories ,do NOT count calories , if you are hungry , eat what ever you want !(unless its like soap or something like that ) you have a good excuse , use it ! lol, it is so hard to know witch is good advice and bad , you will get some bad..... listen to you body and your doctor , do not be afraid to ask any question , no matter how weird you think it might be , your doc has heard it, and has the answer . #mommylove