what am I doing wrong? no weight lose in 2 weeks?

what am i doing wrong? im 5' 4' i started in march with around 135 pounds my goal weight is 110. ive been eating around 1200 calories a day and walking 4-6 days a week for 40 minutes with my mommy i weighed myself may 22 and i was 119.8 but i weighed myself this morning and i was 120.2 why didnt i lose any weight in 2 weeks?

am i eating too bad? should i do more exercise than just walking?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    i do measure things with food scale so i think it is pretty accurate and i log .5 of a sandwich because i cut it in half and gave half to my brother and i do use the recipe builder
    i log my walks with google fit but i dont know how to put that on myfitnesspal so i just put the minutes i walked on the exercise thing
    could it be because of my constipation?
    and could it be because i eat night snacks that r bigger than my dinner sometimes?

    You have stuff just today and yesterday that isn't logged in weight -- bread (logged in slices), peanut butter (logged in tablespoons), cheese (logged in slices), peas (logged in cups). It also looks like your meals are mixed between food purchased in restaurants (like the egg patty from Dunkin Donuts) and food not from that restaurant (like the bread you at at the same meal). Are there meals where you are just looking for the closest match in the database or are you actually getting just an egg patty from Dunkin Donuts and then adding bread from somewhere else?
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I have a lot to lose, so it may be different. I just want you to know. I once stayed with no weight loss for 25 days. I did everything right. Sometimes our bodies just need to adjust. You may be at a weight you have been for a while on the way up, and that will be a plateau. I kept track so I would not lose hope. Even eating right, I can stall for that long, BUT I will not give up as I will lose! Concentrate instead on good clean eating! Do not eat the same things all the time, surprise your body! Eat breakfast at dinner, or a lunch for breakfast. Change up your fruits or veggies. Eat lots of protein, not so much sugar or white carbs. Walking is good. It would not hurt to do something else sometimes, like dancing or weights. Also try changing your calories up. Eat 1200 one day, the next eat 1300, but use protein and veggies to add the extra 100 calories. Switching it up for a week or so shakes up your body!! I would not drop below 1200 calories, with walking 6 days a week- your body will go into starvation mode, thinking it needs to hang onto that weight! It will be slow as said! You do not have as much to lose!! Concentrate on healthy eating and feeling good! Good luck!!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    i do measure things with food scale so i think it is pretty accurate and i log .5 of a sandwich because i cut it in half and gave half to my brother and i do use the recipe builder
    i log my walks with google fit but i dont know how to put that on myfitnesspal so i just put the minutes i walked on the exercise thing
    could it be because of my constipation?
    and could it be because i eat night snacks that r bigger than my dinner sometimes?

    You have stuff just today and yesterday that isn't logged in weight -- bread (logged in slices), peanut butter (logged in tablespoons), cheese (logged in slices), peas (logged in cups). It also looks like your meals are mixed between food purchased in restaurants (like the egg patty from Dunkin Donuts) and food not from that restaurant (like the bread you at at the same meal). Are there meals where you are just looking for the closest match in the database or are you actually getting just an egg patty from Dunkin Donuts and then adding bread from somewhere else?

    the man at dunkin donut put a full egg patty in my wakeup wrap but it usually only comes with half so i cut it in half and saved the other half to put on a bread for lunch
    and i use tablespoons to measure sometimes too

    You may want to consider using something more accurate than tablespoons, especially for calorie dense foods like peanut butter and ice cream. It's up to you how accurate you want your dairy to be -- you can keep going the way you're going, but sometimes people find it's hard to lose weight when they aren't measuring accurately.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    At 5'4", is it likely that your body would find 110 lbs unnaturally thin? Mine certainly would...I'd be more healthy and attractive at 125-130ish and my body would be fighting like crazy not to let me lose that weight. Someone with another body type might find 110 just fine. How did you arrive at your goal weight?

    Are you female and are you ovulating or about to start your period? Hormones can cause a couple pounds of weight gain each month. Have you been exercising more than usual or have you eaten something salty in the past day or two? Water retention can cause a couple pounds weight gain.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I have a lot to lose, so it may be different. I just want you to know. I once stayed with no weight loss for 25 days. I did everything right. Sometimes our bodies just need to adjust. You may be at a weight you have been for a while on the way up, and that will be a plateau. I kept track so I would not lose hope. Even eating right, I can stall for that long, BUT I will not give up as I will lose! Concentrate instead on good clean eating! Do not eat the same things all the time, surprise your body! Eat breakfast at dinner, or a lunch for breakfast. Change up your fruits or veggies. Eat lots of protein, not so much sugar or white carbs. Walking is good. It would not hurt to do something else sometimes, like dancing or weights. Also try changing your calories up. Eat 1200 one day, the next eat 1300, but use protein and veggies to add the extra 100 calories. Switching it up for a week or so shakes up your body!! I would not drop below 1200 calories, with walking 6 days a week- your body will go into starvation mode, thinking it needs to hang onto that weight! It will be slow as said! You do not have as much to lose!! Concentrate on healthy eating and feeling good! Good luck!!
    1. Weight loss is all about calories. Clean eating does not guarantee weight loss.
    2. Your body doesn't need to "keep guessing". The only reason to eat a variety of foods is for nutrition and not getting bored with what you eat.
    3. What meal you eat at what time does not matter other than help with food boredom. You're not going to change up weight loss much by swapping meal times. That's not how weight loss works.
    4. Calorie cycling is a personal preference. One can eat the same calories everyday or figure out their weekly deficit. It doesn't matter. The body has no idea.
    5. Starvation mode? That's a myth disproven by science numerous times over many years.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited June 2017
    1.log accurately weigh everything
    2. Particularly if you are a woman or consume a lot of salt there can be times your body holds onto water. Weigh yourself more often and use a trending app.
    3. Stalls are if been at same weight at least 6 weeks
    4. You sound under 8 when you call your mom mommy.
    5. Relax if you continue over time with good habits you will see trend go down
  • emmacarrington549
    emmacarrington549 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi, I don't know if this will help you but I am part of a group that fast for 2 days out of 7 which has been extremely successful for giving weight loss a boost. However on the fast days you can have some calories but I think it's around 500 or less but it's worked out based on the amount of calories you consume every day and your current weight. You can get the calculator for your fast days online. You don't fast 2 days in a row, you do it on say for example a Monday and Thursday.
    I hope you find something to boost your loss.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Op what is your target weight? And how did you get that number? Were you born in 2000? (Just wondering based off of your screen name) I was well into an eating disorder at 17 so this is why I question how low are you trying to go? I was obsessed with a number...I just wanted to see a certain number on the scale and didn't care whether it was safe or right for my frame...it was a numbers game to me. This is no way to live...if this is sounding like you please speak with your family about getting help...if this does not sound like you then maybe consider moving into recomp...your height and weight are definitely not in the overweight category, so recomping may help :)