fruit and vegetables

Does anyone notice that people don't seem to be eating real fruits, vegetables, things you cook at home like chicken and fish, and beans and rice? People's food diaries are full of processed crap? Don't we think that's what getting us into trouble? Our bodies don't even know what the heck we are putting in them. If you can't read it and don't know what it is why put it in your body?


  • Godsflower1789
    amen to that!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I totally agree. I eat very little processed and I feel better and better every day!
    I noticed that your diary isn't viewable though, would you mind opening it for us?
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    If anyone else here is into eating real food feel free to add me! I only eat out once a week or so and try to eat whole/real foods (though no meat for me). I've also noticed a lot of crazy (IMO) processed stuff in other people's journals.
  • hsquared87
    hsquared87 Posts: 73
    yeah I noticed I was doing that. Since I switched to eating paleo/ primal I have been eating so many more whole foods. I really like it and I feel so much better.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Agreed - I make all my own meals and stick as close as possible to things from nature... after all mother nature tends to know best when it comes to packaging foods!

    H :)
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    I try to avoid process foods as much as possible.
  • yankeefamily05
    I try to eat as clean as I can.I also cook most of my meals at home and try not to use alot of processed things. I think it is a process.
  • yankeefamily05
    In the beginning I ate more processed stuff
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    I started out like that tho... its not bad thing. I logged everything before (mcdonalds, kfc, restaurants, etc)... just to get into the habbit of doing it... then you can see HOW MUCH over you are. Its not a bad thing....

    Now.. to do that for years.. or months.. prob. not the best theory.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    There are a lot of reasons people might have difficulty incorporating fresh foods into their diaries. For some it's an issue of availability, some a financial issue and for others a question of time crunch and/or preparation.

    Rather than criticizing, perhaps you can try to offer up some suggestions as to how to achieve a healthier diet and incorporate natural foods into one's menu?

    Seems to me that that approach would be far better received than the one you're taking.
  • theaterfan23
    theaterfan23 Posts: 256 Member
    I agree!! And please feel free to add me if you want! But I am always looking for tasty receipes for veggies as it always seems that I always eat them plain or with just a little bit of salt and pepper.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I've tried to cut out a lot of processed foods but I'm not there. It is hard to do sometimes when I eat out. I have cut out almost all junk food and almost all canned foods (I do like blackeyed peas and I had some Bush's baked beans and WILL never eat them again after seeing their totals on my food tracker). I'm eating a lot better than I used to though; summer with it's fresh veggies from the garden helps that a lot, too. It isn't cheap to eat healthy either.... :(
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Pip Pip!

    I actually refuse to comment on posts of being under goal in calories if there are no servings of produce in it. I know I eat TOO MUCH fruit but, if that's my biggest problem I think it's okay.
  • yankeefamily05
    There are a lot of reasons people might have difficulty incorporating fresh foods into their diaries. For some it's an issue of availability, some a financial issue and for others a question of time crunch and/or preparation.

    Rather than criticizing, perhaps you can try to offer up some suggestions as to how to achieve a healthier diet and incorporate natural foods into one's menu?

    Seems to me that that approach would be far better received than the one you're taking.

    This is true too. Often I am stretching my dollars for fresh food. It isn't easy, but I try to make it work. No one is perfect. I also find that if I cut out processed foods all together, I will cave and eat a ton of it. So I do try to incorporate processed a few days a week. It helps my budget, but its still healthier than what I ate before! Trust me on that one.
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    How about snacking on yogurt/nuts/fruit/raw veggies/hummus/tahini/nut butters/edamame instead of chips or processed "bars". Packing a lunch to take to work... maybe a salad, sandwhich thin sandwhich, cottage cheese/advacado/salsa/wrap, hummus and veggie wrap or left overs from the night before? Making dinners at home, tomorrow I'm making stuffed zucchini, today I had a veggie paella.

    As for cost, perhaps it is more expensive however I am faaaaaaar from well off and consider my weekly food shopping as an investment in my health and choose to save money in other ways (rent, clothes, vacations).
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I try not to judge - when I first joined MFP - I didn't know better - honestly. It's a process. Many newbies need only to have more time and to educate themselves.

    Here's a WONDERFUL link that someone gave me when I first joined MFP. It really helps you make the switch from processed to clean - though I admit - I'm only 75-95% clean. :blushing:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You're making a pretty big generalisation there - you will find lots of people whose diaries are full of real food - like mine!
    There are some processed snacks In my diary, but the majority is "real" food.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    i always have 1 salad and veggies everyday. and at least 2 pieces of fruit and a serving of yogurt, theyre all good! my only problem is that i like muesli bars and stuff (i try to get the most natural ones) and at the moment iim eating instant oat sachets instead of the more natural ones, but as soon as theyre all gone im switching :) im happy most of the time with what i eat.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    There are a lot of reasons people might have difficulty incorporating fresh foods into their diaries. For some it's an issue of availability, some a financial issue and for others a question of time crunch and/or preparation.

    Rather than criticizing, perhaps you can try to offer up some suggestions as to how to achieve a healthier diet and incorporate natural foods into one's menu?

    Seems to me that that approach would be far better received than the one you're taking.

    You may try going to produce stands for your produce. I've set up a relationship with my local stand. He saves produce that is nearly too ripe to sell for me. He gives it to me for 1/2, or more, off. As long as I get it home and in the fridge it lasts just fine until I use it.

    This is true too. Often I am stretching my dollars for fresh food. It isn't easy, but I try to make it work. No one is perfect. I also find that if I cut out processed foods all together, I will cave and eat a ton of it. So I do try to incorporate processed a few days a week. It helps my budget, but its still healthier than what I ate before! Trust me on that one.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    I eat mostly fresh fruit and veggies, lean meats, gluten free foods, and only a small amount of processed foods...I know I feel better eating closer to nature