Vegan female, want to lose 12 kilos in a year, looking for a female friend


I am 39, female, been overweight bordering on obese all my adult life (BMI - 29.6), Have tried to lose weight all my life and have not had any real success, mostly because I have been inconsistent, dont enjoy exercise and I do stress eat.

Losing 12 kilos will bring me into the normal BMI range.

My metabolism is slow and slowing further down, and I would like to sort this out, once and for all, but in a slow and sustainable manner. I am looking to lose 12 kilos in one year, and then lose another 3 or 4 over the course of the next year (BMi around 23) and maintain that lifelong.

I am vegan, married, no health issues.

I am looking for a female friend who has similar goals, and who is looking for a buddy in her weight loss journey, just for some motivation and encouragement. Inbox me if interested!


  • elyvegan
    elyvegan Posts: 19 Member
    Vegan too. Feel free to add me
  • ahrengirl
    ahrengirl Posts: 34 Member
    I'm vegan and in the process of losing weight. Feel free to add me.
  • Same here!
  • Misskcm
    Misskcm Posts: 143 Member
    Not vegan but gluten free!! I need my meat and cheese!! But feel free to add me!!
  • meggie1418
    meggie1418 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm vegetarian Add me! :)
  • amandamonsterrr
    amandamonsterrr Posts: 37 Member
    Vegan here too! Married, looking to lose about 30-40lbs. Would love to
    Be your friend!
  • afairfax47
    afairfax47 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me here but have you ever tried fasting? I went on a water fast a few months ago, in 2 weeks I was losing a kilo a day & I did it for 12 days. If you don't like exercise it's a great way to kick start things. You put about 3 kilos back on (food in your stomach plus the water being held by the food) but I haven't gained any of the fat back and it's been about 6months now.
  • mandykhara
    mandykhara Posts: 3 Member
    I'm vegetarian but am about 90% vegan and gluten free and also hoping to lose about 30-40lbs :) Also looking for any support or friends :)