So I used MyMacros, an app on iPhone which tells me that at 5ft 8.5in, 134lbs and 19 years old then to gain muscle I should be eating 2100 kcals with 147g (28%) P - 58g (25%) F and 248g (47%) C.

To me, this seems accurate. Although, I know that most people regard IIFYM and it's calculator to be the most accurate calculator generally.

IIFYM is completely different regarding results. It tells me I should be eating 2571kcals. It also says that 140g p, 54g f and 382g c should be the macros for me. This is to gain muscle at "textbook" level (10%).

IIFYM seems like it's giving a lot of calories compared to MyMacros as well as the macros differing. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me which is more accurate that they think, without being a d**k like a lot are on here when people ask questions! I'd like help, not abuse hahahaha.

P.S. activity level is that I lift weights in the gym about 5 days a week, and do 1-3 sessions of HIIT. Also, my goal here is to start gaining some muscle at a moderate rate so that I don't put too much weight on but so that I still see results.



  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    I'd favour the IIFYM version in this case. 2100 calories will not gain you much weight if any. It's very close to your maintenance (I'm 5'7" 135 lbs male so I know this). You also do not "need" 1g/lb body weight of protein to get a bit of muscle, less is ok, carbs are important too. Seems to me that a 500 cal surplus with IIFYM is the way to go. You will have to adjust after a few weeks anyway so it's ok to try one and see what works. Also be careful, you're still growing and you probably need much more than 2100 at this point in your life. My two cents.
  • edickson76
    edickson76 Posts: 107 Member
    I think each is accurate, but operating under different assumptions. For most individuals, maintenance calories tend to be somewhere in the range of 14 to 17 times your weight. So, at the low end, you've got 1876 (14*134) and at the high end 2278 (17*134). My Macros is going at the low end of that range and adding 250 calories (1876 + 250 = 2126). The idea, under My Macros, then is that you eat back whatever calories you burn through activity. IIFYM is adding 250 to its estimation of your maintenance calories given high activity level (2278 + 250 = 2528). The idea, under IIFYM, is that you don't have to track activity levels further and then eat back those calories; just eat the 2571 every day and do whatever activities you do.